Friday, March 27, 2015

Scandal - Put A Ring on It

I know I've been saying that this show is back to what it used to be but this episode is just about as classic as Scandal could get. I mean, Liv's got her curls back, Mellie's hair is big and she's back to reading people, and Abby's is working with OPA again which is so nice. Also, we got flashbacks!

OPA and the White House
Olivia is back at the white house to help Cyrus get through his sham engagement and wedding. Cyrus is having a really hard tie with this whole thing, so much so that he's having flashbacks to his past marriages with his wife, Janet and James. It's always nice to have flashbacks because we can find out more about a person's life. Sally Langston also made an appearance just to ruffle everyone's feathers. Just like old times. Of course, Olivia was able to handle the whole situation and the wedding went on.

Now this episode had some Olitz-y goodness for those shippers. Now, I haven't been on that ship for months now and they really tried to get me back on board with that flashback but I just couldn't do it. It was good, but not good enough. Let me tell you about the range of emotion I felt with these two. First, when she was frantically looking for the ring I was like "here we go again!" It was just like when she threw the Fitz phone in the trash but then went digging in it once it started ringing. She didn't put the ring back on at first and I was happy, but then she put it back on.
Then I started to think why she would do that and here's my theory. In the flashback Fitz wanted Olivia to wear the ring so he's knows they're okay, whether they are together or not. So, my guess is that's why she's wearing the ring again. She wants him to know that after all that crap with the kidnapping and going to war, they are okay now. Doesn't necessarily mean she's going to jump his bones any time soon. It's like she's giving him hope, the same way she told him "there's hope" earlier this season.

Overall, I like this episode. Pretty sure I would have loved it if I still shipped Olitz but, oh well.
Now, I NEED it to be next Thursday. That episode looks insane! I mean, Jake is talking about how he's going to kill Olivia, Charlie's talking about how they need to kill Jake! I mean, how did we get here!? I guess this means we'll hear the words 'B613' next week. Plus the episode is titled "Honor Thy Father" so I wouldn't be surprised if Rowan Pope makes an appearance. I just hope that all of this gets handled so we won't have to hear about B613 ever again. Who am I kidding, B613 will creep it's way back into things just like Defiance does. See you next week!

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Scandal - It's Good To Be Kink

I feel like this was the comic relief episode. This episode was much lighter than the ones we've gotten since it's been back from hiatus, and we needed that. It reminded me of the good old days (remember Beltway Unbuckled?) when OPA took on random cases and helped their client and got things handled.

Can we finally say that OPA is back, like really back?! It seems like things are really getting back to normal, well normal for OPA. I feel like this new case was just what we needed. OPA getting stuff done, Liv being the boss that she is, Huck doing what Huck does (oh Huck), and Quinn actually being likable. It was nice. I hope I'm not the only one who felt this way but, Sue was right when she was reading Liv. Olivia was thee boss and something changed. We all know what that something was though. At that point Olivia realized that she had to get her crap together. Clearly it's going to take more that screwing a random dude (we'll talk more on that later) to do that but at least she's trying.
Can we talk about how Quinn was the real MVP for reminding Liv of who her real family is. Thank you Quinn for reminding her of the OPA she came to way back when; they help their client and that's it.
I just need to talk about Huck for a minute. First off, I was completely shocked when he sliced Sue's throat like that. I don't think I'm shocked that he did it because I was expecting them to put killing her on the table as an option to stop the book. I was just shocked that he did it like that. He didn't have a care in the world and he just left her body like that. Usually he does it in a more organized way (I think that's the word I'm looking for). I guess it was a "you gotta do what you gotta do" moment and now he has immunity so it doesn't really matter. Now he's free to do whatever he wants. So is he going to still work for OPA now? I know he's not going to go back to Kim and live a normal life. That's impossible for him. So what's going to happen to Huck now?
Alright now we talk about that epic ending with Liv. I LOVED it! I can't tell you how happy I was when she went back for Russel (I think that's his name). She better get her some good lovin'! Oh and I was cackling at Fitz and Jake! I get that they're concerned for Liv and all but they don't matter to her right now. It was fantastic.
But let's talk about Jake spying on Liv and reporting to Fitz, again. I was sitting there wondering what season it was! Why did we have to go back to this? It didn't end well for them then and I don't seeing it ending well for them now if they continue.

White House
Mellie is making strides towards running for president. I don't know why I kept thinking that this wouldn't happen, but it's actually happening! Good for her. I like that she and Liz are working together. I had a feeling that would happen. I still think that Susan Ross is going to come out of nowhere and run but with Mellie and Liz working together, they might destroy her.

