Friday, October 25, 2013

Scandal - Say Hello To My Little Friend

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Can we all just take a minute to appreciate the hilariousness of this title. Okay. 

So, OPA is living the struggle life at the moment. They're having trouble finding clients and it seems like they have to seek them out instead of people seeking them out. Lucky for them they got a yes and they got a new client. Yay for that because we got to see some of Harrison's dance moves (anyone else thinking of Boys in Motion??). So a senator that has a problem sexting girls becomes their new client when one of those girls ends up dead and he is, obviously, the main suspect. This dude is just one huge web of lies! He never told the truth, except when he got caught. Everyone started to believe that he was a murderer, except Olivia, and they needed the money so they kept him as a client. And it took Olivia's gut to discover who really killed the girl; his wife. This whole story reminded me of  All Roads Lead To Fitz and Top Of The Hour; all the lies. 
Back at the White House, Mellie gets herself into some serious trouble when she can't keep her mouth shut about a congresswoman who has plans to run against Fitz in the next election. She forgets that "the microphone is always loaded" and says some rude comments about the congresswoman. This puts Cyrus in a tizzy and goes nuts trying to get her to fix it. During all this Fitz is more concerned about the man that Huck killed in the last episode and Operation Remington starts to become clearer and clearer. Fitz is all upset about his death and has Tom do some digging about his life and when he finds out that this guy is just going to be thrown in a pine box, he arranges for a real military funeral and shows up for it. (Along with Huck which was sad) When Cyrus finds out he gets all upset about it, too and has a little meeting with poppa Pope about it. I'm guessing Cyrus isn't even going to try to not have another heart attack. Cyrus gets Fitz to leave the past in the past which pissed me off. How else are we going to find out about Remington?! Which brings me to Huck and Jake.
These two are starting to have secret meetings about the hole and command and all that. Jake is making it his mission to bring poppa Pope down. He spies on Rowan's conversation with Cyrus and does his own digging on the guy Huck killed. He tries really hard to get Olivia on board with all this and at first it doesn't work, but it takes Huck to get her to listen. Here's what they found out: Remington has something to do with a flight mission that Fitz was the pilot for, but the guy that Huck killed made it seem like he was the pilot and not Fitz. This makes me think that something went completely wrong! Why else would they try to make it seem like it wasn't Fitz? Whatever it was, if people find out about it Fitz most likely wouldn't get elected again. If Fitz really doesn't want to be president he should leak what happened, but it might make Olivia not want him anymore. But, he did kill Verna so who knows. I just really want to know the whole story of Remington but we probably won't find out until the episode before they go on a winter hiatus. Why can't they just tell us?! I hate not knowing things!! 
I'm going to take this moment to talk about Jake. Jake is like glitter; you can never get rid of him, and when you think he's gone, he's not! Olivia kicked him out her house for goodness sake and he's still there in the end. And why did he have to go and tell her that he would never leave her. You don't say that to people with abandonment issues!! Those were like golden words to her, so of course she starts making out with him (ugh!). And they almost did the deed too if it wasn't for Fitz calling, but Jake ruined that too. He knows good and well didn't need more wine because he just topped her off! Boy does he got an agenda!! This guy. I'm sorry to all the Jake lovers out there. It's just that every time I see his I think of his spy wall. I can't get over that. 
Speaking of spies, Quinn nosiness finally got her in trouble. She took it a little to far by following Huck around and he was not having it. He's really concerned about her though. She wants to be like him and he ain't having that and he let her know, too. She really needs to take a moment and think about her intentions before she finds herself huddles up in a corner rocking back and forth chanting something about her past life. 
Overall I liked this episode. Ish is getting real with this Remington stuff and it's going to hit the fan when it all comes out in the open. Let's talk about the little things I liked. First, my favorite scene were the one when Huck confronted Quinn and the first scene between Cyrus and James (lol). Cobra, Abby's "pervy perv" line and that moment when Fitz defended Mellie. Yes, I was taken aback when he defended her but the part I want to focus on was when he grabbed her hand. She stood there and soaked that up and then she came to her senses and yanked away. Everything she said in those 10 seconds, oh my gosh! That is great acting. Dabby is back on! Also in the last scene we got curl action, a Fitz strut, and the meeting I was waiting between Fitz and poppa Pope! I'm mad that were it ended though! I hope we get to see what that meeting was. I really wonder if Fitz knows if that Rowan is poppa Pope. They told us they already knew each other I just want to know how. 
As for next week, there will be some serious fierceness by Olivia Pope and I CAN NOT WAIT!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Scandal - Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington

