Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Game - Seaon 6 premiere

The Game is back for season 6 and it's a big one. They have reached 100 episodes. This is a huge accomplishment and congratulations are in order. YAY for 100 episodes. Now onto what happen in that 100th episode and what I think. 
I guess I'll start off with what I liked. First, they got rid of that dang laugh track, which I hate. Thank God. I also liked that Malik, Tasha and Tee Tee brought the laughs. They were the only people that made me laugh throughout the hour; which brings me to the things that I didn't like. 
Where was the comedy? The Game that I remember was always as funny as it was dramatic, but now it seems way more dramatic than funny, and to me that just makes it more like a soap opera. Another thing I didn't like was this Blue dude. First off, his last name is Westbrook which only makes me think of the Eagles. And second, he has a big head. He's already full of himself and he didn't even do anything yet! If he's supposed to be an annoying jerk then he's doing a great job. The other thing I didn't like was Derwin's storyline, but there was really nothing I could do about that. They had to have him leave and that's how they chose to do it. It was just so sad, especially when he was crying. It was real. And lastly (which is kind of silly), how dare they keep dangling Rick Fox in our faces, playing with my emotions! 
So what's my verdict: ehh. I'm still on the fence about watching this show, but I'm leaning towards not watching. I really don't understand how the show can go on when 2 of the main characters are gone. I know this is an ensemble show, but looking back to the pilot, Melanie was the one that brought us into this world and now she's gone. Yes, people get traded in football all the time but I wish there was a way that they could still be on the show with this trade happening. The only reason why I would watch is because of Tee Tee, Rick Fox and my love for football. I honesetly think I'll watch next week. Only because the first episode of a new season is never that amazing and it's just the beginning of a storyline. Nothing really happens yet, though I wish it did. But don't count on me giving them my rating week after week. I'll be resulting to DVR and online watching from now on. Viewers come and go, "but the game goes on." 

Now I'm going to go on a little rant.
I think it's pretty sad that this show is what it is now. I'm not the only one who feels this way; just look and Twitter (and even Instagram). So many people don't like it. And it's sad because this is a show created by Blacks with basically and all Black cast and sadly today we don't see enough of this on TV. All I want is for this show to succeed and I hate not supporting this show and seeing it go downhill. I guess all I can do now is hope for some miracle that will make the show good again. I'm done talking about this now. If you want to hear more leave comments and if you know me, see me in person; I'll be happy to discuss more of this with you. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Glee - Guilty Pleasures

"Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone." It's guilty pleasure week! I must be honest. For the first 10 minutes I just sat there, speechless, wondering what I was witnessing. I mean there was macaroni faces and 80's clothing. I was like what the heck! Oh and then there was that boyfriend arm thing!! I was beginning to think that this guilty pleasure idea was not good. I had enough of it. But that all changed thank to Kitty. Once she shared her guilty pleasure things got better. Her's was the Spice Girls! Now who doesn't love the Spice Girls? No one. All the girls (and Wade/Unique) shared the same feelings which prompted them to do a Spice Girls number; "Wannabee." And I'm pretty sure that performance made Kitty seem a little more attractive to Arty. He definitely likes her. Sharing guilty pleasures seemed like a good idea at first. Sam shared his love for Barry Manilow which was also shared by all the other guys (even Jake which is odd to me). The only person that got trouble for his guilty pleasure was Jake. At first he wanted to do a Chris Brown song but the girls, especially Marley, went crazy. I must admit that he did present a good case for his choice. Liking Chris Brown was obviously something that he didn't want to and shouldn't share with the group, and they do sing a lot of songs by people who aren't the best role models. I had to agree with him on that. But, sadly, he changed his mind and sang a Bobby Brown song; "My Prerogative." It got me up dancing and I thought it was great, but it wasn't. No one liked it because Bobby Brown allegedly got Whitney Houston hooked on drugs. This kid can't win. Marley was pissed again but, like always, they made up after about 5 seconds. I'm still mad he didn't sing Chris Brown. 
Oh yeah. Blaine finally confessed his love for Sam and they're still friends. 
As for the boyfriend arm, that's Kurt's guilty pleasure. I rather not speak much more on that because it's just too weird. So, Santana is still living with Rachel and Kurt but now she has to play rent ('bout time!"). And it looks like she and Kurt have a new found friendship. She told Kurt all about Brody and he believes her. Now Rachel's the only one that doesn't know her ex is a man whore, but that doesn't last long. Santana just goes right out and tells her because Rachel was acting like they would get back together. NO. No x 10. Rachel needs to stay far far away from the gigolo. But she goes to him, with money, and asked for a date. HA! That was the best thing ever! Hilarious. Then they sang "Creep" which was perfect. 
The episode ended with both groups singing "Mamma Mia."
Overall this was a great episode. I loved their guilty pleasures, and I realized that I have no guilty pleasures. Is that weird? I guess I'm not ashamed of anything. And we have to wait another 3 weeks to see a new episode so I'll see you then.  

