Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Summer Premieres 2017: Orphan Black

The premiere was crazy! When we left our clones they were in peril. When we came back to them they were in peril. And now, they are still in peril. Cosima is off on this cult-like island, Sarah has been tranquilized by Rachel, Alison got kidnapped, and Helena literally has a stick in her babies! But, it's not just the clones who are in peril! Art has this new, super shady partner, and Mrs. S and Kira are MIA! Everyone is still backed into a corner and I have no idea how they'll get out.

Look, I have no clue what to expect or what to predict for this final season. My hope is that we'll finally get some answers with Kira. We all know that she has these telekinetic type powers with the sestras. I just want to know why and how. And that kind of sucks because that might mean she'll be a lab rat and have a bunch of tests run on her. (Wouldn't it be crazy if Rachel finds out just how special Kira is and tries to clone her instead of herself?!) Also, I want Helena's babies to be okay and for the rest of the clones to have satisfying endings.

Do you guys have any predictions on the season or thoughts on the premiere?

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

2017 Summer Premiere: Still Star Crossed

It was a little difficult figuring out what to say about this show because it left me in such awe after the premiere. (Good thing I usually wait until after the second episode to write my review.)
This show is amazing! I haven't seen anything like this since Brandy and Whitney's Cinderella. Seeing diversity like this on my screen is magnificent! I don't even care if it doesn't make sense how these people could be related to each other. And the best part is seeing two beautiful, dark skin, Black women, sisters on screen who are smart, important, and loved. That means so much to me!
I also love how grand this show is. The costumes and the setting are epic. I'm also obsessed with the cinematography!

Now let's talk about these characters like they're real for a second.
I am totally okay with this Rosaline, Benvolio, Escalus love triangle. Well, except for the fact that Escalus seems to be turning into pure trash. But, I think that he is spending too much time trying to please everyone. His sister wants him to be this strong leader and show that strength. His dad wants him to do whatever he can to have peace in Verona. Rosaline just wants him to be with her. He has so many people in his ear that his thoughts and wants are being drowned out. Hopefully he'll realize this before it's too late.
Isabella definitely has some secret agenda going on. She's planning something and I can't wait to see what it is. Right now she and Escalus are giving me serious Azula and Zuko vibes.
Also, I can't to see what Lady Capulet does when she finds out the truth about Juliet's death. She'll probably kill the friar because those Capulet's are ruthless!

Are you guys watching? What do you think of the show?

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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Season Finale Update: The Flash

That finale! I think me and everyone other fan figured out how they would save Iris by the time the penultimate episode was over. So, there wasn't anything shocking about that. I think the most shocking and best part, for me, was when Iris shot SaviBarry.
When Barry walked into the Speed Force my first thought was "Oh wow! They're really doing this!" I know that Barry can't be The Flash forever and would eventually pass the torch but I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon. (If that's what's really happening.) Then I felt anger and sadness because Iris didn't get her happy ending! And that was it. Even after watching it a second time I felt the same way.

Now this season was interesting.
  • The Good
    • IRIS ANN WEST! This season was all about her and I love it! I'm obsessed with that fact that everyone dropped everything to do all that they could to keep this wonderful Black woman alive. HR sacrificed his life for her. And, at the end of the day she was the ultimate hero! If the name changes from 'The Flash' to 'The Iris West Show' I won't be mad!
    • There were some great Westallen goodies. I especially liked the musical episode and the one when Barry lost his memories. Overall, it's been great watching them grow as a couple. 
    • Cynthia was a great addition to the cast and I hope she sticks around for next season. 
    • Wally becoming Kid Flash. 
  • The Bad
    • Savitar being Barry. I'm mostly upset by this because this is the third time the villain has been someone close to and trusted by the team. Also, my brain still can't comprehend how there was a version of Barry that wanted to kill Iris. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
    • The predictability. It's never fun or shocking or interesting when I can predict what's going to happen. 
    • The end of the finale. Did Jay really need to be busted out of the speed force?!
  • The Ugly
    • My face when I yelled at the TV each week.
    • Having to watch Iris die over and over and over...
I have a few thoughts on next season. Savitar has been erased from existence so does that mean Wally loses his speed? And if he doesn't we are going to need a really good explanation for it. 
This may be an unpopular opinion but I am absolutely fine with having Barry gone for a good part of the first half of the season. The team is in a completely different place from before. Caitlyn/Killer Frost is gone. Barry is gone. Star Labs is gone. It would be interesting to see how everyone not only copes but moves forward with all this. I wouldn't mind seeing everyone doing their own thing for a little bit. Let Wally finish school. Let Iris do more reporting.
I also want it to be hard for them to figure out how to get Barry back, if they are the ones to figure it out. (He may get out on his own.) I don't want it to be this long drawn out this that ends being super simple in the end either.
And lastly, if Barry does get out and isn't gone forever, let him and Iris have a happy ending that lasts! I'm over them being separated in the finale! This has happened three times and that's more than enough.
Well, I'll see yall next season.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Season Finale Update: Jane the Virgin

