Friday, December 14, 2012

Glee - Glee, Actually

So this is the Christmas episode of Glee. I know, it came on a little early but this is because it's not coming back until the new year. So let's get to it. A lot went on in this episode which made it seem kind of all over the place but it was still nice. First off, Arty had a dream which was basically a parallel universe. In this dream, Arty got his wish which is that he was never in a wheelchair. Because of this the glee club never happened. Arty was a jock, Kurt never graduated, Blaine doesn't exist, Tina still stuttered, Rachel was the librarian, Rory came back (???) and Quinn died!! Pretty crazy, right? Oh, and did I mention it was all in black and white? Thankfully, it only lasted about 10 minutes, then he woke up and everything went back to normal. 
Over to New York, Rachel and Kurt are spending their first Christmas there, well, Kurt is because Rachel was leaving to go on some cruise with her family. Kurt decided he wasn't going to go back to Ohio and so he would be alone but then, out of the blue, his dad showed up. Everything is going great and everything seems fine until his dad breaks the news to Kurt that he has prostate cancer!! Major sad face here! Everything was going so well and now this. Let's just hope that nothing bad comes of it. After all that Burt has a surprise gift for Kurt and lo and behold, it's Blaine. I must admit their reunion was a little awkward. Kurt seemed like he was fine with it but I don't think he was. And I really don't think he likes the idea of Blaine coming to NYADA. How this goes down ins going to be very interesting, but we will have to wait and see. 
Now back to Ohio. Jake is still having a hard time but Puck comes to his rescue and they take off for L.A. Puck tries to make it look like his life is cool but his cover gets blown and he and Jake end up going back to Ohio to spend Christmas with their moms, together. [SIDENOTE: While in L.A. Jake had his shirt off, but I was very unimpressed. And they got tattoos?!] We finally got to see who Jake and Puck's moms were! That get together was almost bad news but thankfully the mothers started to get along.
So, Brittany and Sam are going crazy over the whole Mayan calendar, end of the world thing. Brittany spent her whole life savings (who knew she had any) and bought very expensive gifts for her friends, and Sam asked Brittany to marry him!! They really lost their minds. And then coach Beiste agreed to marry them and they really thought they were married but, again, thank God the marriage wasn't real. And I think this proves that these two belong together because they are so alike (more than I knew) but I don't think too much good could come from their relationship. 
The final storyline of the episode is focused on Marley, her mom and their Christmas troubles. The only present Marley is getting this Christmas is a trip to the therapist so she she can, finally, get some help with her eating disorder. But, the really don't have that much money so it really is a struggle. And Sue ends up getting Marley's mom for the faculty secret santa and overhears all of this. So she actually decides to do something nice and breaks into their house and gives them a really nice Christmas and a chunk of money for the therapy. Christmas really does bring out the good in all. 
Despite all the craziness this was a nice episode. I think this was a good way to end the year, but now we have to wait, again, to see some new episodes, and from the looks of it they seem pretty steamy. Can't wait. 
Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Glee - Swan Song

Well, where should I begin?? How about at the beginning. The show starts right were it left off from last week. Everyone is rushing off the stage because Marley passed out, but they have to hurry because if they don't get back out there they get disqualified. It took them too long to realize this and they were disqualified and, of course, Sue was the one that gave them the bad news. Marley was so worried about screwing it up for everyone and she actually did it. But i\the fault is not all hers. Kitty had a hand in this; filling her head with nonsense about her weight and encouraging her to throw up. Shame on her. And everyone needs to know this because they were all so pissed at Marley for messing up, especially the seniors. I hadn't thought about it until I watched but, that was sectionals and they lost. Which means that they can't compete anymore and the seniors chance of winning nationals is over. Also, Sue has taken over the choir room and there is no other place for them to rehears. Because of this all the kids join other groups. Tina and Blaine become Cheerios, Arty joins the marching band, Ryder and Jake join the basketball team, Wade joins floor hockey, and Sam joins the inter-faith paintball team!! Insanity!! Sue finally got what she wanted (who knew) and she actually felt bad about it. I'm pretty sure that's why she let Tina and Blaine become cheerios. As the leader of the New Directions, Finn is trying to keep everyone together but, from the looks of it, Marley is the only one on board.
Meanwhile, Sam is trying to win Brittany over with a "path of cereal." They sing a duet and almost kiss but Brittany can't do it because of some lesbian blog. She's scared they'll be pissed because she's with a dude now. But after some time she decided that they didn't matter and now she and Sam are together. And I totally called this weeks ago, and they are so cute!! 
In the end it was Marley who found them a place to rehears, which was outside. That's interesting because it's winter and cold and it snowed on them and it's cold. I just wonder how long that will last before they all get frost bite?! But they all do come back, which is good. 
In New York, NYADA is about to hold their annual Winter Showcase which way too intense. First off, Whoopi's back!! But there's the deal with the Showcase: you have to be invited, Carmen hand rights each invitation and makes her own wax seal, and freshman rarely get invited. But that all changed when Rachel got her invite. This, of course, angered Cassandra and she tried everything in her power to break Rachel's spirits but it didn't work. And I must say that Rachel has got some serious balls for standing up to her teacher time and time again. I mean, this lady is grading her! She could fail her because of all this and it seems like that thought hasn't even crossed Rachel's mind. Kurt is still trying to get into NYADA and decides to pay Carmen a visit and she basically tells him that he bombed his audition again. So, it's time for the showcase and I must say that Rachel's dress is gorgeous!! Before she goes on Brody gives her a little pep talk and she, finally, kisses him. I guess they're together?? So, Rachel sings and is, obviously, amazing and she's so amazing that the crowd asks for an encore! She sings a good rendition of Oh Holy Night which is one of my favorite Christmas songs. But, I'm a little confused because Rachel's Jewish, so why is she singing a Christmas song?? But anyway, after that Carmen announces that next on the program is Kurt!! And of course he freaks out because he doesn't think he can perform but Rachel gives him a pep talk and he goes out there and gets a standing ovation!! Yay Kurt!! After the showcase Rachel has a really nice and long overdue conversation with Finn, where he cries, and she announces that she won the showcase! But Kurt is the real winner because after all that he finally gets his acceptance letter to NYADA!! So, yay Kurt and Rachel!! 
All in all, this was a great episode. We finally got to her the piano guy (I think his name is Burt) speak and good things are happening for the New Yorkers. I hope some good things start happening for the New Directions, but with them not competing who knows what the rest of the season has in store for them. Hopefully Kitty will get  confronted on how evil she was to Marley. I expected to see that this episode and there was basically nothing. 

Oh and P.S. I watched this episode with my brother who doesn't watch the show at all and he seemed to be enjoying it so it must have been a great episode. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Glee - Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving time in New York! Kurt and Rachel were about to have the most depressing Thanksgiving but Brody and SJP came to their rescue. Rachel quickly got over Brody having sex with Cassandra and let him come over and cook for her and they're back to being all flirty again. SJP was about to spend Thanksgiving alone but Kurt invited her over and then she invited a whole bunch of randoms of as well and they had a "kiki." That song (Let's Have a Kiki) was so strange, but then I looked up the lyrics and I realized that that song was made for me. And it has my nickname in it (Kiki) so it was perfect. Kurt finally called Blaine and they agreed that they would see each other for Christmas. Thank goodness because this not talking to each other was childish and getting old and at least they can be friends now. 
Meanwhile at McKinley, all the other graduates came back and helped out with sectionals. Each newbie got paired up with a graduate so they could mentor them for sectionals. They pairs were pretty obvious; Jake and Puck, Kitty and Quinn, Ryder and Mike, Wade/Unique and Mercedes, and Marley and Santana. 
Now Kitty has a bit of an obsession with Quinn and it's a bit scary. And, I guess, Jake and Ryder are friends now and Ryder gave up on Marley and just let Jake have her. 
Now let's talk about sectionals because this is when the crazy stuff happened. First off, the Warblers sang Whistle which is the worst song I've ever heard and Live While We're Young by the one and only 1D (One Direction). Major dislike from me here!! Just when you thought it couldn't get anymore ridiculous this Amish/House on a Prairie looking group came out. Wow. Then it was finally time for the New Directions and Will came back just in time to see them. Sue was also there, with her baby (random). So, the New Directions performed Gangmun Style and all was looking good. Before hand Marley was a complete mess because she wasn't eating and felt pressure from the competition and just when you thought she was going to get through it without screwing up, she passes out. And that was the end. Yes, it just ended with her passed out on the ground and everyone freaking out. 
Overall, I liked the episode. It was nice to see what was going on in New York. I loved it when Brittany, Santana and Quinn sang Come See About Me, loved the prayer before they went on, and each week I'm falling more in love with the writers. Especially when they come up with stuff like "hump her and dump her." This season is getting better with each episode and I really can't wait until next week. It looks like some stuff's about to go down. 