Friday, March 15, 2013

Glee - Feud

It was a false alarm!! All that drama with Rachel and it was just a false alarm. I knew it. Well, I didn't know what would happen, but I gave a sigh of relief just like everyone else probably did. She just better be glad that she didn't catch an STD from Brody, because he's a male prostitute!!! His true identity is finally revealed and he's not a drug dealer! So, Santana was wrong but what she did get right was that he was one sketchy dude, and she didn't stop until she found out the real truth about "donkey face." First she confronted him at NYADA to get him to move out. That only pissed off Kurt and Rachel even more and they kicked her out instead. That's super rude, especially on Rachel's part. Santana is actually acting like a friend and after all she did for you (Rachel) you're just going to kick her out?! And she was right! But all that didn't stop her for digging deeper into Brody's life and this time she got Finn involved. She pretended to be a client and when he walked in he got the shock of his life, and it only got bigger when Finn came in. Then they got into this huge fight that ended up in things getting broken and them getting hurt. I guess that was THE feud of the episode. My advice: Rachel needs to kick him out before she catches something or the police come barging up to their place because that is not a good look. 
There were many feuds going on at McKinley. Let's start will Will and Finn. Everyone knows that Finn kiss Emma and Will is supper pissed about it. So arty, Blaine, and Tina decide that they have to sing out their differences with songs by feuding people in the music industry, thus the theme of the week. So they decided to live out every 90's girl's dream and mash up "Bye Bye Bye" and "I Want It That Way." I screamed and I'm pretty sure every 90's girl in the nation screamed and sang along to this performance. It was the best thing ever! But, just when you thought everything was peachy and they became friends again, they didn't. Will couldn't forgive Finn that quickly, which is understandable. So Finn decided to pack up and leave and so something. But, thanks to Marley's advice, (to "grow a pair" lol) Finn's going to try and be a teacher. If that's not following in Will's footsteps I don't know what is. 
Ryder is feuding with Wade/Unique. Why? Because when Wade/Unique confronted Ryder about kissing Marley, Ryder wouldn't admit that Wade/Unique was a girl. (Hope you're not confused.) So they decide to sing it out, but only because song random girl Ryder is talking to over the internet told him to. This "girl" also talked him into sending her shirtless pictures. At this point I'm like he is definitely talking to a pedophile. "She" also convinces him to squash his beef with Wade/Unique (and Jake) and just be his/her friend, which he did. Now, the identity of this "girl" is questionable, for me. I thought it was a pedophile but now some in me makes me think that it's someone like Kitty. I don't know, I just have this feeling that this isn't some random nice girl. And the fact that she abruptly signed off right when he asked if they could meet seem really shady to me. Something's not right there. In the end we see all the newbies in a room talking about how they all have to be friends because they are all that will be left next year. (Foreshadowing??) 
Sue and Blaine are also feuding. Apparently Blaine signed some contract (which was forged) and now has to be in the Cheerios for like, or something. This was probably the craziest performance of the night. Of all feuding singers they choose Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey! Blaine sang "I Still Believe" which was normal and Sue sang "Super Bass" which was something. I mean, she was literally dressed up from head to toe, wig and all;I almost couldn't deal. I was great and I love that song so of course I was having a good time. She, obviously, won that feud and now Blaine basically has to do whatever she wants, which was surprisingly all part of his plan to take her down from the inside. That's a smart boy right there.
Oh, and Jake and Marley feuded for like five seconds before they got together and now they're all cute and gross again. 
Overall this episode was great. I mean there was *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys and Nicki Minaj. Who wouldn't love it?   

