Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Switched at Birth - Art Like Love Is Dedication

Things are finally looking up for everyone this week!
Daphne went on a date with Mingo, which I really didn't understand. I mean, I figured it would happen, I just don't know why. And I knew that he would be the type of guy that's just looking for a good time, but I expected Daphne to go along with it. I wouldn't have been mad either way, just glad that it was her decision.

Regina invited Eric and his son to stay with her while their roof was getting fixed and it was so adorable. They were basically playing house and it was so cute. I like them together. I became a little skeptical of Eric though, when he got all upset when Regina asked him about his wife. I wonder what she did that makes him not want to talk about her. I will say this, Eric really likes Regina. He may even be failing in love with her. He doesn't want to lose her so he's willing to do something that's obviously painful for him so she can still be in his life. If this isn't on the road to love then I don't know what is.

It really broke my heart when Travis said he felt like he has nothing to say. And I'm not at all surprised that John ended up becoming the head coach of the baseball team. I knew he would get there one way or another.

I'm so happy that things are finally looking good for Bay. She was overdue for some good news. I loved it when the lady from the art center told her "you're an artist, create." That was such good advice and I'm glad she took it. I wonder what opportunities this will bring her. Her artwork and name is out there for everyone to see. It won't be long before the calls come in. I just wonder what this will change her going to LA or not.

Overall I like this episode. It was good to see everyone happy. They've been through a lot and deserve some positive things in their lives. I just can't believe the finale is coming! I wasn't expecting it to be here this soon. I'm not ready for it! It looks like Bay may end up in LA but we shall see.

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Scandal - No More Blood

There were some shocking moments in last night's episode, but there were some not so shocking moments, too.

Some little things
I wasn't shocked that Cyrus was about to kill Liv. I mean, this is the guy who was going to kill his own husband. He tried to kill everybody! Cyrus will do whatever he can to protect the republic, it's no surprise that he would do the same thing in this situation.
I also wasn't shocked when Rowan said he didn't have a daughter. He was barely a father to her so why would he see their kinship as a reason to save her. Plus, she shot him. Sure there weren't any bullets in the gun but she still tried.
Huck done messed Andrew up! I wonder who's going to be the VP now.
I am loving Mellie and Liz's relationship. I can just see these 2 campaigning to get Mellie in the white house and it being glorious!
Abby is winning! Like she said "once a gladiator, always a gladiator."

Liv is safe!
The one thing that did shock me was when it was revealed that Stephen (from S1) was the one that saved Olivia. I mean, that was the best part for me. I did not see that coming at all. I was still banking on it being Hollis Doyle. But this was fantastic and I'm so happy that we got to see him and that wonderful beard, and get some closure.

Yes, I'm going to talk about Olitz because everyone's talking about them and I have a few things to say.
I am not the slightest bit pressed that they "broke up", but I know some people are, especially when she threw the ring at him. Here's the thing, she's got PTSD. She can't even have a glass of water without having flashbacks, so why would she want to put that ring back on. It would just be a daily reminder of all that's happened and that it all happened because of him. If she wasn't his everything then she wouldn't have gotten taking in the first place. I seriously feel like he can't do anything without her and that's a problem.
That argument that they had; typical Olitz argument. She's with him because she has to be, for his sake. I mean, I'm pretty sure deep down there's some love in that relationship, but now it's warped. Now she does what she has to do so he can "be the best", like she said. This is exactly why I don't know what will happen when he's not president and can divorce Mellie. Right now, I question what their relationship is if he's not president. If they have any chance of being together forever, they're going to have to figure that out.

Overall, I like this episode. I literally on the edge of my seat the entire time and I loved it. Liv has changed and I'm anxious to see how much of an affect this has on her. She's going to try to get back to her normal but things will be different.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Switched at Birth - Fog and Storm and Rain

There was a storm brewing outside and in the lives of our characters this week.
Daphne had some of the best luck of the night! First, she walked in on Regina and Eric which she wasn't so pleased with. Then they all got trapped in the coffee shop with the internet guy. Which doesn't sound bad, bu the internet guy was Nacho! Yup, Nacho came back and he wanted to know how Daphne got out of going to jail. Foolishly, she told him the truth and then he tried to blackmail them. But, Eric came to the rescue with an old gang tattoo. Now, he says that he's not in the gang anymore and I can believe that, but I have a feeling that all of this will come back to bite him in the butt. I also think that this is n't the last we'll see Nacho. I just don't understand why Daphne would trust him in the first place.