Oh and sorry about last week. It was Thanksgiving and I took a break.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Glee aka Glease

Grease is finally here and it's Glee style so it's Glease!! It's almost show time and of course they face problem after problem after problem. First off, Sue has returned to be the "menace to Ohio" that she used to be and is trying to sabotage everything Finn does because he called her baby retarded. So, she gets Wade pulled out of the musical. Also, Kitty is trying to ruin Marley's life first by making her costume smaller so she can't fit into it, then she calls her fat, and then she tells her she should purge to get the weight off. Now, this girl is so jealous and so mean that's it's ridiculous. I think it's because she has no friends but she's just so mean why would anyone want to be her friend. Something is definitely wrong with her. 
There is also some jealousy filled sabotage going on in New York. It looks like Rachel and Brody are getting closer and Cassandra July is not having it. I just don't know why she's so jealous. So, she overhears Rachel and Kurt talking about maybe going back to Ohio to see the play and offers to help them get there. So they go, knowing that they are going to face their ex-boyfriends, and how awkward that was. I'm pretty sure it was the epitome of awkward. 
So, it's finally show time and you think nothing can go wrong but, somehow, Marley's costume gets smaller and Kitty leads her to the bathroom to purge, but luckily Ryder comes to the rescue and saves her from the unthinkable. And I'm pretty sure he admits that he wants to be Marley's boyfriend. Oh, and he kissed so, yeah, I think he likes her. I think the craziest thing to happen was when they were singing "You're The One That I Want" and Rachel imagined her singing it to Finn and it seemed like everyone that broke up with someone was imagining singing it to that person. It was a little freaky and there was a flashback. It was a lot to wrap your head around.
And while all this Grease stuff is going on Cassandra is with a shirtless Brody doing God knows what. Rachel ends up calling him and Cassandra answers and basically tells her that she and Brody hooked up. Not really sure if that's true and not sure if we'll ever find out the truth but that what she said. And then Rachel and Finn and Kurt and Blaine have more awkward moments but they don't end well. Rachel and Finn basically decide to never speak to each other again (crazy), and Kurt realizes that he can't trust Blaine anymore and neither of them shouldn't of come there because it's not 'home.' Will there ever come back is the thing I want to know. 
Oh and Will tells everyone that he's leaving and Finn is taking over and they all freak out because they have no faith in him. And I guess because Grease went so well they changed their minds. 
I think the words I'll use to describe this episode are sabotage, craziness and jealousy. It was a great episode and it made me like Grease which is a big deal because I did not like it before now. I can't wait to see all the drama that happens next week but I'm kind of upset because Thanksgiving is next week and I will not be home to watch. But that God for DVR and don't forget to set yours too.       

Friday, November 9, 2012

Glee - The Role You Were Born To Play

Glee is finally back and they are doing the musical Grease. The musical is covered in 2 episodes and this is part one; the auditions. 
The episode starts out with Artie basically begging Finn to co-direct the show with him. He second guesses himself, but the arrival of Mercedes and Mike make him stick to him decision. Blaine is the first to audition but it's only because everyone wants him to. He's still really depressed about his break up with Finn and he doesn't feel like he should be in a musical about love when he has a broken heart. But he's the only one that can play that part so he's in. I can see why Blaine is so upset but the break up was, kind of, his fault. I think he needs to just move on and singing sad songs while looking a book full of pictures of Kurt is not going to help. Another problem they had was that Tina wasn't auditioning. She couldn't stand to be around Mike, but I guess they talked about it because she ended up getting a part. 
Next we see Marley and Wade/Unique talking (in the bathroom) about what parts they want to play. Of course Marley wants to be the lead, Sandy, but when Wade says who he wants to be it's a bit of a shock. He wants to play Rizzo, a girl. This makes sense, I mean he is Unique (a girl) also, but the problem is that he feels that people don't take him seriously and that they would never let that happen in that school. And Coach Sue, who randomly comes out of the stall, reinforces that opinion. But, Marley and Wade both audition and he says he wants to play Rizzo. Sue then goes to the principal, who didn't even know Wade was a guy, to complain. But, Finn is in charge so the decision is his and he wants Wade to be Rizzo so Wade is Rizzo. 
Now, all the main roles are filled except for the male lead role of Danny Zuko. No one can seem to think of anyone that would be right for this role, so Finn goes on the hunt. He finds himself at football practice where he spots Ryder, an okay football player with very nice end zone dance moves. Finn tries to persuade him to  audition but he won't sing. So Finn helps him out by singing with him and it looks like he's in as Danny Zuko but Jake's jealousy gets in the way. You see, Ryder and Marley started forming a friendship and Jake wasn't too happy about that. So he and Kitty, of all people, audition for Sandy and Danny. They end up having to do call backs and this is the outcome: Marley and Ryder are Sandy and Danny, Jake and Kitty have smaller parts. I can't wait to see what happens with Marley and Jake. They aren't together but I can't help but think that there's going to be a love triangle. 
While all this is going on, Will and Emma seem to be going through it because Will wants her to come to Washington with him but she doesn't want to go. At first she says she'll go, but thankfully Coach Beiste knocks some sense into her. Emma tells will she's not going to go and he seems fine with it. Let's just hope that this is one of those 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' moments. Will also tells Finn that he's leaving for a few months and the episode ends with Will asking Finn to take over the New Directions. I saw coming from a mile away. I hope he takes the job. Then maybe Mike and Mercedes will stay and help him out. 
Overall, I like this episode. We didn't see any of New York, but I'm fine with that. All that back and forth doesn't have to be in every episode. We just need to see them every once in a while but not every week; it's just too much. Well, I can't wait to see what happens next week when they actually put on the musical. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Switched at Birth - Street Noises Invade the House

This episode was the fall finale and, like I expected, this was a shocker! So much crazy stuff happened, especially in the last 5 minutes, that had me speechless. I think I sat there with my mouth hanging open for about 5 minutes after the episode. 
So let's start with Daphne. She and Jeff are still together but someone said something and now the owner of the restaurant is doing an investigation! So Daphne is all upset about the whole thing and doesn't know what to do to fix it. In a conversation with Emmett she comes up with the idea that she should quit her job so they could still be together but that doesn't help. What makes her think that them being co-workers is the problem? It's her age, but she doesn't understand that. She gets even more upset and then tell Regina which was stupid. Regina then tells Angelo and that's why he was punching Jeff. And that's crazy because he was never much of a father to Daphne and now he's all like "I am her father" and what not. I can't blame him for trying, I just want to know where all this is coming from. Well, Jeff broke up with her only after she said she loved him. Pretty insane and I can't help but wonder if no one found out about them would they still be together? And another question I have is why did they show her with birth control pills? It had to be important or they wouldn't have shown it and they didn't way anything about Daphne having sex or being pregnant in the rest of the episode so why did they show her with those pills? 
Now Bay is getting more and more out of control. She tried living with Zarra but that SMACK dude came looking for her so it didn't work out. Then she tried to run away to Mexico with Zarra to do street art with Zarra's father, but John tracks her phone and he and Emmett (crazy) go after her. While on the road she starts having second thoughts about this whole trip and, I think, her friendship with Zarra. John and Emmett eventually find her and they actually talk, like a real conversation and not a screaming match. When they're finished they come back to the car where Emmett and Zarra are supposed to be but Emmett is the only one there. It turns out that Zarra took off only after she took all of the money for a bus ticket to Mexico. I fell like she was bad news from the beginning. I fell like all she wanted was the money which sucks because I kind of liked her but know I think she's bad news. But here's the other shocking moment, Bay and Emmett have a little moment and almost kiss!! NUTS!! I wonder if they'll get back together or least be friends or something. 
Now on to the trial which really brought out some of the most shocking moments of this episode. Kathryn gives her testimony and it doesn't look good after that. She basically said that she wouldn't change the switch and that she's okay with it which contradicts what the trial is all about. But the jury rules in their favor but only awards them in the amount of $1. I thought that was pretty funny and I would have been pissed at them if they had a problem with that but luckily they didn't. I big news is that the also ruled in favor of Angelo (never knew he was suing them too) and award him with 5 MILLION dollars!! That is just a jaw dropper and it seemed like no one expected that to happen. I wonder if Angelo knew anything about this because he told Regina that things could be better for him and her after the trial. And now that they're married she has a right to all that money. They could get their own place and everything. But the real jaw dropper of them all is that some random pregnant woman comes into the court room after everyone but Bay and Daphne leave and ask where Angelo is, and then it just ends. Pretty big cliff hanger here. I mean, all I can think is who is she and who got her pregnant and that it better not be Angelo because he's going to have to pay child support and that 5 million is going to fade away. I really hope that her being pregnant has nothing to do with her looking for Angelo and I can't wait until January 7th to find out!!! Yes, you read that right, the new season isn't coming back until January. I know I have to wait but I'll be freaking out and trying to find sneak peaks until then. 
This is by far the best episode of this show ever. Biggest cliff hanger of my life!! Well, until January 7th!! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Switched at Birth - The Trail