That finale was a whirlwind! So many ups and downs. I laughed, cried, yelled a bit, too. Xo and Ro FINALLY got married and I am so happy!
After all this time of Rose being on the run the time they catch her, she's innocent! I couldn't believe that!
Luisa and Aneska teaming up is the best worst idea ever. Part of me wants to see them working together more because it would be hilarious but the other part of me doesn't because they are dangerous!
We finally met Adam! That fake out though! I really thought that it would be Rafael out on the deck.

This has been one crazy season! Now that I think about it, a lot happened. Michael got shot and didn't die, but then he did die and we jumped 3 years into the future (so does that mean it's 2020?). All these old relationships rekindled but then fizzled out. It was crazy and I loved it!
The one thing that shocked me the most was when they killed Michael. I really didn't think they would ever do that. After all that they've been through I really thought they would live out their happily ever after.
As for next season, I really can't predict anything but I do have one theory. I think that Jane and Rafael are going to end up like Rogelio and Xiomara. It just hit me when both couples were dancing next to each other at the wedding. Mateo went from his parents to his grandparents and I just thought of the parallels between the two couples. You can mark my words, and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But, if I'm right, remember where you read it first.
Alright, until next time. And remember, it'll be on Fridays next season.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Season Finale Update: Scandal

That was one crazy, twisty finale! I didn't see any of it coming. Mama Pope's return was EPIC!! Her performance in the jail cell was master level acting and Khandi Alexander deserves an Emmy just for that!
I was shocked when it was reveled that Luna Vargas was behind her own husband's shooting! She was the last person on my suspect list. But, technically, Cyrus was really behind it. My one question; is Luna really dead? Liv told Cyrus that she wasn't so what kind of game is she playing?
I love that OPA is back together with Quinn in charge. She came full circle this season!
And Liv is command! I don't know how to feel about this because it could either go really bad or really well. Hoping for the latter.
I think I'm the only person who wished this finale was the series finale. So many storylines that over-arched each season closed and I just don't know how they can start new ones with only one season left. I also always thought the series would end once Fitz left office.

I enjoyed this season. The "what if" episode was one of my favorites.
Throughout this whole season part me thought that Liv was either the mastermind behind the whole shooting or that she was slowly becoming her father. I can't believe that one of those things actually happened!
Next season will definitely be an interesting one. We'll get a glimpse of Mellie's white house, Quinn's OPA (should we still be calling it that?), and Liv's B613! (Yay for women being in the highest positions of power!) Also, is Fitz going to be seen at all this season or is he gone for good? And what will that final episode be? Will Fitz and Liv finally be together forever or not?
We shall see.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Season Finale Update: Grey's Anatomy