Kathryn's mother comes to visit with her new best friend. John thinks that she showed up to tell Kathryn she's gay, and I thought the same thing. But boy were we wrong! It turns out that Kathryn's mom has dementia! This whole situation was so sad and Kathryn did not take it well. In the end, Kathryn understood that her mom just wants to live out the rest of her life doing what she wants, which is moving France with her "companion."

Bay and Emmett are really struggling. Bay wants to tell Emmett about the whole situation between her and Tank but he's not having it. And, when she finally gets around to telling him, he sees it all in black and white! Emmett wants to pin everything on Tank and doesn't want him to see it that way which leads to a huge fight! It looks the beginning of the end for them. I mean, they always have problems, always break up, and always get back together. But this time, I'm not so sure. If they do get back together, it's going to take some time.

Overall, I thought this was a pretty good episode. Bay is starting to try and move past what happened and I hope that she can finally start doing things that make her happy. I just want good things to start happening for her. I'm done with seeing her go through hard times.
Oh and I can't finish without saying oh my gosh I can't believe Regina put that much money into the coffee house! I mean I don't think anything bad would come from this but who knows. Let's just keep hoping.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Scandal - Gladiators Don't Run

Scandal has really gotten itself back around to that intense, edge of your seat show I know I fell in love with. I've been saying all season that it's back to what it used to be and from he looks of this episode, it looks like it will only be getting better! I want to mention a few things before I throw out some theories on who got Olivia. 

I knew this girl would lose it when she find out. I still can't believe it took this long for someone to tell her. I don't care if she works in the white house and can't be trusted, someone should have called her or something! I mean, she had a point when she said "I don't have friends, I have Liv." Olivia is all she's got and she did deserve to know, even if it was just someone slipping her a note like Fitz did with Cyrus. 
Sidenote: are they trying to parallel Abby to Liv when she gave that homeless man a coffee? 

Mama Pope
Bringing Mama Pope in was the best thing they could have done! I seriously love every time she's on camera. We all need to be praising Khandi Alexander because she is playing the mess out of this role. She is the best and I couldn't go on without saying anything. 

She is really trying to get herself out of this and everything was looking up until Gus happened. It really took a turn for the worst when he killed Ian. Liv still tried to be strong and get in the heads of his techies but that failed! I wasn't expecting that. I thought they were going to kill Gus, but no. And he sold her to God knows who. Notice how we never found out how much they paid for her. 

White House
Fitz got his presidential size balls back because he's signing executive orders, firing all his security, and forcing Andrew to resign. I love it! It's about time he took matters into his own hands. And this new relationship/partnership or whatever this is between Fitz and Mellie is great. Also, I knew in season one that Mellie wanted to be POTUS one day and now she's finally said it out loud. 
That speech that Fitz gave in the end and that music that playing, can we say tears. I mean that's exactly what we needed to give us hope. Bravo to the writers and whoever wrote the music. 

Who got Liv
Here are my theories and some I've heard others share that worth noting.
  • Rowan
    • I think it could be him but that might be too easy. There's no way he knows nothing about all this. 
  • Hollis Doyle
    • This was my second guess. Why wouldn't he want control of the white house. I think it would pretty hilarious if it's him.
  • Verna, Adnan, Harrison
    • Now these are the theories of others that find worth sharing. I know they all died on the show and I know Verna and Harrison are dead dead, but I don't know about Adnan. It could end up being her because of her connections with Harrison and Mama Pope. 
Any other ideas on who it could be? 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Switched at Birth - Black and Gray