In this episode Bay scrambles around to find the money she stole while Daphne is continuing her relationship with her boss, Angelo comes back, Toby is trying to get his band started and the hospital trial is starting. So Bay is trying to get all of the money back before John has to make the deposit to the bank which would not only cause her to get in trouble but Travis as well because he was the one that opened the safe for her. In a nerve racking scene Bay and Travis get the money back to the safe just moments before John comes in the office. But where she got the money from is kind of shocking. She got it from Simone!! We don't know if she told Simone the true story but we can assume. All may seem fine but Travis tells Daphne everything and then Bay threatens to tell John what Bay did. So Bay is forced to tell her mother who becomes furious with her. She promises not to tell John but ends up doing so and he is also furious. Neither of them know what to do with her and with the trial going on they can't even focus on her punishment. The most shocking thing with the storyline is when Bay leaves! She moves out/runs away to stay with Zarra. Now I was expecting her to leave her house but I wasn't expecting her to go to Zarra's; I thought she would at least try living with Regina first. But I guess she doesn't want to be anywhere near her parents right now. 
Now Daphne's relationship with Jeff is moving pretty fast. They seem to be falling in love. But Melody finds out about the whole thing and tries to talk Daphne out of it but, of course, she doesn't listen. Then Jeff gets worried that they might get caught and breaks it off but Daphne won't take that and goes to his house where we see them kiss and can assume that they "got it on." To that, all I can say is oh my gosh!
While all this is going on the hospital trial begins and Angelo returns. Regina isn't too happy about his return. It seems like she's still upset about breaking up with Patrick, but she still goes to see Angelo testify where he basically says that he loves her. After his testimony the trial seems to be going in a good direction but the testimony of the hospital nurse makes it seem like the Kennish's  are going to lose. But their lawyer comes to the rescue by finding out the hospital had another switch and uses one of the moms to testify. Things start looking good but now the hospital wants Kathryn to testify. No one knows why but I think they are going to bring up the fact that she never knew her daughter wasn't her daughter. I don't know how this would help the hospital but I could be wrong. 
Apart from the trial, Toby is starting his band with Nikki and Emmett. They sound really good together and everyone is really excited, except for Nikki's boyfriend. He tells her that she can't be in a band with 2 boys, but Toby fights for it and she agrees to come back. I think she's going to end up breaking up with this guy and get with Toby. 
So much stuff happened in this episode and all of it is setting up for one explosive finale. I can't wait to see all of the crazy things that happen in that episode! Make sure you all watch and look for my review. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Switched at Birth - We Are The Kraken of Our Own Sinking Ships

First off that title is way too long. This episode should have just been called awkward because of all the awkward moments. 
Moving on to the episode; Bay is completely out of control!! I don't know if she just wants to be rebellious or what but she's losing it. Her parents finally meet Zarra and clearly don't like her. So they try to distract Bay from Zarra by inviting her ex-boyfriend from the Galapagos and his parents over for dinner. That whole reunion was awkward because he thought Bay planned the whole thing, but the he found out she didn't. Then Bay gets a call from Zarra who is in jail and needs $1500 to get bailed out! So Bay, of course, comes up with a story to get out and get the money. Bay's ultimate low point was when she goes to her dad's shop to get some of the money, well steal it!! This is when I really started to not like Zarra. I mean, at first she was pretty cool but now she just seems like trouble and Bay is doing some crazy thing for this girl. What really made me mad was when Zarra basically lied about who Bay was baling out. There was another person she got out!! And I could tell Bay was not happy about that and she has every right to be. She stole $1200 from her dad; that's huge! I have no idea what her parents are going to do with her once they find out about this. Maybe she'll get kicked out of something? I don't know. 
Now Daphne is in a very interesting situation. We all know that Scuba likes her and when he finds out about her and Chef he tries to use it to his advantage, but that doesn't work. He still gets fired. I just can't believe that Chef is still going to be with Daphne. I just hope they don't get caught by the police before her parents find out. 
Now Toby is still seeing that girl Nikki and they are very cute together, but then there comes the awkward moment when her boyfriend calls!! That is just super awkward for Toby because you could tell that he really liked her. My question is, why did she lead him on like that?? Then she went on to sing him a song and tell him a super serious story about when her dad got shot. she basically poured her soul out to him. I guess it all inspired Toby to forget about the mess with Emmett because he went to Emmett's house and asked to be in his new band. So their friends again. 
Regina also started up her relationship with Patrick again, but that didn't last long. He basically told her that her marriage to Angelo is real even though she keeps saying that it isn't, and I totally agree. I think she still loves Angelo and just doesn't know it herself yet. I like them together anyways. 
I enjoyed this episode and I think the next ones are going to be pretty crazy, especially when people start finding out about Bay and Daphne. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Glee - The Break Up

Well, it looks like everyone breaks up in this episode. The only way I can do this is if I go through each couple left. So, here we go.
Let's start with Klaine. To me it seemed like Kurt didn't really have much time for Blaine anymore. I mean, he was denying his phone calls and when they were talking it seemed to be all about Kurt. So, Blaine decides to surprise Kurt and come visit 2 weeks earlier than planned. They go out to this club/karaoke bar place called Callbacks and Blaine sings this depressing version of Teenage Dream to Kurt. Kurt realizes that something is wrong with him and Blaine admits that's he cheated, and with a random!! Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen!! Kurt breaks down but we aren't exactly sure if they are officially broken up. It wasn't said, but we can assume. I think it's over but who knows/
Moving on to Finchel. In the last episode we saw Finn surprise Rachel in New York and in this episode we see them acting like a couple. This is all too weird and awkward because Finn basically caught Rachel and Brody together and we don't even hear them discuss that. So Finn kind of got an honorable discharge from the Army because he shot himself. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh at this. I know it's wrong but it is kind of funny. Anyways, they also go out to Callbacks and Rachel wants to sing a duet with Finn but he insist that she sings it with Brody. So Rachel and Brody sing Give Your Heart a Break and, of course, it's really good. During their performance it looked like Finn was thinking that they had something going on and afterwards Rachel admits that she kissed Brody. Finn gets upset but I'm really confused. I thought they were broken up a long time ago, so why is he so upset. This like some Ross, Rachel "we were on a break" type stuff going on here. Then Finn goes back to McKinley and Rachel follows him there. They fight and then Rachel breaks up with him and this time it's definite.
Brittana is another couple that has a break up type thing. Santana comes home to do her laundry and stays for a visit. Brittany invites her to this left behind club thing hosted by Kitty (who's a nut job). Then they have a moment in the choir room when Santana sings Mine to Brittany. Then they agree to go their separate ways. This was the conversation that I wish all the couples like this should have had to avoid all the cheating.
Now Kitty and Jake break up too but they weren't together for that long and it looks like Will and Emma are going to be spending sometime apart but from the look of the preview for the next episode, I'm not too sure.
Now for some sidenotes. Kitty is crazy and I think she needs to be looked at by a psychiatrist. Something is seriously wrong with her because that whole left behind prank was just cruel. We finally see Tina in this episode but only for a few seconds (boo). There was no Sue in this episode. What's up with that, she hilarious?! And they're doing Greece!! During that scene I couldn't help but think that Finn could be the one to take Will's place when he leaves, but Finn can't dance so I don't know.
Overall this was a pretty emotional episode. I guess now everyone can finally move on and live their lives without any attachments. this episode really was real life. I thought that the entire time. This was a very accurate showing of what happens when people try to stay with their high school loves after they graduate. So good job Ryan Murphy. I'm kind of mad that I have to wait an entire month for a new episode but I can deal, I think. Until November!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Switched at Birth - Declaration of Independence

