Friday, November 9, 2012

Glee - The Role You Were Born To Play

Glee is finally back and they are doing the musical Grease. The musical is covered in 2 episodes and this is part one; the auditions. 
The episode starts out with Artie basically begging Finn to co-direct the show with him. He second guesses himself, but the arrival of Mercedes and Mike make him stick to him decision. Blaine is the first to audition but it's only because everyone wants him to. He's still really depressed about his break up with Finn and he doesn't feel like he should be in a musical about love when he has a broken heart. But he's the only one that can play that part so he's in. I can see why Blaine is so upset but the break up was, kind of, his fault. I think he needs to just move on and singing sad songs while looking a book full of pictures of Kurt is not going to help. Another problem they had was that Tina wasn't auditioning. She couldn't stand to be around Mike, but I guess they talked about it because she ended up getting a part. 
Next we see Marley and Wade/Unique talking (in the bathroom) about what parts they want to play. Of course Marley wants to be the lead, Sandy, but when Wade says who he wants to be it's a bit of a shock. He wants to play Rizzo, a girl. This makes sense, I mean he is Unique (a girl) also, but the problem is that he feels that people don't take him seriously and that they would never let that happen in that school. And Coach Sue, who randomly comes out of the stall, reinforces that opinion. But, Marley and Wade both audition and he says he wants to play Rizzo. Sue then goes to the principal, who didn't even know Wade was a guy, to complain. But, Finn is in charge so the decision is his and he wants Wade to be Rizzo so Wade is Rizzo. 
Now, all the main roles are filled except for the male lead role of Danny Zuko. No one can seem to think of anyone that would be right for this role, so Finn goes on the hunt. He finds himself at football practice where he spots Ryder, an okay football player with very nice end zone dance moves. Finn tries to persuade him to  audition but he won't sing. So Finn helps him out by singing with him and it looks like he's in as Danny Zuko but Jake's jealousy gets in the way. You see, Ryder and Marley started forming a friendship and Jake wasn't too happy about that. So he and Kitty, of all people, audition for Sandy and Danny. They end up having to do call backs and this is the outcome: Marley and Ryder are Sandy and Danny, Jake and Kitty have smaller parts. I can't wait to see what happens with Marley and Jake. They aren't together but I can't help but think that there's going to be a love triangle. 
While all this is going on, Will and Emma seem to be going through it because Will wants her to come to Washington with him but she doesn't want to go. At first she says she'll go, but thankfully Coach Beiste knocks some sense into her. Emma tells will she's not going to go and he seems fine with it. Let's just hope that this is one of those 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' moments. Will also tells Finn that he's leaving for a few months and the episode ends with Will asking Finn to take over the New Directions. I saw coming from a mile away. I hope he takes the job. Then maybe Mike and Mercedes will stay and help him out. 
Overall, I like this episode. We didn't see any of New York, but I'm fine with that. All that back and forth doesn't have to be in every episode. We just need to see them every once in a while but not every week; it's just too much. Well, I can't wait to see what happens next week when they actually put on the musical. 

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