Friday, April 26, 2013

Glee - Lights Out

It seems like every time the New Directions try to prepare for regionals something gets in the way. This week it was a power outage. This prompts Will to make it acoustic week. 
We still don't know who is catfishing Ryder and he is determined to find out who it is. His reasoning: because he shared some deep dark secrets to her (or him); deep dark secrets that no one knows about, even his closest friends. Jake tells Ryder that he should share this secret with his friends and not some random unknown person on the internet. So Ryder decides to "unplug his feelings" to the group. He sings and we see that the glee club is still getting slushied. (Dang) After his song he shares that he was molested at a young age. Whoa  Glee taking on another serious issue. But, Sam and Artie didn't make matters any better when they start questioning why it's such a big deal, considering a woman committed the crime. What idiots. I'm pretty sure if Ryder was happy about the incident he wouldn't have kept it a secret from all his friends. Those guys are dopes and need some sense knocked into them. Since they didn't understand, Kitty takes Ryder out to eat to let him know she gets it and has her support. She also shares that the same thing happened to her when she was younger and she had to switch schools because of it!!! I was completely shocked at the point. I was not expecting this at all. I'm just speechless, but I will say that it's nice that Ryder has someone that really understands. 
In the mists of all that we finally see where Sue ended up. She is now a personal trainer and Blaine decided to visit her class. He goes down there to tell her that he knows something shady is going on surrounding her confession to the shooting and that he's going to find out what it was. Sue also visits the school, keeping an eye on her beloved Cheerios. Becky talks to her about how being a Cheerio is not the same with Sue not there and she ends up getting in trouble with Coach Roz on purpose so she can talk to the principal. We don't know what she said to him but we can guess that it was a confession; we just don't know what happened to her. Did she get suspended? Expelled? Is Sue going to come back? After this the power finally comes back on. 
Not much really happened in New York. We find out that Santana's not doing much with her life there and has become a cage dancer!! Kurt and Rachel try to knock some sense into her but it doesn't work. We do find out that Kurt is still working for SJP and he is working some ballet event and the girls attend and work it with him. This is when Santana decides to do more with her life and in the end we see her taking a dance class at NYADA. Most of the time we're in New York we see Rachel, Kurt, Santana and SJP singing some song about the ballet which, in my opinion, was too long. 
Overall this was a good episode; very heartbreaking at times. It was really nice to see the soft side of Santana and Kitty, especially. I liked how the group did "We Will Rock You" Stomp style, but I just can't deal with Jake dancing ballet. It's just really weird. Another weird thing was seeing Blaine workout in short shorts. I really have no words for that. Oh, and Kitty definitely likes Ryder whether she's catfishing him or not, she's crushing on him!! I just hope that Ryder gets over his catfisher. Lastly, I just have one question: why did the power go out??

Friday, April 19, 2013

Glee - Sweet Dreams

Glee is back, post-shooting and things seem to be a little different at McKinley. Some of the New Directions are acting pretty strange; Tina changed her style, Sam has created this "twin" named Evan, and Wade is trying to grow boobs by taking birth control pills!! But, the biggest change is with Will. For some reason he's gotten really mean. I don't know if it has to do with the shooting or his relationship with Finn but something is making him act like a jerk. He tries a second time to get the group ready for regionals and this time he knows the theme, which is dreams. So he picks out all these awful songs an won't take any suggestions, and then when the group goes behind his back he freaks out on them. Marley is determined to get him to  choose on of her original songs but he won't have it. So she goes behind his back and has some of the kids sing the song with her just to see how it sounds. My opinion of the song: the words were kind of corny but overall it was amazing. Of course Will is in the background for most of it and this is the moment when he realizes he needs to lighten up. 
Finn goes to college. Within minutes we see him in not one but TWO of those FAKE harlem shake things. That made me so mad. Then he discovers that Puck decided to move back to Ohio and hang out at that school. And yes I mean hang out like, he's not even enrolled there. They go buck wild!! Finn skips classes, they have water slides on the dorm hallway, and go to a frat party. Basically Finn is spiraling out of control. Will visits him to apologize and try to knock some sense into him but, at first, it doesn't work. It actually takes Puck to get Finn to come to his senses and Finn finds a way to go back to McKinley and get college credit for it. Thank God because one thing Glee got wrong was normal college dorm life. They really need to stick to high school. 
In other McKinley news Roz aka NeNe Leekes is back and has taken over the Cheerios. I love it. She is absolutely hilarious and I'm happy we'll see her more. She brings Blaine and Becky in to her office to make sure that they won't let what happen to Sue happen to her, and Becky gets a little too emotional. She is definitely going to get found out soon. 
At NYADA, Shelby is back!! Rachel's mom returns to help her out with her audition for Funny Girl and of course they sing a duet! "Next To Me" on Glee. I enjoyed it. I mean, I love that songs so to have it on Glee was great! Shelby comes back because she has some Braodway daycare business which makes me think we may be seeing more of her. Shelby tries to help Rachel choose a song but instead she turns to Finn.He is the one that puts the idea in her head to sing "Don't Stop Believin'". That is the only song I don't mind being re-used on this show. There was also a bit of a flashback while she was on stage with the original club members. I must say that Rachel and Finn are THAT couple on TV. You know, the couple that belongs together but aren't because every single obstacle possible gets in their way, but in the end they get together after, what seems like, a million years. At first I thought it was Will and Emma. Maybe it's both. I don't know, this is just a sidenote. Back to Rachel, she gets a callback; YAY!
Overall this episode was good. We're back to going back and forth from McKinley to New York. We don't know what Sue's doing but it looks like we'll find that out next week. And it looks like the glee club will be doing original songs at regionals. I'm not mad at them because that is one of the things that this show does well. We just have to see if it's enough to get them into Nationals.   