This show is getting so good!! 
Let me start by saying Bay and Zarra get themselves into a lot of trouble, but they are breaking the law, so ... That SMACK guy is a real punk. He ran off so fast, he didn't even try to fight! But, I have this bad feeling that they just started something that's going to end in a dangerous way. Let's just hope this guy doesn't go looking for them with a gun or something. 
I don't understand Bay's parents. did they really think that she was going to just stop doing graffiti just because it's the "right thing to do"? I mean, she's been doing it for 2 years did they really think she was just going o stop?? And she didn't stop and it seems like she won't stop and she's going to have to live with the consequences. I just wonder what they will say to her after she announced that. I really wish she and Emmett would get back together but he cheated and can't be trusted. I don't really understand their relationship at the moment. It seems like they're friends but Bay was using him to get what she wanted so I don't really know. 
Daphne's life seems to be a complete mess. She finally finds out about Emmett's mom and her boss getting together!! And she doesn't like it one bit, but that doesn't stop her and she finally gets what she wants; a kiss. But I'm not too sure I like this relationship. He is her boss and she is in high school. I'm pretty sure this is illegal and I have the feeling that Daphne's going to get fired or Jeff is going to get into a lot of trouble, especially when her parents find out because I'm pretty sure they will and I mean all of them. And, I know that John is not going to like this one bit. And what will happen when Melody finds out?? 
I'm happy that Toby is finally getting out of the house and it seems like a new relationship is forming. Good for him. 
I really think that they parents need to pay more attention to their children. They really have no idea what's going on. I don't expect them to know every little thing about their child. I just don't get how Bay's parents didn't know that she was tagging places for 2 years!!! I really don't get it. And I think that Regina needs to spend more time with Bay. In the beginning of the season they were really starting to get to know each other and I don't know what happened. 
Overall, this was a good episode. There is trouble brewing for both girls and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Glee - Makeover

It's "GLEE-lection" time!!! That's right, this episode focuses on the election for senior class president. First off we see Blaine singing 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' and signing up for just about every club at that school. Then he decides to run for president against Brittany. Sam ends up running with Blaine and Artie runs with Brittany for the VP slot. Sam get a makeover because he really could care less about being VP and Brittany gets a makeover because everyone thinks she's just going to say something stupid and that's the only reason why they care about the election. And then when the debate comes, Brittany basically sabotages herself by trying to outlaw summer and weekends!! So, of course, Blaine wins but he's not happy about it because he did it all for Kurt who is so wrapped up in his new job that he won't even answer Blaine's call. But Sam comes to the rescue (again) and cheers Blaine up. Also, we see Sam crushing on Brittany. First he gets mad she didn't pick him as her VP, then he votes for her, and then they have that oh so cute scene at the end. Yeah, he definitely likes her. 
Also at WMHS, Will is totally bored out of his mind and doesn't know why. Sue tells him that now he reached his goal of the glee club winning nationals that he needs to move on from all of it. And he takes her advice and applies for some government type blue ribbon job. The real issue here is that he will be LEAVING for a few months!! So what's going to happen to the glee club if he gets the job?? Will they get a new teacher? Will it cease to exist? Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow will take over for a little while again? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 
Over in New York Kurt is blossoming at his internship at and Rachel is stuck in a rut because her clothes are ugly and gets made fun of because of it. So Kurt decides to give her a makeover and takes her to his job, but they get caught by his boss (Sarah Jessica Parker). But she loves the idea that Kurt has of making the whole thing a video so they stay and Rachel FINALLY gets some new clothes. Now she actually looks like an 18 adult and not some little kid. And, of course, Brody likes it. They sing and flirt and almost kiss some more and then Rachel invites him over to her place for dinner and that's when things get hot and heavy (kinda literally). First, Rachel burns the food (hot), then she and Brody finally share a kiss that turns into a mini make out session that gets interrupted by a knock at the door. Rachel thinks it's Kurt but to her ( and all of our) surprise it's FINN!! Out of nowhere comes Finn, back from the Army. We don't know why he's back but he is and he catches Rachel. But, she's not really cheating so ...?? 
We finally see some drama this week and there's only so much more to come. The preview for next week looks like everyone that's in a relationship won't be anymore. I predict a lot of yelling and a lot of tears. I can't wait for next week!! This show is finally picking up and getting good and I'm happy because I was really beginning to worry. Until next week! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Switched at Birth - Tree of Forgiveness

So this episode started off with John's shop getting tagged again, this time it's not by Bay. John makes it very clear that he doesn't like it and this time he gets into a huge argument with Bay about it. She thinks it's art, he doesn't. She makes a point and he says it's the stupidest thing he ever heard. How rude!! Doesn't he realize that his daughter like art?! I guess not. Meanwhile back at the house, Angelo is trying to get to know Daphne more, but she won't let him, until he nails his own hand and she is the only one there to take him to the doctors. They finally have a serious conversation there and Angelo tries to get her to move on. She finally gets it and it's about time. This guy is living in the same house as him. It was only a matter of time until they would be alone together. I'm just happy that Daphne is starting to move on. You can only be mad at a person for so long. 
Toby finally gets back to his music in this episode thanks to his mom. She basically tricks him into playing a gig at their old church, but she gets played because he doesn't want to do and refused to and he tells her the truth about why he and Simone broke up. Then she ends up singing and that's the only thing that gets him to play. I never knew she could sing, if that was really her. (Sorry, I have to be skeptical of everything. You never know.) Toby also meets a nice girl there. Do I see a relationship coming on??  
One of the big shockers of the episode was when Bay told her dad that she tagged his shop and also tagged other places. I didn't know what he was going to do but I wasn't expecting to do nothing. She basically poured her soul out to him and all he could say was that he doesn't know her anymore. I guess we'll see more of that situation next week, hopefully. 
Bay also talks to Emmett and they're actually quit civil towards each other. But she assumes that he like this Robyn girl he just met and let's the be to bond over motorcycles. 
Regina had an important conversation with Simone about life and drinking when she caught her buying alcohol. That's another new relationship we see form in this episode. I just wonder if Regina will end up being her sponger. That would be really interesting, especially when the kids find out. 
The last interesting thing that happened in this episode was the conversation Angelo and Regina had. He tries to get her to move on as well and just like Daphne she does and they have a little cute moment because they both have wraps on their hands. That was so cute, and I can't help but wonder if their fake marriage will turn in to a real one. We'll see. *fingers crossed*

Friday, September 21, 2012

Glee - Britney 2.0

"It's Britney b!tch!" That's right, another episode full of Britney Spears songs. It all started when Britney gets kicked off the Cheerios for poor grades and misses Santana so much that she hits rock bottom and keeps going down. She gets so depressed that she lip-syncs, beats up J.B.I. with an umbrella and almost shaves her head! But thank God for Sam who is the only one that understands and comes to her rescue, which is very interesting. I couldn't help but think if there is a new relationship sparking there. In the end she finally gets herself together, gets back on the Cheerios, and gets a C on her test!! It looks like she might actually graduate this year.
Also, Marly is seriously crushing on Jake, and it seemed like he really liked her too. He sang with her, gave her his jacket and stood up for her and her mom. But, somehow Kitty swoops in to ruin the day by announcing that she and Jake are together! Where did that come from?! I'm pretty sure this is just her way to take down the New Directions. And what is Kitty's deal. Something's up with her. I need to see more of her story so I can try to understand why she's such a mean girl. Jake finally joins the New Directions and who knew that all it took was a meeting with Puck!! I wasn't expecting their first meeting to be like that, but I'm glad Puck got through to Jake. I really hope that Marly and Jake don't become the new Rachel and Finn. I see some similarities with the whole girl crushing on guy that's dating the cheerleader thing.
Meanwhile in New York, Rachel and Kurt move in to an apartment together. Rachel is also having problems with her dance teacher, Cassandra, (again). Now Cassandra doesn't think that Rachel is sexy, which I can totally see. So who does Rachel turn to for help, the oh so sexy Brody. They do a very sexy dance to 'Oops I Did It Again.' But, Rachel's plan doesn't really work so she goes off on Cassandra and gets kicked out of class! In the end she apologizes and she's allowed to practice the tango and embrace her new sexy. Now let's talk about the most explosive part of this storyline. Brody confesses his like for Rachel and tries to kiss her!! But, she denies the kiss!! Obviously because of Finn, but in the end we see her paint over his name in hearts on her wall. This makes me think that she will finally get together with Brody. I just want to know more about Brody. We don't really know much of anything about him. And he's junior ... why is he so interested in a freshman? I hope we find out more about him as the season unfolds.
Overall, this was a good episode. I liked the song they chose, took me down memory lane a little bit. I don't think it was better than the first Britney episode, but it was good and I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Switched at Birth - The Shock of Being Seen