Okay now THAT was a Grey's finale! There was a tragedy, things got super intense, and then there was a game changing ending. That is what I'm used to seeing with Grey's and I don't think we've had a finale like this in a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an awful person who wishes awful things like this to happen. But to me, it's not a Grey's finale if it isn't tragic.
I am sad to see Stephanie go, but at least she went out like a boss! And I'm also happy that that little girl (who is like little Mer 2.0) survived too.
I can't say I was upset when Minnick got fired. I never liked her and it became very obvious in this episode that she does not fit in with the Grey's crew. Just look at the difference between her reaction to hearing Stephanie was missing and Jackson's. Bailey was right with what she said about her.
I'm not mad that Maggie and Jackson's relationship may be explored. It's time for Maggie to have a relationship with someone who isn't an intern or already taken. Jackson is a good guy and it looks like April's not going to be jealous, so why not. (And no, they are NOT siblings. Let's not have that argument.)

I definitely like the second half of this season better than the first. It just took too long for us to find out Alex's fate. There were some great episodes like the one that took place in the prison and the series of episodes about Maggie and her mom. Those were so well done.
Well, I can't wait to see what this show does next. See ya then!

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Season Finale Update: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This was another great finale! It made me so happy that they brought Robbie back for this episode, which brought together the 2 halves of the season. (Anyone else feel like they were watching 2 different seasons?)
Can we talk about the ending! One, who were those people that showed up in the diner and what was that contraption they were using? It made me think they were still in the framework! Two, is our team in space now because that's where it looked like Phil woke up!? If that's true then we'll be in for one interesting season. I just hope that if they are in space, they do not stay there for the entire season, unless they're on a different planet. I could be okay with that.

Now the season as a whole was fantastic. I think they did a really good job building up the darkhold and Aida. I wish they didn't stay in the framework for as long as they did, but in the end it all worked out. I think this show does an amazing job with their villains and Mallory Jansen did an awesome job as Aida. This show continues to get better and better with each season. (Although, season 2 will always be my favorite.) I will be right there for season 5, but it will be such a long wait! The only great thing about that is that there will be no breaks. So we get the whole season straight through!
Seen yall in 2018!

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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Season Finale Update: Rosewood

This finale was probably the best episode of the season. It was so intense and I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time. That ending was rough, though. I don't think that any of us wanted Marcos to be bad news, but deep down knew something shady was going on with him. It's a shame he was in as deep as he was. TMI and Pippy finally tied the not, I just wish we could've seen Pippy actually walk down the aisle in that dress from season 1.
Now on to Rosie and Villa. First off, the "will they, won't they" of their relationship had fallen by the waste side for most of the season. It wasn't until the penultimate when people started mistaking them for a couple again. So, I had a feeling that this conversation would end with a cliffhanger, but I still screamed! Rosie should've said something! And Villa, the fact that she asked that question is just proof to me that didn't want to go in the first place. They frustrate me so much, I can't even deal!

This season was great! I really wondered how they were going to step their game up and I think they did that. Every episode got better an better as the season went along. Each case had so many twist and turns I had a hard time figuring out who did it! I have no idea what to say about next season other than I hope it happens. The wait to find out if we do get another season will be unbearable, so let's keep our fingers crossed!

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Monday, May 1, 2017

Season Finale Update: Outsiders

There is one word to describe this season, yes season, finale; wild. The Farrells were fed up and decided to strike but that didn't work and that was no surprise. I understand that they wanted and needed to fight for their home, but they weren't a match for what was down below.
The ending scene on the mountain was the most intense part. That whole banishment, or should I say non-banishment, ceremony/new brenin ceremony was nuts. I was completely shocked when G'win said Lil Foster should be brenin. And then when he just broke the stick! I thought that he was going to bring peace to his family, but I guess not.
Also, Hasil is hurt and on the verge of death and Sally Ann doesn't even know!

This season was so good. I really liked all the storylines, except the Kinnah one.
The fact that we might not get another season really upsets me. How can they give a Sasil baby and then not let us see it?! How are they going to put Wade in jail and not the guy from One Planet?! And how are they going to leave the Farrells in disarray and not show us what happens next?! There are so many more questions I have and probably never get the answers.
Many people are coming together and tweeting #ShayMustStay at WGN with reasons why. There's also a petition, here, that you can sign. Maybe the power of the fans can keep this show alive.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Season Finale Update: Switched at Birth

Switched at Birth has come to and end and I'm actually extremely sad about it. The series finale was the perfect mixture of flashback reminiscing and talk of the future. I really liked how the episode only felt like it was the end at the end of the hour. Also, they gave us open ended storylines that gave us the feeling that these characters are living on after the finale. That last shot of Bay and Daphne lying in the grass turned me into a blubbering mess!

