Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Switched at Birth - We Are The Kraken of Our Own Sinking Ships

First off that title is way too long. This episode should have just been called awkward because of all the awkward moments. 
Moving on to the episode; Bay is completely out of control!! I don't know if she just wants to be rebellious or what but she's losing it. Her parents finally meet Zarra and clearly don't like her. So they try to distract Bay from Zarra by inviting her ex-boyfriend from the Galapagos and his parents over for dinner. That whole reunion was awkward because he thought Bay planned the whole thing, but the he found out she didn't. Then Bay gets a call from Zarra who is in jail and needs $1500 to get bailed out! So Bay, of course, comes up with a story to get out and get the money. Bay's ultimate low point was when she goes to her dad's shop to get some of the money, well steal it!! This is when I really started to not like Zarra. I mean, at first she was pretty cool but now she just seems like trouble and Bay is doing some crazy thing for this girl. What really made me mad was when Zarra basically lied about who Bay was baling out. There was another person she got out!! And I could tell Bay was not happy about that and she has every right to be. She stole $1200 from her dad; that's huge! I have no idea what her parents are going to do with her once they find out about this. Maybe she'll get kicked out of something? I don't know. 
Now Daphne is in a very interesting situation. We all know that Scuba likes her and when he finds out about her and Chef he tries to use it to his advantage, but that doesn't work. He still gets fired. I just can't believe that Chef is still going to be with Daphne. I just hope they don't get caught by the police before her parents find out. 
Now Toby is still seeing that girl Nikki and they are very cute together, but then there comes the awkward moment when her boyfriend calls!! That is just super awkward for Toby because you could tell that he really liked her. My question is, why did she lead him on like that?? Then she went on to sing him a song and tell him a super serious story about when her dad got shot. she basically poured her soul out to him. I guess it all inspired Toby to forget about the mess with Emmett because he went to Emmett's house and asked to be in his new band. So their friends again. 
Regina also started up her relationship with Patrick again, but that didn't last long. He basically told her that her marriage to Angelo is real even though she keeps saying that it isn't, and I totally agree. I think she still loves Angelo and just doesn't know it herself yet. I like them together anyways. 
I enjoyed this episode and I think the next ones are going to be pretty crazy, especially when people start finding out about Bay and Daphne. 

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