I must say that this episode was a real shocker. Let's start at the beginning. 
So Bay is trying to show off her Vasquez side by trying to get in with these "taggers" (if that's the appropriate word). I guess it's nice that she's trying to hang out with people that have the same interests as her but it's not okay because it is illegal and she could get arrested again. We'll see how this goes. 
Life for Angelo is super awkward now, and John seems so jealous of him being there, especially when Angelo offers to help Bay with her school work. And that whole "that's what dads are for line" was a hit to his pride. 
I'm not surprised that Bay used Angelo to get out and I'm not surprised that he let her do it. I'm glad John knocked some sense into him. The one thing that shocked me with Bay's storyline is that she tagged her own dad's shop!! I mean, that takes some balls, and it must have really sucked to have to paint over your own work. But, she got a picture and she's in with the tagger now. And let's not forget how rude and stereotypical John was with the whole thing. That mad me so angry, but we can talk about that later. 
Now on to Daphne. She really tried to find her inner sexy in this episode. But, she is in high school and Jeff is  a college graduate and that's illegal. She needs to just find out the age of that nice guy that was helping her and try to get with him or someone that's actually in high school, because she can't keep embarrassing herself like she did with Jeff. And I find it so funny how she asked Emmett if he sees her as a nerd because he definitely liked her but she couldn't see it so she lost her chance, and she'll probably never take a chance with him now that he's a cheater. 
On to Regina and Kathryn. I think it's nice that they are attempting to hangout and be friends but Kathryn was a little jealous in this episode, too. And I think it's pretty explosive that Angelo had something going on with that nurse. I wonder what that was about, and I hope that by Kathryn telling her lawyer about it, it won't hurt Angelo. I actually like him and I think he needs to get to know Bay more and become a real father. 
Oh, and let's not forget the end when Jeff was leaving Melody's house!!! Doesn't that make him kind of a hypocrite?? I just wonder what will happen when Daphne and Emmett find out.

Okay, I'm just gonna go on a little rant about John right now. He's kind of a jerk and getting on my bad side. Some of the things he says to Bay is just not okay. That line when he said something along the lines of "your art's great but when you actually apply yourself you can be somebody" (or something like that), that was rude and I could tell Bay didn't lie it much either. Doesn't he know that art is her passion?! Does he not think that she can make it in life as an artist? It seems to me that he doesn't appreciate her art and that's not okay with me and it won't be okay with Bay either. That's my piece, I'm done. 

Overall, this episode was a shocker and hopefully the ones that follow will be just as or more explosive than this one. Until next week!  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Glee - The New Rachel

Where do I begin?? Let me start by saying how happy I am that Glee is finally back on!! The wait was too long and now it's finally over!! I must say that I was very skeptical of what the show was going to  be like after graduation. But, I was pleasantly surprised. Let's start with the graduates we saw in this episode; Rachel and Kurt.
So Rachel finally gets kicked off her high horse and someone actually tells her that she sucks. Although that was pretty rude and discouraging it was needed. Rachel has been on top for too long and it's about time she got a taste of the bottom. And Kate Hudson's character is very interesting and I can't help but wonder if they will dwell on her whole alcohol drinking situation. I actually feel bad for Rachel now. I mean, she's in a new town that she thought she was gonna rock and it's miserable for her. I feel her pain. Freshman year sucks. Period. But, thankfully she found a friend (a hot guy) to pull her out of her misery and knock some sense into her. Which is just what Kurt got from Blaine and thank God for Blaine because Kurt was starting to get really depressing. I was starting to think he had some kind of separation anxiety or something. But thank God he got himself together and went off to New York, where he belongs. And he really does have the best dad in the world and when he cried I almost broke down myself. And now Kurt and Rachel are finally together.
Now on to the "new New Directions." I love Wade/Unique and I'm so happy that he/she is in the New Directions now. I was wondering what they were going to do because the club is now on top because of their nationals win. But, when there's a will there's a way and that way is Kitty. Kitty is like the student form of Sue Sylvester and it's no surprise that she's a Cheerio and Sue's personal assistant. Side note: Sue's baby is adorable! My heart melted. Now Jake and Marley; let's start with Marley. I knew that her mom was gonna be the lunch lady and she is the BEST mom in the world. I'm so glad she's good, but I did think she was going to choke at her audition but she didn't. And I don't care what anyone thinks, Marley is becoming the new Rachel whether Blaine likes it or not. Now on to Jake. That boy is a piece of eye candy and he better get himself together and join the New Directions because he can sing.
Now overall, this was a good episode. The songs that they chose were great and as hard as it may be to admit, I was singing along to Call Me Maybe. I enjoyed it and I can't wait to see what they're going to do for the rest of the season. And thanks for the eye candy!! (LOL)  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Bodyguard

I wanted to see this movie for a while but I never found it. But a couple days ago I found it so I watched. I can't believe that I hadn't seen this before. This movie is so good!! I mean, I didn't think that it was possible for me to laugh, cry , and feel a little scared while watching one movie. This was a thriller, and a love story with some comedy all wrapped in one. The acting was  good too which is a huge plus.
I just thought that this movie was about a singer and her bodyguard but it wasn't just that. I don't want to give away anything but there are so many twist and turns in this film. I honestly couldn't predict and thing and that's major for me.
I'm not gonna say anything more because I don't want to spoil it for you. Just go watch it for yourself and then you'll know what I mean.

Switched at Birth

Sorry about not doing the 1st episode, my computer was down. But, I'm happy to be back so let's get to it. 
Angelo and Regina are married!!! I had a feeling this was gonna happen, but not exactly like this. I just hope that everything works out and they both don;t have to go to jail because that would be a hot mess. Who else was shocked when Toby pushed Emmett to the ground?!? I know I was. I mean, it's okay that he's mad, he has a right to be, but to push him seems a bit much but, he did deserve it. 
One thing I don't get is how this whole living situation will work. What if the immigration people come and he and Regina are just chilling out in their respective houses?? Then what are they gonna say/do? I  think it would've made more sense if Bay and Daphne switched spots. Then they could both be with their 'bio' families and get to know them better. I just can't wait to see how this will all pan out. 
Oh and why in the world was Simone at that AA meeting?? Is she and alcoholic?? She was drunk when she slept with Emmett so maybe she is an alcoholic ... I guess we just have to wait to find out! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fall Premieres

I know I took a bit of a hiatus and said I would post but I didn't. I had a bit of a job that pretty much wiped me out by the end of the day. But the job is over for the summer (it was a camp) and my fall shows are starting to come back so I will be posting. 
Switched at Birth comes back Sept 3 and I will definitely be posting on that. As well as Glee, of course, that comes back Sept 13!!! Super excited about both so keep a look out for them. And remember, I'm willing to check out any new show and review it so let me know. OH, and remember Glee is on Thursday night now at 9pm!!! Can't wait!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Game - Season 6

Well here is the news we've all (well maybe just me) have been waiting for (about Tia and Pooch)!! Follow this link >>>>> click here

Now I hope that they do come back for guest appearances. And I guess Kelly's never coming back because her name was not on the list of returning cast members. I am happy that Brandy is coming back. I just hope that that story line is good. I really just hope that the writers don't make it corny or stupid because that would just be awful.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer TV

Okay guys I really need some help.
All of my shows that I review are over. Which means that I won't have anything to post except reviews of movies. The only problem is that I'm not sure how often I'll get to the theater this summer so I don't know how often I'll have post up.
Here is where you come in. Tell me the shows you're watching or will be watching this summer. Even if it already started I'll go back and watch the episodes I missed. The only thing is that if it's in a season other than the first it'll probably take me longer to catch up. And if it's a show that I don't need to watch the other episodes to be able to understand let me know!!
Thank guys. I really wanna keep giving you posts every week so I really appreciate your comments.