This season was just like any other season. They focused on a topic and did a great job portraying it. This year it was on racism on the college campus and I think they handled it well. The episode that focused on 3 main Black students was the best out of the season. I do wish they dove more into Emmett's depression.
I loved this show for so many different reasons. It reeled me in with it's unique plot line. What kept me around were the storylines tackling serious issues we face in our daily lives. It was also the only show that portrayed Deaf Culture. So, it makes me really sad knowing that there won't be anything like this on television anymore. I can only wish that there will be something to take it's place soon. It's been fun!

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Season Finale Update: The Walking Dead

What an interesting season. Let's start with the finale.
Finally war has begun and what a way for it to begin! It was only a matter of time before Negan took a hit and what a way for it to happen! I mean, the most epic thing was seeing Shiva attack and King Ezekiel in all his glory giving his battle cry! That was my favorite part. Now on to Sasha. I really, REALLY didn't want her to die. But, when she asked to be put in the casket and wanted a bottle of water, I knew she was going to take that pill. I am glad she went out the way she did though. She's a fighter and was that until her final (living) breath. If it wasn't for her they might not have been able to put a dent in Negan's army.

This season went the way I thought it would, but I was shocked by a few things. One, I wasn't expecting Oceanside to decline Rick's offer to fight. I thought that a least a few people would join him. Two, the trash community. Their whole existence shocked me. I mean, why did the group trust them and why were they so strange and where did they even come from? Three, Eugene's betrayal (and him still being alive). I guess his betrayal was character growth because he didn't just crumble when Negan captured him, but he still angers me!

A few thoughts for next season. This war is going to be intense and I can't wait! We were deprived a lot of action this season (the premiere was enough), but I've healed and I'm ready for this war. For some reason I still have a little bit of hope for Dwight. I don't know why and I don't know what but something in me things he's going to turn on Negan for real. As for Eugene, he'll either die by the hands of Lucille or actually make a plan to take Negan down from the inside.
Well, until October.
RIP Sasha.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Season Finale Update: Grimm

I guess I should be calling this the series finale update because Grimm has come to an end (tears). I'll talk about that 2 part finale first.
I thought it was amazing! My favorite part was when Nick's mom, Kelly, and Aunt Marie came back to help and all the Grimms were fighting the devil. Also, we finally found out how Trubel is related to Nick, which, interestingly enough, I was just wondering days before I watched.
Now I know some people were upset that the end basically retconned itself but I liked it.  One, I had a feeling that the portal was some a time portal type of thing, so I was excited when Nick came out of it back at the point in time. Two, I wouldn't of liked it if Nick just got the power of the stick and brought all his friends back to life. Nick had to come terms with the fact that he had to sacrifice the ones he loved for the greater good. Also, I would've wondered if Nick was just taking the place of the devil if it just ended after the battle. Plus, it's the series finale. For me to be satisfied with it, it had to have a happy ending that still left a part of the story open ended. That's what happened so I'm happy. Well, the only thing I didn't like was that we weren't able to see the triplets. I mean, how would it have been if it ended with Kelly, Diana, and the triplets (preferably woging) going out to fight?! It would've been awesome!!

This season didn't disappoint. I was intense and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I likes how all the storylines culminated. I'm sad to the show go. But I'm happy that it's ending was a positive one. It's been fun!

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Get Out

I want to start off by saying that this is just an initial review. I really feel that I need to watch this a couple more times just so I can notice everything. But, I couldn't contain my thoughts so here we are.