Monday, March 11, 2013

Switched at Birth - Introducing the Miracle

The Switched at Birth finally is here and a crazy one it was. 
We started at the protest and the police were about to come in. They didn't even give Daphne a chance with the demands. They just said that they would take them out forcefully or voluntarily and they chose forcefully. It was a real shame to see police officers dragging kids out of school like that. I'm shocked they didn't get bad press out of it. 
So Bay is still really pissed of at Daphne for agreeing to make Carlton all deaf. And her day doesn't get any better because Emmett tells her that Noah is in to Daphne and when she confronts him about it, they break up! Thank God because I really did not like him. Then Bay goes to Daphne, all mad, accusing her of stealing her boyfriend. She also says some pretty harsh things to Daphne, but they make up because of Regina (which we'll talk about later). Oh, and Carlton will remain open BUT it will be 50% hearing, 50% deaf. I guess you win some and you lose some, but I think that they should make the hearing kids take ASL and learn about Deaf culture. It would really open their minds to a world they probably would never be exposed to. 
Well, Toby and Nikki got engaged. I couldn't watch that part without laughing. I don't know, it was just so sudden and quick I couldn't believe it. And of course his parent were super upset and tried to do everything they could to try and stop it, but it didn't work. And we last see them picking out rings! I have to say that Toby is the sweetest and Nikki's one lucky lady. 
Now on to the juicy stuff. First, Angelo is back!!! YAY! But not too happy because Regina showed up to his apartment (after, finally, breaking up with Zane) drunk!! Angelo came to her rescue (aww) by calling her mom and getting into rehab in Minnesota of all places! It's so sad that she has to go so far away and that scene she had with Daphne before she left brought tears to my eyes. And maybe Regina's mom will actually start liking Angelo now that he's taken such good care of Regina. 
Also, Lana and her gorgeous hair are back, but not for long. She has the baby but we barely get to see her because she just up and leaves right after WITHOUT telling anyone. This is a huge turn of events because she didn't even want the baby and now she's taking her away from Angelo. I have a feeling there might be a little bit of jealousy there. I think she thought they would get together but no he's still married to Regina. I don't know where she went but they better find her. 
And there you have it; the finale. We have to wait 3 whole months for the new season and I predict it's going to be a big one! I'll see you Switched at Birth lovers in June. Hope you can stand the wait. :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Glee - Girls (and Boys) on Film