The Game - Season Finale

I must say that everything that happened in this episode shocked the living crap outta me!!! I didn't see any of it coming, which is a surprise because I've been able to predict most of the things that happened this season. 
First off, since when was Jason so un-cheap?!?! I mean, he's buying shops and rings and paying for people's drinks. This is such a new side of him. I think it was so sweet that he got Chardonnay her shop and they're staying married!!! YAY!!! I wanted that to happen. I really thought that Kelly was coming back. I just really wonder why he called her and what they talked about. Maybe we'll find out next season if she returns?? 
With Rick Fox being back I was expecting him to run and see Tasha as soon as possible. But, that phone call at the end was pure genius!! This story line next season is gonna be crazy. She might be forced to choose and I wanna see who she picks because I can't call it. I like her with Pookie but I also liked her with Rick Fox. 
So Malik is back to his old ways. I felt so bad for him. Jenna was like the perfect person for him and it just didn't work out. But, she really needs help. I'm mad though because I thought Malik was growing out of this but I guess this is just who he's always gonna be.
Now on to Melanie and Derwin. Really didn't see any of that coming. I was really expecting her to just leave and not come back but, she didn't which is nice. And when he showed up at the airport!!!! That was a huge shocker!! And it really makes sense because it is the off season so he really doesn't need to be in Cali right now. I have to bring something up about them leaving the show. I really with that BET or the Akils would come out with some official statement because I'm still unsure as to what is going on. We know that Tia's not coming back, she posted it all on Twitter. But what I'm unsure of is if Pooch is coming back or not. I've read all over that he isn't but something on Twitter made me think. Someone on Twitter said that he never said anything about it. And that's true. I never saw an interview or a tweet of him saying it so I just need to know. And I've never been one to believe everything I've read which is why I need to hear it from the person's mouth. Someone needs to tell us so we can be absolutely sure. 
Back to the show. Overall this episode was great. My sister even said that she was gonna watch it everyday. I know that a bit of an exaggeration but that's major coming from a person that started to give up on the show. I'm mad still, though!! Every time I think this show is getting bad they bring out an episode like this one and I just can't say that I'll stop watching. Next season is gonna be crazy ... well I hope it's crazy. The Game finally got back to what it used to be. Now, I'm mad it took them this long to get there but I'm happy that got there and I hope they stay. 
So, until next season. I hope we all can wait that long. :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Game

I am so mad. How come they waited until the second to last episode to get good?!?! Now, I really can't wait to see what happens in the season finale.
Let's start with Jason. I was really beginning to like him with Chardonnay. Why did they have to go and break up. And we (should) know that the explanation he gave her was not the truth. I mean, he called KELLY (of all people) and started talking about relationships and what not. But, of course, they cut away before we could get anymore information. My guess is that Jason misses her and wants her back or at least wants to try and mend that relationship. I guess this means that Kelly might be coming back for season 6! 
Moving on to Malik. Jenna's  back again ... and she's acting a bit crazy. I mean, she did give him the okay to see other people so why did she get so mad that a girl called his phone. This is Malik Wright we're talking about. And then he just randomly gets arrested!! I hope he gets out in time to play because this is the championship game. You can't just forfeit that. I'm sure they can find someone else to take his place. I hope they have another quarterback. If you think about it, those police officers didn't say they were arresting him for anything or read him his rights. So, he could just leave the police station. Hopefully Jenna goes to get him. I wonder if the owner of the Sabers can send police to get players. Maybe that's what happen. One can only hope. 
Melanie is really starting to get on my nerves. When you're married to a football player you need to just face the fact that your life will revolve around football. And I still don't think it's necessary for her to do her residency at John's Hopkins. What about the hospital she worked at with "McHottie?" Why can't she do it there? I feel bad for Derwin because he wants is his wife by his side during this stressful time and she is too busy worrying about herself. I think she's being selfish. I know she wants to have a career of her own but there are other ways to do it without leaving her husband behind. And what was with that guy in the airport? Who was he? I honestly thought that it was gonna be Trey Wiggs. That would've been interesting. And Rick Fox ... RICK .. FOX (hand motions and all) come back!!!!! What is up with that?!?!? Me and sister both screamed when we saw that!! maybe he'll knock some sense in to Melanie?
I started to think that Tasha was pregnant but now I'm not too sure. I mean, why would they do that?? Maybe she is and that's why Rick Fox is back ... to create some drama. I have a feeling she is not over him yet. I guess we'll have to see. 
Overall, this was a great episode. I'm mad it ended the way it did but I will definitely be watching next week!! I got a feeling it's gonna be pretty explosive! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Game

I have to say that this was the first time in the history if life that I didn't get to see the entire episode last night and DIDN'T CARE!!!! I am just so mad at this show right now, but let's talk about the episode first. 
While watching last night's episode I couldn't help but think that the show is coming to an end really soon, or should come to an end really soon. I just don't see what they can do with these characters know. I mean, Tasha's finally found a good man and it doesn't look like she is gonna run him away! Malik is finally back to being the starting QB of the Sabers, Jason's really in love, and Melanie and Derwin are probably moving to D.C. ... well, we'll see about that . Because from the looks of things, they are probably on the verge of a divorce!! I have a feeling that it's not gonna happen but that's what it looks like. What else could happen? But, maybe the writers have something up their sleeves, the season is not over yet. The next episode looks to be pretty explosive but I don't know. I'm not gonna expect anything. 

Okay so why am I mad at this show?? It has to do with what happened last week. I'm just mad because of when we found out. Why didn't they wait until the season was over. And when did it all go down?? Was it recently or months ago?? I just don't want the show to end badly. From the comments I've read, many people aren't gonna watch next season and I don't want it to get cancelled AGAIN because of bad ratings. I kinda just want season 6 to be it's final season so it can get a proper ending. With the main couple leaving and all the stuff that happened this season, it needs to end. It's sad but that's how I feel. I guess we just have to wait and see. I will be watching. 

Glee - Season finale

They're graduated!!! Puck, Finn, Rachel, Mercedes, Quinn, Mike, Santana and Kurt are on their way to bigger and better things ... well, most of them. 
Let's start with Puck. I'm glad he passed the test. I wanted him to graduate. Now, I don't know what he's gonna do (I might have missed this, is he still going to clean pools in Cali?) but I hope it's great. 
We finally got to here what Mercedes was doing. Moving all the way to California and going to UCLA. Oh and she got a record deal. Good for her. I hope she emerges from background singing and gets her chance. 
Not much was said about Mike, except that he got into his school, which is good. 
I'm glad Santana is gonna follow her dreams and go to New York. And I never thought that Brittany was a senior. Then again I didn't know what grade she was in or how she got through high school considering, now, that she has a 0.0 GPA. 
Quinn surprised me. First off she kissed Puck!! Didn't see that coming. And she was all about leaving the past behind but she went and got those passes for her and Rachel so they could remain friends. That's great though. You can't just leave these people in the past and never look back. Especially because they are like a family and you can't just leave family behind. 
Now on to Kurt, Finn and Rachel. I was not prepared for what happened to them!! For some reason I felt that Finn wasn't going to get into school. I don't know why but I just did. But I thought, for sure, that both Kurt and Rachel would get in to NYADA. That really shocked me. But, the thing that shocked me the most was that ending!!!!! That was complete ambush of Rachel. And Finn is going to the ARMY!!!!!! WHAT?!?!?! That is crazy!! I am happy that Rachel didn't deffer her acceptance. She is a star and needs to continue with her dreams. 
Overall this was a sad episode. Right from the beginning I could feel tears in my eyes. I think one of the saddest moments was with Quinn and Sue. I mean, Sue cried!!! I think the only thing that kept me from crying was my brother's hilarious commentary. 
I just can't help but wonder what next season is gonna be like. All of the original cast members will be returning. I just hope that continuing the show won't hurt it. It's hard when you have a show that takes place in a school where people graduate. But, I think it'll be okay since they will be seen. I just wonder if they'll introduce any new freshman??Until next time. It's been great!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Secret Life

I know I've on again off again with reviewing this show but sometimes I just don't have anything to say, but today I do. I have some words of advice for the people of Secret Life: Mind your own damn business!! Oh and stop gossiping!!!
I feel like ... no I know that all of the problems in the episode wouldn't of happened if people weren't so busy spreading other people's business and wrong business at that. No one knows if Amy's mom is gay or not but her. And the fact that she isn't in the country makes it a thousand time worse!!!!
I am also convinced that every episode has a message or a lesson that it wants to teach the people watching and obviously this week it was to stop spreading other people's business and mind your own!!!
One thing I really wanna know is if Amy really is gonna get married. Right now I really don't know. I have no predictions about that. Sometimes I think she does and others I think she doesn't want to. I guess time will have to tell. 
I also think it's pretty dumb that Amy's dad and Grace's mom are together. They are both idiots for getting a divorce in the first place. But I guess if that happened there would be no show, so ...
And where the heck is Ashley??? We saw her, what, once this entire season!! But then again she doesn't have much going on that can't be said in a sentence so maybe it's best she's not around?? 
All I wonder is what Amy's mom is gonna do when she gets back. But Amy's dad was right. They probably will be talking about something else by that time. So, until next time!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Glee - Props and Nationals

Let's start with Props. I was so confused while watching this. I will first say that Tina was right. She really is ignored and she does deserve the same treatment (I guess that the word) that everyone else gets. I agree that everyone was there to make Rachel look good, and why does Tina have to wait until her senior year just to get a solo?? Is that really fair?? Her little dream was so confusing and weird. I sat there with my mouth open for like 30 seconds because of what I saw. I must say that everyone did a great job imitating the different characters. They did a great job. I think that's all I have to say about that. On to the next one.

