Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2016 Fall Premieres - The Walking Dead

That was brutal. Probably the most graphic hour of television I've ever watched. We finally know who suffered the fate of Negan's bat and it wasn't a pretty sight. But, not only did we have to watch the gruesome death of not one but TWO characters, we had to watch Negan break Rick down.
First I'll start with who died. The first person we see die is Abraham. Now to be honest, I breathed a sigh of relief at that moment. He wasn't on my list of people who I didn't want to die, so I was okay. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike him, he's just not a favorites list. Then came Glenn (well, Darryl then Glenn). Now that was a moment that I didn't see coming and I was in a serious state of shock many minutes after it happened. In fact, the tears didn't start to come until well after. It hit me late but when it hit, it hit hard. I didn't think they would kill him simply because it was the obvious choice. Everyone who's read the comics let us who didn't know that Glenn dies. Also, they've almost killed him once so I didn't think they would really go through with it this time around. But they did and it was awful. On top of that we had to see Negan toy with Rick and try to break him. It almost didn't work so he almost made Rick cut off Carl's hand. It was hard to watch! I'm pissed and sad but not enough to stop watching. One reason is because I'm a binge watcher and haven't lived with these characters for years compared to everyone that's watched from the beginning. I only just started watching in the beginning of this year so I've only lived with these characters for about 9 months. I really think that has an impact on the attachment I have to this show.
The second reason why I'm still going to watch is because of what I think will come next. I think it's no coincidence that Maggie's first words were of revenge. Even in the state that she's in, she's ready to fight. And I'm not surprised that Sasha stood by her side. These two women have lost everyone. They've lost the people that they were closest to and in most cases they witnessed their deaths. They are going through the exact same thing and I think that they, along with the help of the other women in the group, will lead the charge in a mutiny against Negan. (That's really the only way I see them taking down a guy like that. There's one of him a  bunch of everyone else.) When you think about it, they've killed off two dudes, Rick is in no way to lead, and Darryl is probably off in a makeshift cell right now. It's time for the women to rally together and lead this season. Michonne and Carol have been in this position before, and even Rosita and Tara (when she finds out about Denise) can feel their pain. I don't think that Negan will be a non-factor by season's end, but the efforts of these women will have a major hand in his take down.

All I can say about this episode is that it was gory, sad, and rough to watch. But, they are setting the ground for a new slate, a new order as I keep hearing in interviews. I'm interested in the new characters that we get to see (mainly Ezekial's tiger).
How are you guys holding up? Will you still be watching this Sunday?

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Jane the Virgin

What can I say about this premiere? It was good. I knew they were going to spend most of their time on Michael since he was shot in the finale. Going in I had a slight feeling (because of Gina Rodriguez's snapchat) that Michael would survive. I say a slight feeling because you really never know with this show. With the way the episode was going, it seemed like Michael wouldn't make it. I mean, they showed flashbacks to the beginning of their relationship and Jane envisioned their whole lives together. If this show was predictable that would've been our cue to start mourning his death. But, this show isn't predictable and Michael pulled through.
The other moments of this episode were spent on Petra and Anezka. Petra was so close to freeing herself and exposing Anezka but, no. She went back to that paralytic state.
The other big bomb drop was that Xo won't keep her baby. I almost forgot that she found out she was pregnant in the finale. She seemed so sure that the baby wasn't Rogelio's but do we really know? And I wonder how Abuela will react to this news because I think Rogelio is the only one who knows. Will Xo even tell her, or Jane? I guess we'll find that out as the season moves along.
In the final minutes of the episode we see that Sin Rostro has abducted Luisa and they're in a submarine somewhere. Who knows how Luisa will get out of this predicament this time.

One thing the show made clear was that Michael and Petra are linked. They were both in the same hospital and while Michael was in life or death surgery, Petra was also in a life or death situation. We saw that Michael pulled through, but because of that Petra is still stuck in the hospital. I wonder if things will flip on its head as time goes on. Like, will Petra get close to freeing herself thus causing something horrible to happen to Michael, again? I am going to remember this because I have a feeling it'll come back later down the road. I just know that whatever happens it won't be anything short of crazy.
What did you guys think of the premiere? Got any predictions for the season?

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Supergirl

Supergirl is back and picked up right were it left off. Overall, I thought it was an okay premiere. A lot happened and I feel like it would have been better if the storylines lasted 2 episode instead of one.
The finale ended with Kara and J'onn discovering the pod and the premiere picked up right then. So in the 2 days the premiere was we find out who was in the pod, Superman got introduced, Winn got a new job at the DEO, Lena Luther was introduced, Kara figured out what her new job would be at CatCo, her relationship with James came and went, and we got more of a glimpse of Cadmus. And some of it got lost in the sauce. For example, Winn left CatCo. I had to watch it again to catch them mention it. It was brief and there wasn't an explanation. He was just on the team and not at CatCo anymore. Really, the only reason I knew it would happen was because I read it in an article during the hiatus.
I know that the writers were probably excited and wanted to give us as much as the could with this premiere, but I think they should've given us a few things so each storyline could get the amount of time it needed. I feel like they should've addressed the pod, Superman, Lena, and Cadmus in the premiere and left the rest of the stuff for the second episode.