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Okay, so first I have to say that I have WAY too many distractions while watching this show. I love Twitter but it is one of them! I have to watch this show twice and every time I watch it a 2nd time I notice all these things I missed the first time!! I just had to get that off my chest. (I'm still going to tweet though). 
Now on to this episode. So we all knew that Olivia wouldn't die but there were still so many things to watch so we did. So OPA is hanging on by a thread and taking any new clients they can find. So this woman comes in and she ends being the bomber. My first question would be, if she was planning on blowing herself to bits why in the world did she hire Olivia?? I don't know and I don't get it. I feel like she should have done one or the other but not both. When the associates figure out that something fishy is going on Olivia goes after her and that's how she gets in the room with the bomb. So the one thing I learned from this is that Olivia is an idiot with a death wish! This chick sees people running AWAY from a room and what does she do, goes right into that room! I felt like I was watching a horror movie and you know us African Americans die early in those things!! So what does Olivia do, she tries to handle the situation. If it were me I would've hopped out the window, said 'oops, wrong room' and left or something to get me out of there! But unlike Olivia, I DON"T have a death with. Let me tell you, this girl had a way out! They were going to shoot this suicide bomber and what does she do, she puts her self in between the shooter and the bomber. I've realized that Olivia does not value her life. She did too many things in this episode that showed me this. So her team is on the war path trying to find this file and Abby ends up in David Rosen's office, and let's talk about David Rosen for a minute. This dude is "like totally' annoying. He was just going to let Olivia die! I guess he forgot about the time she had him shacking up in her office when he thought a killer was after him. But he still came through because he knows he's obsessed with justice and finding out the truth. So everyone finds out the truth about the suicide bomber's son but her. Olivia had to lie to her to save the lives of 57 people. It looked like everyone was going to come out of this alive but in the last second the woman run back in the room and blows herself up. I honestly wasn't expecting her to do that but I'm not surprised that she did it. And what does Olivia do when the bomber runs into the room, she tries to go after her! But she gets pulled away in time and things seem kind of well with her until Quinn, nosey behind Quin comes and tells her some interesting info about Huck.
While all this stuff was happening, Huck was stalking poppa Pope and trying to kill him. Last thing we see is Huck holding a gun to his head. Olivia confront him about the whole thing and begs for him to tell her if he killed her father. Be didn't do it. Am I the only one who secretly wished Huck said yes just to see what happened? I'm pretty sure the country would burn to the ground because poppa Pope is apparently in control of the whole thing. Instead of killing Rowan, Huck killed some guy who's connected to Operation Remington. So Huck is crying to Olivia about how Rowan still has control over his and he FINALLY gets a hug!! 
Olivia then goes home to Jake (who by the way was naked in her bed in the beginning of the episode) and he just as annoying as usual. They argue about how he got out that hole (too soon if you ask me) and neither of them know, but it's not going to be good because Rowan still has control over him because Rowan has control over everyone. 
Fitz and Mellie have a little scene together where Mellie is completely drunk! She basically tells him that Olivia will never be free from her as long as she's alive and she can use her to control Fitz. Mellie really is an evil little thing. 
My questions: Does Olivia value her life? How in the world did Jake know Rowan was poppa Pope? And what/who scars poppa Pope because he doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. Hopefully he gets scared this season. Who knows what Operation Remington is? I mean, do the writers even know? And it better be crazy insane or I'm going to be pissed off. This this better be the most disturbingly awful thin that anyone could think of. And that's as close to guessing as I'll get. No specifics for me, I'm never right anyways. And they weren't lying when they said this season would be "dark."
Some positives about the episode (I really have nothing negative to say) "SHUT.UP." Mellie acting drunk was wonderful. I really hate when people act drunk because it's just so unbelievable and ridiculous but Bellamy Young did a great job with this. Gave me hope that people can act drunk and not be so over the top. And keep the black and white photos/video coming because I LOVE it! 
Until next week, which looks like could bring in some laughs. 

TV Watching Update

I thought I'd give a little update on how my TV watching is going. 
First off if you haven't watched my review, I've stopped watching Hostages. It just didn't work out for me. I am watching The Blacklist instead. I was hooked after the first episode. It's a nice twist to the classic crime drama. I did think it would be like Silence of the Lambs since it's about a criminal helping the police and he will only talk to one girl but it goes deeper than that. 
I'm also watching Sleepy Hollow which was unplanned. I checked it out when it premiered and liked it and now I can't stop watching. I can't watch it at night, though, because it scares me and will probably give me nightmares. 
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing pretty well considering it's been picked up for a full season. So we'll be seeing a lot more of Agent Coulson. Hopefully it'll get a lot more intense because so far it's been the same type of thing over and over and that can get old and underwhelming really fast. 
Lastly in the TV world, I've decided to do weekly reviews on Scandal. I had been debating on whether I would do this ever since last season and gave it a try last week and will keep doing it every week. 

Also, I'm going to start posting a movie review at least once a week so be on the look out for that. They will be a mix of old and new movies. 

