Saturday, October 29, 2011

Love and Other Drugs

This was not what I expected. I just watched this with my roommate and we almost turned it off in the first five minutes!! Luckily I convinced her to keep watching at least for a half an hour.
Now this movie is rated r for a reason. WARNING: There is a lot of nudity and sex in this movie. If you are easy to blush than you probably shouldn't watch this. And you really shouldn't watch this with your parents.
The story was really good though. This was a romantic comedy and it strayed a little bit away from the template "rom coms" usually follow. Usually the couple ends up separating and then find out that they can't live without each other and they get back together. That didn't happen here. They did separate, but it was only the male that needed to realize that he couldn't be apart from her.
The movie also gives you a little look into the life of a person with Parkinson's disease, and what's it really feels like to be a doctor.
Of course the movie ended with the guy saying this really amazing speech filled with cute little quotable saying and then they lived happily ever after.
One thing I didn't like about this film (and many romantic comedies) is that we don't see the couple get married or even engaged. This makes me mad because I'm left wondering if they did get married or not. And, if they didn't get married then there's a possibility that they could break up and then the whole things would be pointless. I think that if you realize in the end that you don't want to be with anyone else but this one person then you should be getting married. That's just my opinion.
Please don't watch if you can't handle nudity and sex because this movie is filled with this stuff. But, once you get past it, it's a good film.   

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I only have a few things to say about last nights episodes.
I thought the first episode was okay. I didn't like Romeo's part though. I don't know if it was the way he was acting or the way his character was but I just didn't like it that much. That storyline was "eh." The whole presidential election with the twins seemed too much of a big deal for me. I think they took it too seriously. And I didn't know they were only freshmen in high school!!! They seem older. So, that episode was okay.

I liked the nest episode. Finally we got to see one of the kids get in bug trouble!!! I they showed the discipline perfectly. I feel like on other shows they don't punish the children enough or at all, but I didn't see that here. The parents actually punished him enough and he actually learned his lesson. Now Carla Reed ain't no Claire Huxtable but I got a little scared when she was yelling at her son. I liked this episode better than the first.

I wanna know if I should keep posting after every episode??

Blade Runner- Final Cut

So today in my film class we watched Blade Runner and this was the most strangest film I have ever seen. I think I'm gonna have to watch it again because I know I didn't catch everything.
I like the film overall but there was one thing that I didn't like. I didn't like how some things were hard to understand and the only way to understand them would be to watch the other cuts of this film. There are 3 different cuts to this film and they are all significantly different. Now this is the only one I've seen but in class we talked about the parts from the other cuts that were taken out and only then was I able to understand certain things. I think the only way you can fully understand the story of this film is to watch all cuts back to back.
I couldn't help but think about Inception when watching this film. Inception went into the whole dreaming v. not dreaming and Blade Runner went into the whole robot v. not a robot thing and I thought that was really cool. And at the end of both films you are wondering "Is her dreaming or not/Is he a robot or not." I thought that was really cool.
This is a good film, very bizarre though.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


So I obviously like this show because I watched the new episodes this week. I'm shocked about that but I actually think that this is a good show. Let's tart with the first episode of the night.
This whole episode revolved around Carla. I thought that it was pretty cool that we got to see her in action. This episode did a good job of letting us see her at work and the people that she interacts with there. It did a good job of letting us know what Gabriella and Helen are like and their interactions. The one thing I loved was that Ron Artest was basically playing himself. I didn't like his acting, but that whole storyline was hilarious.
Now to the hair episode. I thought this was so perfect for people to see. It was the whole natural hair vs. straightened/relaxed hair. The conversation that Carla had with Kaci was so important and I think that more moms should have that conversation with their daughters. I like how Kaci had the choice of whether she wanted to wear her hair natural or not. I also liked how Carla made it important that Kaci shouldn't make the decision because of a boy. I don't think they were biased toward one side. I don't think they bashed relaxers, they just stated some true facts about them. This episode made people think which I also liked.

So I am sold on this show and will be watching every Tuesday at 10pm. I'm so happy that there is a show out there showing Blacks in a positive way.