Friday, April 12, 2013

Glee - Shooting Star

Glee is back!! This entire episode takes place at McKinley High. So, it starts with the group getting ready for regionals. Brittany comes in to tell everyone that a meteor asteroid thing is headed for Earth and will kill them all. So Will takes advantage of this and make the theme of the week was last chance. Brittany uses this chance to tell her cat how much she loves him. Sam actually got the whole group together to help her sing a song to it. That's just a little too weird for me. Another weird confession: Coach Beiste likes Will. Super awkward and kind of ridiculous. Ryder also uses the theme to confront the girl who, he thinks, is catfishing him. He sings "Your Song" to this Katie girl only to realize that he's not singing to Katie at all. Someone used this girls picture to talk to Ryder and be anonymous. He goes on somewhat of a war path trying to find out who the real person is, blaming everyone from Kitty to Jake to Marley (who is probably incapable of doing anything of the sort). He even plans to officially meet this person. Yikes! Becky has a touching moment with Brittany, confessing that she is scared of the real world. I teared up, but the next thing I know the unthinkable happens. 
Gun shots! The glee club was meeting and next thing you know a gun goes off; twice. The next 10 or 15 minutes were the most intense moments of my TV watching life and that's saying a lot because I watch Scandal. The glee club locks themselves in the room and hides and waits. Everyone is crying and scared and no one knows what's going on. To make it worse Tina and Brittany aren't there. So, Sam goes nuts trying to leave the room to go find Brittany. Eventually will goes to find her and some other who hid in the bathroom. We also see that Tina got out of the school with the rest of the students. In these moments Kitty confessed to Marley about how she made her think she was getting fat and Ryder called his catfisher and surprisingly a phone in the room went off. Artie also took the time to film everyone saying their last words. After some time the all clear was given and they were allowed to leave. At this point I think I entered a state of shock. I was tearing up and shaking the entire time. I was really speechless after everything. I must say that all of the actors did an amazing job. 
Afterwards came some confusion. Sue confessed to shooting the gun!!! It really made no sense what so ever. Of all people it was Sue?! And she gets fired!! But we see that it was actually Becky who brought in the gun and accidentally shot it off. I wasn't too surprised at this. All she wanted to do was protect herself from this world that she's so very scared of. It was extremely sad. 
Overall, like I said before, this episode was intense. To comment a little on the controversy of it; I didn't think it was bad. As we see in the news, school shootings happen and this show tackles issues that happen in the real world. They tackled suicide and texting while driving so it's not really a a shock that they would tackle school shootings. Compared to another show that I've watched that tackled the same issue, this episode was a lot easier to watch. No one got hurt. It was a bad portrayal at all, and this was one of Glee's better episodes. I just want to know if Sue will return. What would the show be without her? I hope she still is seen. Also, Ryder never met the person and I wonder if he ever will. I kind of hope the person get revealed only because it's really going to bug me. Well, until next week.