I really enjoyed this movie. Jordan Peele did an amazing job! I've never seen such a great balance of horror and comedy in a movie before. I mean, I've seen comedy horror films but those were satire; this was not.
On the surface this is a film about a guy that goes to his girlfriend's parent's house for the weekend to meet her family, and a whole bunch of weird stuff happens. He ends up getting held hostage and has to fight his way out before he gets his brain removed. But, under the surface it's much much more.
  1. A black man goes to meet his white girlfriend's family and its horrifying. 
    • This is reality. And the whole "He would have voted for Obama a 3rd time if he could." = "I have a Black friend." 
    • All those white people at the party thought they were making Chris feel comfortable but they were doing the complete opposite.
  2. The parallel's to slavery. 
    • The bingo game that was actually an auction.
    • The fact that these white people were stripping away everything that makes Black people who they are and controlling them. And the psychological aspect of it all!
  3.  The white women were the most dangerous ones.
    • Needs no explanation.
This is how life really is! White people are scary and make us nervous especially when they are strangers. They try so hard to be "down" but end up making us feel more uncomfortable. And society is always trying to take away from us everything that makes us unique. People want to mold us into who they think we should be.
It really amazes me how he was able to include all of this (and more) in this movie. And yet it was still hilarious. Definite 10/10 from me.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Season Finale Update: Emerald City

The first season of Emerald City has come to an end and here's my verdict; I loved it. This was a fantastic retelling of the classic story. The writers did a great job balancing the old and the new. Every character was written with such depth and each one had a twist to their story. It really kept me on my toes. Every week I was surprised about a new discovery.
Tip/Ozma's story and her relationship with West was one of my favorite parts. Of course I loved Dorothy and Lucas (yes, Lucas). I loved how their relationship came full circle in the end. I also really loved how it was Dorothy's (supposed) mother that landed her in Oz and now her mother is calling for her return.

The production and costume design for this show was so grand. Everything from the locations and sets to the costumes was epic. I wanted all of Lady Ev's outfits and masks! The whole scope of Oz was so big and bright. It was futuristic and yet old school at the same time. They did an amazing job with this.

I really hope that this show gets a second season because I have a ton of questions. I mainly need to know about Dorothy's parents, specifically who her dad is. I also need to know why Dorothy's mother really gave her away. Basically, I want more flashbacks around the time of Dorothy's birth. And of course I'm anticipating the Beast Forever's appearance. I'm also really interested in learning more about that history.
What did you guys think of the season? What do you want to see in season 2?

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Friday, March 3, 2017

Season Finale Update: How to get Away with Murder

I have to be honest, this 2 hour season finale wasn't as jaw dropping as I thought it would be. After much thought I thinks it's because it was 2 hours long. There would've been more suspense and anticipation if they put a week between the first and second hour. It was a really intense episode and we finally got answers to our burning questions. The funny thing about it all is that even though we know who the person is that killed Wes, we still don't really know him. Like, yes, he is family friend of Laurel's but who is he really? That just opened up a whole new can of worms that I'm expecting we'll dive head first into next season. In the end, Annalise is out of prison and they can try and get things back to normal.

This season was different from the rest. Everyone was in a completely different place then seasons before. Annalise spent most of her time in jail, while Bonnie was the one showing up in court. Frank shaved his beard and went MIA for a bit. Connor went from being likable to super shady, and the rest of the Keating 5 were in relationships with each other. I really liked that they changed it up because it would've gotten really old really fast if they just kept doing the same "someone in Annalise's life commits murder and she helps them get out of it" storyline.
This season was good, overall. I did like the first half more than the second.

Next season will probably be all about Laurel. They'll dig more into her family and her past and she'll probably turn out to be someone completely different than who we thought. I am totally okay with this, but I do hope that one day we learn more about Michaela. We got to see her adoptive mother this season, but that just made me want to know more about her childhood. I wonder if she'll ever find her birth parents? But if next season is about Laurel, so be it.

What did yall think of the finale and the season?