Wow. I truly feel like we are witnessing some of the more important episodes in TV history. I've seen a couple shows tackle this issues and both of them were on over 10 years ago. So this is massively important.
Here's what I have to say about this episode. I'm really glad Bay is making her own decisions and not just doing what everyone else wants her to do. While I was watching I was thinking how nice it was for Regina and Kathryn to try and help but she really just needed a moment to think for herself. I'm also glad she decided to tell her side of story. My hope is that Bay can get through this. She's had it so hard and I really want to see her happy again. I know it's going to be a long road, but she'll get there.
Overall, this was a really good episode. I was basically in tears the entire time, especially during that scene between Kathryn and Bay. Again I'm going to say that I'm really glad we are getting this storyline because it is oh so important. I mean, I feel like we are getting award worthy work here. I think they really deserve it. Sorry for the short review, but this show is leaving me speechless.

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Scandal - Where's the Black Lady?

So the hunt is on for Olivia. Fitz, Jake and what's left of OPA do all that they can to find their "precious Olivia Pope."

The White House
Andrew has made it so that no one is on Fitz's side. So when he goes to call the secret service to get on finding Olivia, they make it very clear that their one job is to make sure that doesn't happen. Fitz can't even say anything without risk of Andrew finding out because so many people are watching him! What I want to know is what Andrew promised all these people to get them on his side and not the POTUS. You've got to be getting a whole lot of something to go against the president. I wonder if that's why Lauren is gone? Because she was the only person that Fitz could trust? Anyway, Andrew is one ballsy dude for doing all of this and he's doing it all on his own! I don't even know how. He's pretty smart though, because he figure Fitz out. It just sucks that he did.
Can we talk about Mellie coming through with the win by stealing Andrew's phones! I just hope she gets them back in time because he's going to find and when he does he won't be happy. I mean, what is he going to do because Olivia is gone. Ian has gone rogue so Andrew can't just call him and order him to kill her.
I also wants to know when they're going to Abby. I'm surprised Quinn didn't call her up or someone from OPA. All I know is that she's going to be pissed when she finds out.

So OPA (can we really call them that anymore?) are also looking for Olivia but they can do much more than Fitz. Huck is the real MVP here. He's the one that catches the reflect in the glass of water on the ransom video. He's the one that finds Liv's ring in the apartment across the hall. He's the one that keeps going back to Elizabeth's house until he gets what he wants. Honorable mention to Marla Gibbs for dropping the clue about Liv's neighbor. They actually find out where Liv is and all this time she was in a warehouse in Harrisburg, PA. But, by the time Jake got there she was gone. Luckily, they are going to be able to track her.

She continues to prove that she is the smartest person in the room. I mean, she knows how to get what she wants and she's getting it, and she's saving herself. I really don't want anyone else coming to her rescue but her. It would be so boss if she struts into OPA while everyone is just frantically trying to find out where is now.
I'm just not so sure how I feel about Olivia being put up for auction. No bidding war between Jake and Fitz please. That would not be right. I don't think we'll get to the point of her being sold because she'll, hopefully, get free. I just don't like talking about her like she's an object, so that's the end of that.

Overall, this was a great episode. I think this was the episode that we all thought we were going to get last week, but I'm glad we got what we got. I can not wait until next week because Mama Pope is back and I don't why, but I don't care because I love her. Guys, its going to be a good one.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Switched at Birth - At the First Clear Word

All I can say us wow. This episode was really good. So let's jump into it.
Bay's storyline is really being fleshed out in an amazing way. I think I was expecting it to be very one sided, but that wasn't the case. We are getting both sides to the story. I like how Bay is unsure. She doesn't know what to do because this, obviously, never happened before or  to anyone around her. Also, it's her decision what to do. That scene between her and Daphne was so great, especially when Daphne said she supports Bay with whatever she chooses. And, we get to see Bay figure out what she's going to do. I don't really have much more to say about this storyline. I just really glad this show is touching on such an important topic and I think that we will see something great in the episodes to come.

A couple things to say about the other storylines of the episode. Eric is a keeper, and Daphne's chem professor has grown on me. I really liked her little experiment and the mention of women in STEM was icing on the cake.
I know this is a short review, but that's all I have to say. After watching I just felt really glad that this show is run by a woman. What did you guys think of it?

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