I also feel like they told us a lot instead of just showing it. I also read that Kara was going to be struggling with what it means to be Kara now that she's finally found herself as Supergirl. Instead of showing us that throughout the season she just flat out said it to Clark halfway through the episode. And I figured that her personal life, e.i. her relationship with James, wasn't going to be perfect, but I wasn't expecting it to end so quickly, or at all. This was the one thing that I was afraid would happen and it did. It was the thing that I disliked the most, and it's not just because I ship them. The relationship wasn't given the time it needed to get to that point. They could have shown Kara struggle between her hero life and her personal life. Then she and James could've worked on that together. Now they're back to where they were in the beginning. And it doesn't help that they spent all of last season building up their relationship only to take it away. It also didn't help that it felt like Kara made that decision in about five minutes.

Which leads me back to my point about how they gave us too much and not enough time. I really think that was the downfall of this premiere. The look, feel, and action were great but the storylines were rushed. I'll be watching each week hoping this doesn't last.
What did yall think of the premiere?

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: The Flash

I want to warn you. This will be full of spoilers and probably a little confusing at times. But that's what happens when you have a show with multiple timelines and universes. So if you haven't watched, get on that immediately!

So, flashpoint. Barry changes the timeline once again, as if he's learned nothing before, and stops the Reverse Flash from killing his mother. Obviously there are some changes and they're not all good. I mean, Joe is a drunk bum who doesn't have a great relationship with his kids. Really, the only good things we got to see were Barry's parents alive, Wally as Kid Flash and Cisco finally being rich. From what I heard during the hiatus they weren't staying in this timeline as long as I originally predicted. They wasted no time and got out of there in one episode. I prefer it that way because I think I would have gotten antsy if they dragged it out longer. So in the end Barry, with the help of the Reverse Flash, restores ... no, I can't even say it that. They created another timeline where Barry's parents are dead, but things aren't exactly back to normal. I mean, we all thought that Barry would return back to that moment on the porch with Iris, but no. Joe and Iris still don't have a great relationship so she wasn't there and that hurts my heart. (For like 3 seconds I thought they were going to say that Iris was dead and my heart jumped.)

This premiere was insane, but we got through it and came out probably more scarred than we were before! I have a bunch of questions now. Reverse Flash is still alive and in Eobard Thawne's body, not Harrison Wells'. Does that mean the Wells of this Earth is alive and well and not evil somewhere? Is Eddie still alive? I'm also questioning every relationship because things didn't look so great in that promo! Also, what actually happened in this timeline with Joe and Iris? Are they going to show us why they don't talk? And how much of the stuff in the old timeline that happened between Iris and Barry happened in this new timeline, if any of it happened? And lastly, how much you want to bet Barry goes back in time to stop himself from going back in time to stop the Reverse Flash from killing his mother, thus restoring the timeline we had back in season 2? (Does that make any sense?) I could go on but I'm just going to stop there and watch the season.
What did you guys think of the episode?

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Monday, October 3, 2016

2015 Fall Premiere: Pitch - Pilot & The Interim

Pith is about Ginny Baker, a pitcher who becomes the first woman to play for Major League Baseball.
I enjoyed the pilot but I had to give it another episode. From the looks of the promos I thought that this might be better off as a movie, which is why I wanted to give it a couple episodes before I gave it my final verdict. I am hooked. The ending of the pilot left me shook! I figured something was up with her dad but never suspected what actually happened. (I won't spoil it for those that haven't watch yet)
I love the way the pilot episode was filmed. I loved how they made it look like you were watching an actual baseball game. And of course that shot of the ball for that one pitch she had; AMAZING! The other great thing about this show is its flashbacks. They are properly place and give great insight to Ginny's past. They are showing us and not telling us and I love that. This show will obviously be tackling social issues. So far they're doing a good job not making it seem like a PSA. With sports comes commentary and that's where most of the talk about a woman playing a male dominated sport happens. Ginny is also taking on some social issues herself and we saw that in the second episode.

Overall, I definitely have a new show. In future episodes I want to find out where Ginny's brother is. So far, we've only seen him in flashbacks. He wasn't at her first game and she doesn't talk about him. The only guess I have is that when she let him go as her manager/agent he got upset and left. I hope that he's not involved in drugs or anything like that. I also want to see more of Ginny's mom and more about her childhood. Her father really pushed her and used some not okay tactics to get her to play harder. That had to effect her and her family and I want to see that.
A lot of people want Ginny and Mike together, but I don't really care what happens. I do think that have great chemistry. I just wouldn't be mad if they got together and wouldn't be mad if they didn't. Maybe I'll move over to the shipping side once I see more episodes, but we shall see.
What did you guys think of the show?

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