This Nationals episode was so good. I almost cried like 3 times. Okay let's start out the fact that I am so proud of Shannon for leaving her hubby and not stabbing him. That took a lot of courage and it's about time!!! I like her and Puck's little duet. Oh and Puck cries!!!! Love it!!!! 
The performance at nationals was pretty good. I don't if I can say it was amazing but it wasn't terrible. I honestly was more nervous than ever when they were announcing the winners. I mean, they've list every year so I had no clue what was gonna happen this year. Obviously there was only 2 choices but it was still unpredictable. But they won and I'm happy and that's when I almost cried. And when they came back to school and everyone was there congratulating them. And then when Shoe got teacher of the year and they sang for him; I teared up then too. 

I only wonder what will happen next week. I know it's graduation but that's not gonna be the whole episode. I hope they give us some insight to what's gonna happen next season. Are they gonna show Rachel and Finn finally get married?? Will Puck graduate? What is Mercedes and Santana gonna do with their lives? Oh and what school is Finn going to?? Hopefully all of these get answered next week in the season finale!!! I don't know what I'm gonna do without Glee for who knows how long ... but let's not think about that right now!
Great episodes last night, can't wait until next week.

The Game

So I have a lot of things to say about this show but let me start with last nights episode.
I really thought the episode was pretty boring. I think some things just dragged on so much for no reason. Like that whole scene with Tasha and Pookie after she went to that meeting was just too long for me. Also, nothing really happened in this episode until the end. I guess Tasha finally realized that she has a good thing going with Pookie. The other thing that happened really shocked me. I don't know if it's why I like seeing conflict and drama in this show but I really thought that Melanie and Derwin were gonna get divorced or something. And when he called her in the end I thought that something bad was gonna happen. But, to my surprise nothing happened; well not really. I can't believe Derwin is actually considering moving to D.C. Unless he gets traded he would probably have to quit which is crazy. One question I have is why did Melanie have to go all the way back to D.C. to complete her residency?? Couldn't she have done it in San Diego? If I'm not mistaken I think that's what she was gonna do last season after she swabbed DJ and thought Derwin was gonna kick her out so why can't she just go back to whatever place that was?? 
Overall, I didn't really like this episode. I starting to think that if Jason and Chardonnay aren't in the episodes then they're just not as good. I think they really keep the show running. I still have a feeling that something is gonna go down on the season finale that I'm not gonna like or is just gonna be so shocking that I'm not gonna be able to handle it. But, we shall see. 

Now on to the future of the show. The reason why I'm talking about this is because of some very interesting info that I found about last night. I read that Tia isn't returning to the show next season!!! This is huge and it's NOT a rumor!!! Then this morning I read that Pooch Hall isn't coming back either. I'm not sure how true that part is but I do know there will be no Melanie in season 6. Now, if Derwin doesn't come back I really don't know how the show can go on after season 6. Not to sound harsh but the reality of it is that not that many people watch this season especially compared to last season. And what's gonna keep the people watching if 2 of the main people aren't on the show anymore?? I'll watch just to see how it is but if it's not good I'm not sure what I'll do. I guess we just have to wait and see but I hope that next season is the last. And it's sad to say it but that's just what I think.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tron: Legacy

So I made a mistake watching this. Not because it was a bad movie but because it's the sequel to Tron and I never saw Tron. 
I really liked this movie. One of the things that amazed me were the effects. Now this movie basically took place in a video game world and they captured that really well. Nothing looked horribly fake or anything like that. It all looked really cool, they did a great job. I wonder if they showed it in 3D when it came out. If so it probably looked amazing!!!
The message of this movie was pretty good, too. I think they were trying to show that perfection may seem like a nice thing on paper but when you try to put it into practice, it's impossible. 
I guess now I should go back and watch the first one. I really wanna see Tron now even though it came out in the 80's. 
I recommend you see this movie but don't make the same mistake I did. See Tron first!!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Last weekend I decided to watch this because of The Avengers and I didn't really like it.
Now this is the old version from 2003 not The Incredible Hulk that's from 2008. 
I really didn't like the way this was filmed. I  think they tried to make it look like a comic book so some of the special effects weren't that great. 
There also wasn't a lot of dialogue in a lot of it and that made things a little confusing. There were moments when I really had no idea what was going on and I was paying attention. 
And in the end Nick Fury wasn't in the end like in all the other movies.
I probably should have watched The Incredible Hulk instead. I feel like I would've liked that more, but at least I know the story of the Hulk. 

The Game

Wow, this episode! They are really picking it up!!
First off, where did Jason's cheapness go?? How come all of a sudden he wants to spend money on his girl?? All that time he spent being cheap with Kelly and Chardonnay is the one that he wants to spend his money on. I'm shocked!! 
Another Tee Tee sighting!!! Thank God, he's the one that keeps this show funny.
Now on to the most serious stuff. I knew that Tasha wasn't going to go through with it. I didn't think that she would take it that far. She could have at least talked to Melanie before hand. And then she goes and breaks up with Pookie because of it. I wonder if he would've been okay with it if she had told him the truth. But they got back together which is good. And are they gonna have epic kisses all the time?!?!
Now Melanie shocked the mess outta me!! But, for some reason, I felt like this was coming. I mean, I felt like she was gonna get bored of her life and try and be a doctor but I didn't think that she was gonna confess that she didn't wanna be married. I know she didn't really say that but that's the vibe I got from her. And from what I saw in the preview for next week, she might be moving out. I don't really understand her because for a while I felt like Melanie had some kind of agenda with Derwin. Like she wasn't really in it just because she loved him. This is just my theory, I don't know if I'm right but that's just the vibe I've been getting.
I really can't wait to see what happens next week. I have a feeling whatever happens next is gonna be huge. And the season finale is soon and I know there's gonna be a huge shocker there!!!
Thank you The Game for getting good again and you better not disappoint!!


This episode was interesting. 
First off, all that stuff that's going on with Coach Beiste is crazy unexpected. Who would of thought that she would get abused?!?! And I can't believe she went back to him after all that. I hope she realizes she needs to get out or Sue or someone help her out. 
I wasn't really surprised when Puck failed. I mean, it would've been nice if he passed but he spent the whole year fooling around and not studying, what makes you think he could learn everything in 1 night??
I was shocked when Rachel basically failed her audition. Of all people to mess up!! I just wonder what she's gonna do. I mean will they even consider her at NYADA??? 
Now, I really liked Kurt's audition, minus those pants. He did really good and I'm happy that at least one of them did a good job. 
Overall, this was a good episode and it tackled some real issues. On a lighter note, my favorite line was "Black Sue and original recipe Sue..." Hilarious line. And I've been saying Nene Leeks character was Sue's match for a while, I'm just glad they realized it too. Can't wait for next week!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Game

Well, well, well, it looks like Tasha has finally got herself a man. I'm still warming up to this because I did think that they were related, but this looks like a good relationship. And I'm glad that she found someone that actually wants to treat her right and may be good for her. Hopefully this goes well. Oh and that kiss, that kiss, what a kiss. I think that's all you could say about that. 
But moving on, I was shocked with the outcome of the Derwin and Janay situation. I didn't expect it to get resolved that quickly. And there was a little something in me that wanted something bad to happen, but it didn't so oh well. So, it looks like they are actually gonna go through with this surrogacy thing. I hope everything goes well but we shall see. 
I am so happy that Tee Tee was in this episode. I missed his hilarious one liners and they all up in this episode. My only hope is that we see more of him because he hasn't been around that much and that really upsets me. 
Now, I heard some people saying that this was the best episode ever. I won't make that decision until I've seen all of them. Right now i don't think this one is the best ever but we shall see. 

Glee - Whitney!!