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: The Fosters

Now this is going to be one crazy season! Every single one of these kids are in some drama.
Jesus is in the hospital with swelling in his brain. On top of that, the police are questioning him like he was the only one at fault in the situation. Mariana's been caught and she had to get check out while at the hospital. Jude is still getting high and this time he broke onto someone's boat and almost got caught. Callie could be going back to jail and Brandon is still a hot mess! These kids are going to give one of their parents a heart attack from all the stress.

Here are some of my predictions. I have no idea what's going to happen to Jesus. Hopefully he'll be okay. Callie is getting herself into one huge mess. She has no idea that she committed a felony, and the detective on the case she's investigating hates Steph, so he's not going to treat her fairly at all! He'll probably let her go only if she drops this case or just send her to jail.
I know Brandon broke up with Courtney but that last night of passion might come back to haunt him. I'm really hoping he didn't get that girl pregnant, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have a scare.
Jude could get himself sent to some juvenile rehab or therapy because he is out of control. And Mariana could have some kind of health scare, but we'll see. She might need some therapy, too.
Well, whatever happens it's going to be a lot of drama and I can't wait to see it!

What did you guys think of the episode?

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: Switched at Birth

Switched at Birth is back for it's final season and it's off to an interesting start. They are starting off some serious and some great storylines.
The girls are back from China and trying to get back to normal but that won't be too easy. Daphne can't take any classes or live in the dorms. Bay is dating Travis but there's still some drama between her and Emmett. Regina's taking college classes, J&K are both working at the school, and Toby is off being a father. The biggest shocker of the episode was that Emmett overdosed!
I think this was a good premiere. They did a great job setting up where everyone will go this year and I can't wait to see how they wrap up the series

This season is definitely going to be wild ride. Daphne is going to have to figure out what she's going to do. She's going to have some free time on her hands since she can't take any pre-med classes. I wonder if she'll get a job? Or get back into cooking. She hasn't done that in a while. Maybe they'll bring back her food truck?! Part of her time is going to be taken up by dealing with the aftermath of that costume party she went to. I mean, most of the backlash will be put on Mingo, but she was with him and it doesn't look like she has any idea why what he did was offensive so she'll get some backlash, too. I'm not surprised that this show is taking on cultural appropriation because they've tackled issues like this before. I'm sure (well more like hoping) that they'll handle it well.
The show is also tackling mental illness with Emmett. I'm really glad they're doing this, mainly because this is a serious issue that needs to be portrayed properly in the media and I think this is the show to do it.
We didn't see any of Toby this episode so I am very curious to see what's going on with him. From the looks of the promo, things look serious. I'm also interested in what will become of Emmett and Bay. Like I've said in the past, they need to be together or not and they need to figure it out soon.

So what did you guys think of the episode?

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: Scandal

Scandal is back and it's election night! Here's the basics of what happened. Mellie lost, but Vargas got shot. So Fitz has to do his outbound presidential duty of putting his support behind either Cyrus or Mellie to actually be president. Liv is on the war path to find out who shot Vargas and when she confronts her dad and he says he didn't do it, so her next target is Cyrus. But she's on a time limit to prove it. She fails and Fitz announces his support for Cyrus. But in that very moment, Liv uncovers some evidence that makes Cyrus look guilty. And that was the episode.
For the first time in a long time I thoroughly enjoyed an episode of Scandal. There wasn't anything that happened that made me roll my eyes in annoyance. I think it has to do with the fact that the whole episode was so focused on election night that there wasn't anytime for side stories.

I am curious to see where this season goes. The main storyline is figuring out who shot [Vargas] but they can't spend all their time doing that. I mean, sure, it's going to take some time. I expect it to take quite a few episodes, but it won't take forever. So, what will happen next? This show is so hard to predict and I wish I had something, but I don't. I'll just be watching along with you, trying to figure it all out.

So, what did you think of the episode.

