Friday, October 5, 2012

Glee - The Break Up

Well, it looks like everyone breaks up in this episode. The only way I can do this is if I go through each couple left. So, here we go.
Let's start with Klaine. To me it seemed like Kurt didn't really have much time for Blaine anymore. I mean, he was denying his phone calls and when they were talking it seemed to be all about Kurt. So, Blaine decides to surprise Kurt and come visit 2 weeks earlier than planned. They go out to this club/karaoke bar place called Callbacks and Blaine sings this depressing version of Teenage Dream to Kurt. Kurt realizes that something is wrong with him and Blaine admits that's he cheated, and with a random!! Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen!! Kurt breaks down but we aren't exactly sure if they are officially broken up. It wasn't said, but we can assume. I think it's over but who knows/
Moving on to Finchel. In the last episode we saw Finn surprise Rachel in New York and in this episode we see them acting like a couple. This is all too weird and awkward because Finn basically caught Rachel and Brody together and we don't even hear them discuss that. So Finn kind of got an honorable discharge from the Army because he shot himself. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh at this. I know it's wrong but it is kind of funny. Anyways, they also go out to Callbacks and Rachel wants to sing a duet with Finn but he insist that she sings it with Brody. So Rachel and Brody sing Give Your Heart a Break and, of course, it's really good. During their performance it looked like Finn was thinking that they had something going on and afterwards Rachel admits that she kissed Brody. Finn gets upset but I'm really confused. I thought they were broken up a long time ago, so why is he so upset. This like some Ross, Rachel "we were on a break" type stuff going on here. Then Finn goes back to McKinley and Rachel follows him there. They fight and then Rachel breaks up with him and this time it's definite.
Brittana is another couple that has a break up type thing. Santana comes home to do her laundry and stays for a visit. Brittany invites her to this left behind club thing hosted by Kitty (who's a nut job). Then they have a moment in the choir room when Santana sings Mine to Brittany. Then they agree to go their separate ways. This was the conversation that I wish all the couples like this should have had to avoid all the cheating.
Now Kitty and Jake break up too but they weren't together for that long and it looks like Will and Emma are going to be spending sometime apart but from the look of the preview for the next episode, I'm not too sure.
Now for some sidenotes. Kitty is crazy and I think she needs to be looked at by a psychiatrist. Something is seriously wrong with her because that whole left behind prank was just cruel. We finally see Tina in this episode but only for a few seconds (boo). There was no Sue in this episode. What's up with that, she hilarious?! And they're doing Greece!! During that scene I couldn't help but think that Finn could be the one to take Will's place when he leaves, but Finn can't dance so I don't know.
Overall this was a pretty emotional episode. I guess now everyone can finally move on and live their lives without any attachments. this episode really was real life. I thought that the entire time. This was a very accurate showing of what happens when people try to stay with their high school loves after they graduate. So good job Ryan Murphy. I'm kind of mad that I have to wait an entire month for a new episode but I can deal, I think. Until November!

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