That's all for now. If you think I should give weekly reviews on a show let me know and I'll give it a try. remember to follow me on twitter @KiaCherise because I tweet during all my shows. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Scandal - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I thought it would be fun but we'll have to see about that. Just a heads up, this will mostly likely be an unorganized rant about last night, so I'm sorry if it jumps around a bit. 
So I was overly ecstatic about the fact that there were flashbacks about Olivia's life!! I have been waiting for this for forever. Every time I thought we would get a snippet into her life and we didn't, I was pissed of, so I was really excited about last night. Their relationship is one HOT MESS!!! It seems like he wants to make her happy, but that comes with a price. Get Huck back, but almost kill Eddison. But she only agreed to marry him because of his job and what it would mean to her dad. And that makes me think that she didn't really want to marry him and her 'I love you' was very unconvincing. And OH MY GOODNESS see Liv take her first sip of REAL wine was like seeing a baby take their first steps!! Okay I think I'm done with the flashbacks. Oh wait, Olivia is NOSEY!!! There Now I'm done. 
What else did I go crazy over last night?? Oh, the presidential sized balls!! I LOVE this Fitz, taking control and everything, letting Cyrus know that he is the commander is chief and has all the power!! It's a nice change from last season where he just sulked in the background and let everyone else make decisions for him. Oh and Mellie, Mellie is evil! Mellie will do whatever she can to keep her political career in tact. She only cares about that. I mean, sure, she fell in love with Fitz after they got married but I think she loves her career more. 
And Tom. Tom is such the perfect little messenger boy. And can we just take a moment to remember that Vermont conversation. I mean there was jam and 4 kids, oh my heart just melted. 
And that Quinn is hilarious!! I love it. I mean, she's crazy but it's funny. And all that that went down with Liv and Huck was crazy!! I did NOT see all that coming!! And Jake's back. (BOO) And he said 'hi' to her!! I just don't know how I feel about that!! 
There's so much more little things that I could mention too. Like when Daddy Pope was talking about fossils, in the flashback, and he was talking about the cousins and how one gets all the glory and the other does all the dirty work. It was something like that but I freaked out when I heard it because it reminded me of their relationship. Another thing is that I still believe her mother isn't dead. Something is just so shady about Rowan/Eli. Like why does he have two names?!! And what the heck is in that dang folder?! What happened? I will not rest until I know!! And Fitz said Jake is known for saving people's lives which makes me wonder if Fitz almost died on that little mission and Jake saved him. 
And oh my gosh next week is going to be INSANE!!! Olivia is going to be in danger and I bet you Fitz will save her. He better because she has a soft spot for people that save her life. I just love this show so much, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have some kind of heart attack or emotional break down or go into a coma or something. I'm not exactly sure how much of this I can handle. My heart is not prepared for this. This show just keeps getting better and better and this is a good thing. I just think my feels with LITERALLY explode! 
Well, this was fun. I guess I'll keep doing it. Have fun with your recovery and prep for next week. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Glee - Tina in the Sky With Diamonds

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So Glee is back with another episode of the Beatles, and it's prom. Now I have to say this first. Having two episodes of Beatles music would have been fine if it wasn't back-to-back. Not even half way through the episode I was like, okay, I need other music now. Like I said last week, I need variety. 
Not that much happened in this episode. Tina got nominated for prom queen, along with Kitty, and went nuts. She turned down Sam's offer to be her date to make her chances of winning better. Kitty even agreed to vote for Tina but, this girl Bree. Bree is some random Cheerio that came out of NOWHERE who basically berated Kitty into really running for prom queen so a Cheerio could win because Cheerios never win. Kitty actually got mad over this and didn't run and tore down all these posters that Bree put up. This pissed Bree off and she decided to pull a Carrie on Tina. That right, she had Tina's assistant drop a bucket of slushee on her head right after she won. But, of course, the glee club was there to run to Tina's rescue, literally clean her up and give her a pep talk to get back out there and accept the crown. She did it, in Kitty's dress! See, Kitty figured it all out right before it happened and I guess she felt bad for not running to Tina's rescue and taking the slushee for her. That made me a little mad. I was hoping she would've done that instead. 
In other news, Sam is super depressed about his love live and ends up crushing over this half of a nurse that Sue hired to vaccinate the school. I said she's half of a nurse because she's not even in nursing school and really doesn't know what she's doing. Sue actually fired her but Sam changed her mind. I'm guessing that's going to be his new girl now? Or at least he's going to try. 
In New York, Rachel is all kinds of upset over that fact that she hasn't heard anything back from Funny Girl. Kurt (who works at the diner now) is there to cheer her up and that gives her the determination to audition for anything and everything. But she doesn't really have to do that because in the end Rachel gets the part. Yay! I knew it. 
Also, Santana booked a commercial for some yeast infection medicine and it was kind of hilarious! She is also crushing over her coworker, Dani (Demi Lovato) and they end up getting together. I didn't know how to feel about the adding of Demi to the cast but now I don't think it was a bad idea. 

That's really all that happened this week. Not too much. It was a bit lackluster and I'm disappointed about it. A couple side notes. I had been waiting for a Smash reference and it finally happened. Coach Roz and Sue are becoming my favorite characters. The both of them are hilarious. Oh and I am NOT even the slightest emotionally ready for next week. Not even sure if I'll review it but I might have a few words so be on the look out.