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: Outsiders

This season started off with a bang! They picked up right where they left off and we learned that the police mission was a complete failure. Wade embarrassed himself up on that mountain! Serves him right! He basically led a mob up there to do God knows what! I'm glad the Farrells were able to hold them off and protect their land.
Asa got out of jail and left the mountain, again. He was trying to get as far away as he could, but the wolves!
Li'l Foster went out looking for his dad and ended up getting in brawl that landed him in jail. He can't seem to catch a break!
G'win is now brenin which only happened after much hesitation. I don't understand why though. After everything that's happened and everything she did, why was she acting like she didn't want it anymore? That wasn't the time for second guessing. She didn't second guess herself when she was poisoning Big Foster! G'win can be so frustrating sometimes.
Sally-Anne and Hasil. Oh these two are always on and off again and for the second time Sally-Anne told Hasil that she never wants to see him again. And it seems she's totally pregnant! I didn't think it would happen this soon, but it was bound to happen at some point.
In the end we find out that Big Foster is still alive. I wasn't really shocked by that. They weren't going to get rid of him that soon and that easily.
This was a great season opener. They set up a lot of interesting storylines and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Now on to my questions and predictions.
I wonder if/when Big Foster will return to the mountain and what he'll do when he finds out G'win is brenin. Will he fight for that power back or let her reign?
Li'l Foster is about to go on a really interesting, maybe traumatic, experience. Not only is he off the mountain but he's in jail. I wonder if he'll be fish out of water or fit right in? And I can't wait to see how the prisoners will react to him. Like, will they even know that he's a Ferrell or not?
Is Asa really gone or was that some mystical mountain magic?
Lastly, this Sasil storyline. I know some people are upset that it's happening but I think it could be really interesting. There are so many possibilities, but here's what I'm thinking. We know the Farrells are a loyal people. They stick by their own and when they don't, well we all saw what happened with Asa. The Farrells know about Sally-Anne and they've often questioned where Hasil's loyalties lie. It looks like Hasil has made up his mind and chose his family, but he doesn't know about Sally-Anne and we all know that it's only a matter of time until he find his way back down that mountain to see her. So, there are two decisions that need to be made. First, Sally-Anne must decide whether to tell Hasil or not. If she does, the Farrells must decide if they'll accept this or not. This will be a huge moment for them because nothing like this has ever happened before. And considering what's going on between the town and the Farrells, this baby could be the bridge between these two worlds. All these people are going to have to decide whether this will divide them or not.

What did you guys think of the season premiere? Got any predictions for the season?

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: A Series of Unfortunate Events

I have nothing but good things to say about this show. 8 year old me is jumping for joy right now. Let me start with the casting.
They did an amazing job. Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf was great. Alfre Woodard as Aunt Josephine was perfection. The kids were amazing. I especially loved Sunny. Her facial expressions were everything! K. Todd Freeman as Mr. Poe was also great.
Splitting each book into 2 episodes was a great idea. They were able to keep a lot of the details from the books in the show this way. I just wished I had enough time to reread the books before I watched the series.
I also loved how they were able to capture the universe with the costumes, the set design, and the set locations. Everything was fantastic. They really captured how gloomy and depressing this series is, even with the theme song (which was so good)!

I really hope that this show gets renewed for another season and that it gets nominated for awards because I thing they deserve it.

What did you guys think of the series?

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: Emerald City

So, I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I watched the show. The cast and the snippet of the promo I saw intrigued me. My final verdict: this show is interesting. I'm not completely hooked on it yet. I enjoyed the first 2 hour episode for the most part. The only part that upset me was when the Witch of the East died. Now, yes, I have seen The Wizard of Oz and know the story and that she dies. But I didn't realize that Florence Kasumba was playing her. So, I was bummed out that she was only around for the first episode. (I did hear that we may be seeing her again so there's hope.) The thing that shocked me was when Tip turned into a girl. That's what had me wanting to watch the next week. So with that being said, I think the pilot episodes were good.
The next episode fell a little flat for me. I think it's because I was expecting some of my questions to be answered but they weren't. In fact, I have many more now than before, but that's the main reason why I'll keep watching.