After 3 long weeks Glee is finally back and with it's 500th song!! That's such a great milestone. Congrats! Now on to the juicy stuff. 
Will is seriously missing Emma, so much that she's in his dreams. But, he has no intention of going after her. So he reverts to movies to escape his reality, thus the theme of the week: music from movies. And with this comes a mash-up boys vs. girls competition. The boys start it off with "Old Time Rock and Roll/danger Zone. A few of them weren't wearing any pants!!! Yeah, you read that correctly. If you missed that please go back and watch it (it's so worth it!). The girls followed up with "Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend/Material Girl." I loved it. Right before their performance Kitty apologized to Marley for being so evil. Wonder how long that will last. Now that they are new friends Marley found it appropriate to spill to her about kissing Ryder! I don't know why though. Knowing Kitty that info could be around the school in a minute or she would just find a clever way to "accidentally" tell Jake. Well, Jake decides to pull Marley aside and confess to her that Ryder came up with everything he did on VDay. So to make it up to her he sang her a song from her favorite romance movie. Well, not really because her favorite romance movie is The Hunger Games (hilarious). The song he sang was "Unchained Melody" and they had their little adorable moments but Marley has a little trouble focusing on Jake because she keeps thinking about Ryder. Yes, they switched back and forth from Jake and Ryder singing (loved it). This made her confess that he kissed her "and [she] let him." Glad that she got to him before Kitty but he's still pretty pissed. 
So Will is still confiding in Finn for advice about Emma. Finn thinks that Will should go after her but Will doesn't want to and he doesn't know where she's staying anyways. So Finn calls up Emma's parents and he and Arty convince them to give the address to where Emma's staying. And that involved them wearing some ridiculous red hair wigs. Not a good look. So they Find Emma and Will (with the help of the glee club) sing "In Your Eyes" to here. And yes, he held up a boombox. It was wonderful. Emma takes him back and the decide to basically start their relationship over. All is great. Well, while Will is thanking Finn for all he's done Finn confesses that he kissed Emma! SNAPS!! I was not expecting that at all and I really thought that Will was going to punch him but he just walked away. The glee club ended the episode with "Footloose." Oh and everyone won the competition. The prize was starting roles in Artie's movie and he needed a lot more people that the one group could fill so they all will be in the movie. 
Now let's move on to the interesting stuff that I know you all are waiting for: The New Yorkers. They are all snowed in and Santana has made herself too much at home in Rachel and Kurt's apartment and went through everyone's stuff. In Brody's thing she found a huge wad of money and a pager (if you don't know what it is look it up). Because of those things and because he's the only one working on a snow day, she concludes  that he's a drug dealer! What?! Oh, and Kurt actually believe her. Of course Rachel denies it over and over, but Santana sticks by her claims. Kurt and Adam are trying to have a relationship but for some reason Kurt still seems to be stuck on Blaine. But, to me, it seem like he wants to get over him. So he goes out with Adam. This gives Santana and Rachel some alone time. Santana admits that she found the pregnancy test in the trash and wants to know what the deal is. All Rachel does is breakdown crying and Santana comforts her and that's it. That's all we get. No real yes (or no). I don't know about you but I need a little more. I mean, I kind of seemed like a yes but something deep down inside me still doesn't know. I won't be happy until they flat out say it and I hope that come soon because I can't deal with the wait. 
Overall I thought this was a good episode. I love movies and I love music so the theme was perfect for me. Blaine is still obsessing over Kurt and Will is about to put a hurting on Finn next week. I can't wait to see that. And good job bring up old school memories with the pager and the boombox. Loved it!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Switched at Birth - Uprising

The all ASL episode is finally here and it was great. I do wish that I was fluent in ASL, though, so I didn't have to keep switching from reading the subtitles to their faces. 
I love 'Take Back Carlton.' I love it when people actually stand up for their rights instead of just letting stuff happen, and I loved that Daphne was the leader. I knew that Bay was going to find a way to figure out what they were doing. And, I am shocked that she pulled the fire alarm but she had to do it. And, I have to that that Bay is amazing! I loved that she was there to support Carlton and Daphne, especially with that whole phone thing. They didn't need that loser anyways. I'm just surprised that Daphne doesn't really know how she feels about letting the hearing kids stay or not. I thought that she, of all people, would agree to let even the kids from the pilot program stay. I mean, she was hearing and has hearing parents. She knows how important it is for hearing people to understand what deaf people go through. Well, I guess we just have to wait and see what happens in the finale. 
Now on to the other shocking things that happened. First off, I can NOT believe Regina was passed out drunk on the sofa like that. I have no idea what she was going to do; I really hoped that she started going back to her meetings but I guess I was wrong. And now that Daphne knows, she really needs to get her stuff together and fast because the Kenish's don't seem like people that will just let this slide. They probably will try and get custody of Daphne and Bay. Second, Noah is one shady dude. He definitely like Daphne. He was just looking for an excuse to kiss her. And it seemed like she liked it and that's not cool. I;m back to not liking Noah again. And I'm back to not liking John again. Of course he was the main one that wanted to bust down the door and pull them out. 
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I thought I was going to cry at the beginning when they were reminiscing about good times. I think that they should have an episode like this at least once a season. I hope they keep doing this. And I can't wait until next weeks finale!!! It looks like it's going to be explosive! I feel like everything is going to blow up in our faces! Oh and guess what ... we've just witnessed history guys. Be happy  and remember this moment.