P.S. I will be tweeting during the show as much as I can. Follow me @KiaCherise!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Captain America

This film was pretty good. I really enjoyed it. I think Chris Evans did a good job. I loved, absolutely loved Peggy!!! I was sold when she punched that one guy in the face in the beginning. There were a few things that I really liked and really didn't like.Let's start with what I liked.
The music was great. I wouldn't say it was Chronicles of Narnia epic, but it was bad either. I really enjoyed it.
Another thing I loved was that it wasn't predictable. There were many times when I thought that something was gonna happen and I was completely wrong. I hate it when movies are predictable and this one wasn't and that made me happy.
I also liked how the romance ways shown. It was a really small thing on the side and it didn't take over the main focus of the movie. I feel like nowadays romance always takes over in a film and it's so unnecessary. That didn't happen here. 
I didn't like how unclear it was at times. I feel like I'm gonna have to watch it again to fully understand it, but there were just some parts that didn't make perfect sense to me.
I know some people didn't like the ending and I probably wouldn't of liked it if I didn't know that The Avengers is coming out and will explain that whole thing at the end with Samuel L. Jackson.
This was a good film. I will have to watch it again to understand it all but I recommend it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New review soon

Going to see Captain American tonight!!! I'm excited!!! I wanted to see this for so long. I'm scare I might not like it. Guess you'll find that out later tonight or tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reed Between The Lines!!!

I have to admit this show actually surprised me.
First let me say that is is gonna be really difficult to not compare the 2 main characters to Joan and Theo. But, after putting that aside I have to say that I enjoyed this show.
The first episode was a little corny and I was skeptical after watching it, but luckily they put a new episode on next. That was a good idea. I am not one to judge a show by the very first episode but I know some people are so good job for putting on 2 new episodes.
I really hope they don't make this like The Cosby Show because nothing can compare to it and the show would end up failing.
One thing I don't like, but can get passed, is the laugh track. I'd rather there be a studio audience especially for a show like this. It's a sitcom and it's supposed to be funny and I would rather hear a real person laughing at a funny moment then a fake laugh track. And I feel like those things force you to laugh and if a point is not funny to you then... it's a fail.
But back to the shoe, I think the kids storyline is cool. The little girl is so cute!! I find it interesting that it's a blended family, but that's what you find in households today.
I don't like the fact that this show is on at 10pm. I mean, what family is all going to stay up til 10 o'clock on a Tuesday night to watch this. I feel like they did this to attract people who watch The Game, but the target audience for that show is way different from the one for Reed. This was a bad idea and may result in them losing viewers. They may want to rethink that.
But, all in all, this was a pretty good show and I will be watching again.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New show tonight

Just wanted to let you know I will be watching Reed Between The Lines tonight and there will be a review so look out

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Glee - best episode to date

I have to say that this was the most amazing episode of Glee i have ever seen. Mercedes whole storyline was great, but I did have a few problems with it.
First of all, it her being a diva kind of came out of nowhere. I think that her boyfriend was the one  that made her act like this. He was the one that told her it was wrong to be nice to Rachel because they were up against each other. Oh and by the way, his acting was not that great. The other thing I didn't like was how she didn't take the role. I mean it was a bit of a cop out to give double cast, but at least she got the role and they have equal amount of time to shine. I didn't understand that part, but Mercedes singing Spotlight and that whole scene from Dreamgirls made me forget all about that other stuff.
I loved Mike Chang's storyline, too. It was so cute how his mom came and believed in him and then he danced with her. That was the sweetest thing.
Run The World was amazing, I mean even Sue was in to it.
Oh, OH!!!! I almost forgot all about Emma. First off, Will should NOT  have gone and invited her parents over for dinner without talking to Emma about it. But, at least he knows why she is the way she is.
One thing I don't get is why everyone is trying to run for president. And why did Rachel and Kurt wait til their senior year to try and get involved in more activities. They really should've been thinking about this stuff way before now. I also don't get that other glee club. What is its purpose???
I saw the previews for next MONTH (which I can't believe) and I don't think I'm going to be liking Quinn all that much. I mean, now she all of a sudden wants her daughter back. If she wanted her, she should've kept her. That's all I'm saying.
So about this whole one month wait thing. I'm not going to be able to wait that long. How can they just give us 3 episodes and leave for weeks?!?!? That ain't right. I'm a Gleek and I need my Glee every Tuesday at 8. What will I do?!?!?
Well, until next month Glee, I'll miss you.