Here is what I hope to see this season.
  • I need to know who exactly was that lady that was holding Tip captive and why.
  • Lucas is our scarecrow so are we going to encounter characters like the tin man and the cowardly lion?
  • Who/what is this beast? And what happened when the Wizard defeated it before? Like, can we get a flashback scene or episode or something?
  • I need to know more about Dorothy's mother (because she definitely knew Dorothy would end up in Oz).
  • And what's the significance behind the tattoos on Dorothy's hand?
Hopefully I'll get some answers soon. What did you guys think of the first few episodes? Got any predictions on what's to come?

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Winter Premieres 2017: Grimm

The final season of Grimm is here and it started off with a bang. They aren't wasting any time. The episode jumped right back in where we left off and just took off. It was a good episode that kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more. I really wished the episode was two hours because of that cliffhanger of an ending.

As for what's to come, I'm wondering when Nick will leave Portland. My first thought is that the entire season will be the team figuring out how to get him out of the state but it could happen sooner than that, if it happens at all. I have a feeling that if Nick does leave Portland it'll be on different terms then what's presented now. Like, he'll leave only because he's won the war and is starting a new journey somewhere else or going on vacation.
Juliette/Eve is proving to be a huge asset to the team and I wonder if she'll ever be Juliette again. Right now she's in this in between state and, because of that stick, seems to becoming something new entirely.
Who knows what will come of Renard? My hope is that they defeat him or he turns good and helps them defeat a bigger bad, whoever that may be. I mean, there really has to be a bigger bad out there in control of much more then they could ever think of (especially when you have this healing stick in play).
I just hope nothing bad happens to anyone, not even Bud, but especially Rosalee, Monroe and their baby. I want there to be a happy ending for everyone.

I am very excited to see what happens in these final episodes. The more they discover about the healing stick and the clothe it was wrapped in, the more intrigued I get. I need to know where it originated, what those symbols mean and why Juliette/Eve is the only person who can see them. This is going to be one crazy ride but I am strapped in and ready!
What were your thoughts on the episode? Any predictions?

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2017 Winter Premieres

Here's my list of new and returning shows that I'll be watching that premiering this January - March. I will review each season premiere unless noted otherwise.

Grimm, Friday January 6th at 8pm on NBC
The final season. I'm sad to see it go but excited to learn more about the healing stick and what Nick and the crew are up to now. It'll be interesting to see how they wrap it all up.

Emerald City, Friday January 6th at 9pm on NBC
The really trailer and the cast intrigued me, so I'm giving it a chance. I'll review this after the first 2 or 3 episodes.

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Friday January 13th on Netflix
I've been a fan of the books since elementary school. This was my Harry Potter. I was excited when the movie came out and I'm hoping that the series does the book series justice. I'll review this after I've completed the season.

Scandal, Thursday January 19th at 9pm on ABC
I am still here for this show. There's just something there that keeps drawing me back in. I may need to watch the season 5 finale again to refresh my memory, but I will be there with my wine and popcorn, livetweeting with all you Gladiators!

Voltron, Friday January 20th on Netflix
I remember the season 1 finale and how mad I was that it ended the way it did so I'm very excited to see what happens next.

Outsiders, Tuesday January 24th at 9pm on WGN
The show I never thought I'd watch or like but I do. Sasil, my Sasil, how I've missed thee. I've really missed everything about this show and can't wait to see what the characters get into this season.

The Fosters, Tuesday January 31st at 8pm on Freeform
This show continues to be drama on drama, but now things are getting really intense. Every character seems to be in a bad place right now and I'm itching to see how they get out of it.

Switched at Birth, Tuesday January 31st at 9pm on Freeform
Another show starting it's final season which makes me so sad because it's still the only one of it's kind on TV. It's sad that it will end with nothing in it's place, but nothing lasts forever. I'm sure there will be tons of tears from me throughout the season and especially during the finale episode.

Underground, Wednesday March 8th at 10pm on WGN
One of the most thrilling shows on TV is finally back. I can't wait to have these characters back on my screen, especially their newest character, Harriet Tubman. I legit screamed when they introduced her and knowing Aisha Hinds will play her makes me 10 times more excited.

So, what will you guys be watching this winter?