This was by far the BEST episode ever!!!! I loved every bit of it.
First I must say I was wondering when Emma and Will were gonna start planning their wedding and I'm happy they finally took some initiative in this episode.
It was really nice that we got to see some Blaine and Kurt action. I honestly thought they were gonna break up.
When Kurt had that convo with his dad I almost broke out in tears. It was so sweet.
I am also wondering if Quinn and Sam will be a couple ???
Overall, this episode was amazing. I'm shocked that I didn't cry at some point during it, but I was singing and dancing. The song choices were great and they were done beautifully. True Whitney fans would be pleased.
One thing I realized while watching was that there are a lot of people graduating. I think there's 6 or 7 (Rachel, Finn, Quinn, Kurt, Mercedes, Santana and I think there's one more ??) And then things just got really sad for me. I'm probably gonna cry at the season finale, or whenever the graduation episode is. But until then I'm gonna try and keep a smile on my face.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Good Deeds

I was finally able to see this movie and I'm glad I did.
I thought it was a little weird watching a Tyler Perry film and there was mostly drama, no wedding at the end, and no female as the male character. Now, I'm not saying that this was a bad thing. It worked and worked well.
The film did start out a little slow and picked up a bit after about an hour. I think that was the only thing I really didn't like.
One thing I really liked is that it wasn't too predictable. There were moments when what I thought happened but there were also time when I had no idea what was going to happen next. I also liked the ending. I though it was perfect. It didn't end to soon or drag on. That was a great spot to end.
I really have to applaud Tyler Perry for his performance. I was afraid that he wasn't gonna be that good because this is a dramatic role and not comedic but he did a good job. Everyone acted well in this film. The cast was great.
The message of this film was also something that was totally different from what he normally does but was good as well. I thought it was a really good topic. There are a lot of people out there that are living the life that someone else wants them to live and it could be a good life but it's not the life that you want to live. I also got from the film that money really doesn't make you happy. Wesley Deeds was the CEO of a company and he was completely miserable.
Overall, I really liked this film and I hope to see more films like this from Tyler Perry.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This episode made me happy. 
I'm glad that Mr. Shoe tried to get these kids on the right track and Finn needed the most help out of all of them and I'm glad it worked. 
So Alex (from the Glee Project) finally made his appearance. I wasn't too impressed with his acting skills but his singing was great. I did think that Unique was hilarious and would rather see that character more than Wade. I thought he was like Mercedes and Kurt's love child, if they had one. And i knew that he was gonna dress like a woman at some point in the show. 
I find it interesting that we haven't seen much of Tina and Mike and what's going on in their lives. I guess since they're not graduating their lives aren't that important but they haven't even had a solo. But let me not get too ahead of myself, this is only the 2nd episode back and according to Twitter we will see more of Tina. 
Okay there was one thing that I didn't like about this episode. Mercedes and Sam kissed!!!! Why did this happen!?!?!? And this better NOT mean that they are getting back together because I really don't want that to happen. 
But, other than that I enjoyed this episode. 

Secret Life

This episode really pissed me off. 
So they went through all this foolishness with Amy and Ricky only to have her not be pregnant!!! And there wasn't even more of a scare!!! That was pointless. 
I really wasn't expecting Lauren to start missing Lauren so soon but I guess so. And Ben and this girl Dylan are really getting on my nerves. They need to get over each other!!!! If their parents don't approve than oh well move on!!! And why is her name Dylan in the first place?? I really hope they give us a story on that because I really don't get it.
And that whole thing with Betty, what was the point of that??? 
The one thing I really wanna see is the interaction between Grace and her half brother because she didn't seem to happy to see him. 
I guess we'll see soon. 

The Game

There are only a few things I have to say about this episode.
First off, has Derwin lost his mind. i know he's mad but it's partly his fault. Maybe he should have really thought about missing that block. Now I don't like Kwan. I know who he thinks he is coming in here tryna run stuff. And one thing I don't get is why people are so bent outta shape because he's injured. Now I know it sucks when your starting QB gets injured, I've gone through it. But as long as the replacement was good and the team won I was fine. And to my knowledge, this is what happened so what's the problem??? 
Second, it's really nice to see the main cast all in one room together. This is a rarity but we are seeing more of it this season, which I like. It's nice to see that their lives really do flow together. It was a little weird to have Jason's coworker there. It's like she's a fill in for Kelly. And I didn't know she didn't know Jason had a wife. But my question is, why was she so mad about it? Does she like Jason?? And, now that it's out the he's married does that mean they are staying together?? 
Third, honest to God I thought Pookie was related to Tasha which made things very awkward for me when he just randomly showed up. The look they gave each other just made me think, and then when I realized they weren't related I thought harder. Does he really like her? And if he does I think she likes him back and I think that they should get together. He's probably the only guy that can handle her. 
Hopefully all my questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes. I didn't think this episode was completely pointless but it could have been better, but it wasn't as bad as the others. I just hope we see more Tee Tee soon. I miss his hilariousness. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Secret Life

I'm only writing to say that this episode really resolved nothing. Lauren, Amy and Madison aren't back to being friends yet and I don't blame them. I would be mad if my best friend betrayed me like that. It's gonna take a lot and a long time for these girls to be friends again. 
So Grace has a half brother ... very interesting. 

That's all I really have to say. I just wanna see what happens next week because we finally get to see if Amy is pregnant again. 

The Game

I'm beginning to form a love/hate relationship with this show. They keep having these not so good episodes and then they hit us with these good ones, like Tuesdays, and reel me back in. 
I thought this episode was really interesting. 
I can not believe that Derwin missed that block!! The thought didn't even cross my mind until they said it and now that Kwan is really hurt ... I don't know. That was really cold. But, it really is like old times now that Malik is back playing. I'm happy he's back on the field. 
I knew that this surrogacy thing wasn't gonna work out. Tasha really didn't seem in to it, but I'm shocked that Derwin reacted the way he did. I don't if I thought he would be okay with it but at least they had someone that said they would do it. I mean he keeps talking about "the legacy" and this a start in getting one. I know he has DJ but he ain't married to Janay so ... And I wonder if Melanie will get herself together and start practicing medicine because it seemed like she wanted to when she made that comment about putting her life on hold (or something like that ). 
Overall, I did like this episode!! I loved how we could see them playing on the field. This show is my football fix during the off season and I wasn't getting it until now. Hopefully there's more football to come and I mean, this is a show about football so there should be. I really hope that  next weeks episode isn't about nothing (*crossing fingers*). 

Oh! The Game got picked up for a season 6 which will be very interesting.  


I have to be honest, I wasn't paying close attention to this episode so if I forget to mention something I'm sorry. 
So OH MY GOODNESS she's in a wheelchair. I honestly thought she died, but I guess that would just be too sad. I just wonder if Quinn will walk again. Maybe Artie is just jealous that there's hope for her but not really for him??? But we shall see, we shall see. 
I don't think Finn and Rachel will ever get married at this rate. They keep postponing it, maybe this is a sign that they don't belong together. And did Rachel and Kurt get into NYADA yet?? I thought they did but they were talking about an audition. I guess that's what determines if they are in or not. 
I am so happy that Nene Leeks has a recurring role on this show. She is hilarious!!!
Okay now let's talk about Sue. One, I had now idea she had a baby bump until halfway through the episode. Two, her working with the Glee club is just too unusual to me. I don't know if I like it, but maybe she'll help them actually win national this year. (I hope so). Three, who is the father of this baby??? I really wanna know if the make her tell and if she does who they'll say it is. I also wanna know what all that medical talk was about. I may have missed the explanation but they did say that something wasn't right and I wanna know what it is. 
Overall, this episode was okay. It wasn't really the epic comeback that I thought it would be. I must be putting Glee on too high of a pedestal?? But, I will always watch so until nest Tuesday ...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Secret Life

I know this is late but I was debating whether I should write this or not so here I go.
This show, this show. I really don't think I have time for it anymore. After this episode.
First off thank God someone's parents (Ben's dad) finally started really to discipline these kids. They are all galavanting around having sex, getting people pregnant, smoking pot and talking to their parents any old way and they never do anything about it. Well, not anymore.
Okay so it's official. I think Amy is way too childish to be getting married. The way she was talking to Ricky proved that. I mean she called him "old man Ricky." It was like she was talking to her dad or something. That whole thing just really bothered me. She has a son!! I know she's still in high school but she really needs to grow up!!
Oh, and that whole classroom scene seemed quite unrealistic to me. Would all the grades really be in one class for all the classes they were taking. And do they really have detention in summer school?? I wouldn't know cuz I've never been.
And I'm really getting sick of Ben defending Adrian. I know they were/ are married and would have had a child together but really. They are getting a divorce so I don't think they should still be acting  like a married couple. And it really was just as much her fault (sleeping with Henry) as it was Henry's fault. So Ben should be equally mad at both of them.
I really just want them to kick up the drama and stop all this immature stuff cuz that is why I watch the show, for the drama. This next episode better shock me to bits!!