Friday, November 16, 2012

Glee aka Glease

Grease is finally here and it's Glee style so it's Glease!! It's almost show time and of course they face problem after problem after problem. First off, Sue has returned to be the "menace to Ohio" that she used to be and is trying to sabotage everything Finn does because he called her baby retarded. So, she gets Wade pulled out of the musical. Also, Kitty is trying to ruin Marley's life first by making her costume smaller so she can't fit into it, then she calls her fat, and then she tells her she should purge to get the weight off. Now, this girl is so jealous and so mean that's it's ridiculous. I think it's because she has no friends but she's just so mean why would anyone want to be her friend. Something is definitely wrong with her. 
There is also some jealousy filled sabotage going on in New York. It looks like Rachel and Brody are getting closer and Cassandra July is not having it. I just don't know why she's so jealous. So, she overhears Rachel and Kurt talking about maybe going back to Ohio to see the play and offers to help them get there. So they go, knowing that they are going to face their ex-boyfriends, and how awkward that was. I'm pretty sure it was the epitome of awkward. 
So, it's finally show time and you think nothing can go wrong but, somehow, Marley's costume gets smaller and Kitty leads her to the bathroom to purge, but luckily Ryder comes to the rescue and saves her from the unthinkable. And I'm pretty sure he admits that he wants to be Marley's boyfriend. Oh, and he kissed so, yeah, I think he likes her. I think the craziest thing to happen was when they were singing "You're The One That I Want" and Rachel imagined her singing it to Finn and it seemed like everyone that broke up with someone was imagining singing it to that person. It was a little freaky and there was a flashback. It was a lot to wrap your head around.
And while all this Grease stuff is going on Cassandra is with a shirtless Brody doing God knows what. Rachel ends up calling him and Cassandra answers and basically tells her that she and Brody hooked up. Not really sure if that's true and not sure if we'll ever find out the truth but that what she said. And then Rachel and Finn and Kurt and Blaine have more awkward moments but they don't end well. Rachel and Finn basically decide to never speak to each other again (crazy), and Kurt realizes that he can't trust Blaine anymore and neither of them shouldn't of come there because it's not 'home.' Will there ever come back is the thing I want to know. 
Oh and Will tells everyone that he's leaving and Finn is taking over and they all freak out because they have no faith in him. And I guess because Grease went so well they changed their minds. 
I think the words I'll use to describe this episode are sabotage, craziness and jealousy. It was a great episode and it made me like Grease which is a big deal because I did not like it before now. I can't wait to see all the drama that happens next week but I'm kind of upset because Thanksgiving is next week and I will not be home to watch. But that God for DVR and don't forget to set yours too.       

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