Thursday, September 29, 2011


So I only have a few things to say about this week's episode.
First thing is that Kurt really needs to wake up and accept the fact that he's NOT manly!!! I mean, does he know who he is??!!? He's not the "rough and tough" type.
Next I have to say that Blaine is such a good boy friend. It's so nice that he would give up his chances of being the lead role for Kurt. So nice. But, then again we don't really know if he ave up his chances because they ended asking him if he wanted to be Tony but he never answered. Kurt didn't seem too happy when they asked him. I detect a fight between them two very soon.
It's nice that Quinn came back because I wasn't sure how much of her "skanks" look I could take. I'm not sure if she'll be able to get full custody of her kid. I mean that is kinda rude. If you wanted your baby you could've kept her and if she wasn't sure about the adoption she shouldn't of done it. She should really just have an open adoption.
I am so excited to see Rachel and Mercedes go head to head. I've boon waiting for this for so long!!!! I strongly believe that Mercedes has what it takes to be the lead just as much as Rachel and I think it's her time to be the lead and not just belt out notes on the side. I wonder if there will be any "Team Rachel" Team Mercedes" talk?? I'm Team Mercedes!!!
Best line of the show when Coach Beiste said she wanted a Tony that would "excite her lady parts." AHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Yeah, that's what I did when she said that.
Can't wait til next week, this season is so good.

Friday, September 23, 2011

High Noon

So I don't have much to say about this film. This was a western film and it tried to be different from all the other westerns made before. Let me just say it was a complete failure. All this build for this climactic moment and then boom, nothing.
The only thing that interested me about this film was that it was done in real time. Other than that it was pretty awful.
The theme song that was pretty much the only music in the film was the most annoying this I've ever heard in my entire life!!! After hearing it the first time I wanted to shoot myself!!!!
Please do not see this film. I beg of you, please it will be a complete waste of your time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Girl

So I wasn't really gonna watch this show but I did, honestly, because it came on after Glee.
Okay so this show was funny for the first 5 minutes and then it just went down hill for me. I don't get how she could just move in with these random 3 dudes or why they would let this random girl live with them.
There wasn't really much of a back story. I mean we saw why Jess needed a new place to live but what else do we know about her? And those guys she lives with, what do we know about them!?!?! Barely anything!!! I hope they go into it more on the rest of the season.
I'm so sure I'll watch this show again. I do have to say it was a good idea to put it in after Glee.


Oh my gosh!!!!!! Glee was just as amazing as I thought it would be ... maybe better. Okay so what the heck happened with Quinn?!?!??! I just don't understand. And since when did Kurt and Rachel become friends?!?!? I don't know but I like it.
Oh and I don't know if you watched The Glee Project but I did and Lindsay was on this episode!!!!! She did really good and I like how they made her Rachel's double in a way. That storyline will be really interesting. I can't wait until the rest of the Glee Project kids are in the show.
Ummmm Will finally grew a pair!!! I mean 1st he tells someone they sick then he kicks someone out of glee club!!!!! Where is this coming from and why did it take so long for this to happen!?!?!?!?! By the way, he and Emma are so cute together.
It's so sad, so many people are leaving after this season!!! Oh well, it was gonna happen sooner or later.

I'm just really excited about this season. Tonight's episode was not a fail and I can not wait until next week!!!
"You can't stop the beat!" :-)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Genlteman's Agreement

So today in class we watched Gentleman's Agreement. This movie was about a man who works for a magazine and he was asked to do a series on antisemitism. Now I really enjoyed this movie. It basically made the point that being prejudice is wrong and it did it in a very interesting way. The man, named Phil, pretended to be Jewish so he knew what it felt like personally. He was able to see how prejudice people really are towards Jews, at that time, and how prejudice Jews are to there own people. The only thing that bothered me was the ending. Now I don't want to give anything away so I'm gonna put my spoilers at the end. This is a pretty good old film if you like films with a message. There was a lot of over acting but this is normal because during this time people weren't used to sound yet. They still felt the need to act bigger because this is what they had to do when there were silent films. Overall it's a good film to watch. I recommend it.

Now to this ending. I just didn't like after Phil realizes his fiance in prejudice, he goes back to her just because she had a quick change of heart. She finally realized she was wrong and once he knew that he wanted her again. I predicted that this would happen but I really didn't want it to. It made me so mad but I guess because of the Code that was in effect they had to show a happy ending because of her realization. I still didn't like the ending but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Film Class, TV shows...

So I am in a film class and we will be watching movies every week. you should expect a post from me every week now on each movie we watch. YAY!!!!! And any movies that I watch in between there will be a review up. I'm gonna try really hard to keep up with this. So around Thursday or Friday expect a review of Gentleman's Agreement.
So many shows are premiering next week and beyond so I'll try to post a review on the episodes I watch. Some shows I'll be watching are
Reed Between the Lines (only if I like it)
The Game (so excited!!!!)
And anything else that comes out. I don't know exact dates but when the show comes on there will be a post up.