Overall, I thought that this was a very good episode. I like that they're bringing the show back to what it was before. Let's just hope it stays that way.
Liv's going back to the white house next week and that's going to be really interesting. I wonder if she'll actually talk to Fitz this time. I just have to questions. The first is the same question Cyrus asked Liv; what is she moving forward towards? And, is Brian White coming back or no?

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Scandal - The Testimony of Diego Munoz

This episode wasn't as intense as last week's, but it was just as emotional and brought about the same amount of feelings.

The White House
Susan Ross actually became the VP! I really didn't think it would happen, but with the help of Leo (who I didn't know I missed) and Olivia (shockingly), it did. I just want to say that I'm pretty sure everyone has laughed like she did at one point in their life, well I know I have. That's the thing that made her relatable, for me. I have a strong feeling that she is going to be able to relate to a lot of citizens in the Scandal universe. This will most likely lead to Mellie's plan backfiring. I have no doubt that Susan will end up wanting to run for president after her term as VP and people liking her more than Mellie. She may not have any intention of being president right now but someone will plant that seed into her head. Wouldn't be really funny if it was her daughter? I can image her being like "mom you're such a great VP now you can be president" or something like that. Either that or now that she's in office she'll have to agree to not run for president and fully endorse Mellie. She'll probably ask to be Mellie's VP too. That would be too funny.

Or should I say Diego Munoz. We have finally learned Huck's real name and it only took 4 seasons. B613 is back ... again! I seriously didn't think they could bring this back but they have. I just really want it to be over but it doesn't look like we are close to that.
I really can't be fully upset with Kim about what she did because she had good intentions. All she wanted was to free Huck. Get him the immunity from all his crimes so he can go back to being Diego again. I just think that she should have given him a bit of a warning first.
Guillermo delivered that monologue! I almost forgot how good he was. It was really nice to finally see Huck smile and it not be in a flashback. He's finally seeing a glimpse of light at the end of his very long, very dark tunnel.
Oh and it took David way too long to use those files. Now he wants to wear the white hat and get the bad guys. He should have been doing this! I don't think it's going to be as easy as he's making it out to be. There are just too many people involved in this and it could get really messy. I just wonder this is finally the beginning of the end for Rowan.

Everything around Liv is trying to get her back to normal but she is nowhere close to it. I'm going to need her to get some serious help real soon. I mean, I know she can't go to a real therapist but they could have her talking to Abby or Huck or somebody! She's walking around her apartment with a gun while brushing her teeth, unable to sit on her couch or drink red wine because of the stain. She's going off the rails people! None of this is okay.
I really liked the end and how they used what Liv said to Rose and what Rose said to Lois as character growth for Olivia. Her old self fell asleep on that island and she's never going to be the same without it. Nice to see her talking small but necessary steps to recovery. She finally got rid of that stained cushion and took her first sip of wine, probably since the kidnapping. Hopefully she'll keep moving in the right direction.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode. It was nice to see Rose again and Leo. It looks like OPA getting back to doing random cases each week which is nice because I really missed them.  

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Switched at Birth - There Is My Heart

This finale gave me so many feelings. It broke my heart into a million pieces and tried to put it back together.
Let's start with Regina. She told Eric that she loved him, but he didn't say it back, and then he did, but then she found out his wife (ex-wife?) is still alive. This is insane! Again, I'm asking what the heck did his ex-wife do to make him say she was dead? I mean, did she cheat on him, or is she just a horrible human being? I need to know the answers to these questions. I'm surprised that that was the biggest cliffhanger of the night.

Moving on to Daphne. I feel really bad that she failed her chem class. Thankfully she realized she's needed in the medical field and decided not to give up on becoming a doctor. I just wished that it didn't have to be her friends being in an awful accident for her to realize it. I'm glad they're all okay.
Since when did Mingo become a good guy? I guessed I judged him too soon. Now I wouldn't really mind if he and Daphne became a couple. I guess the question is are they a couple now because he said he didn't want to be in a relationship. So, has he changed his mind?

Emmett and Bay were just heartbreaking. That last scene of them together was rough. Honestly, I was tired of the break ups and make ups of their relationship. I would rather see them together forever or apart forever so they can both find the right person for them. I just sucks that the chose to break up. I really didn't think it would be Emmett that would break up with Bay though. I thought that something was going to happen and she would decide not to go to LA. I really wasn't expect it to be him at all. It really is a shame that he didn't fight for their relationship as much as she did. I wonder if this was the last time we'll see Emmett.

Overall, I thought this was a good finale. I was expecting a bigger cliffhanger but other than that I thought it was fine. I really liked how the episode ended with Bay and Daphne being there for each other. With all the other relationships going awry, it's nice to see that they are still strong.

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Scandal - The Lawn Chair

This was the most powerful and beautiful hour of television I have ever seen. Everything about this episode was amazing.

I have to say that when I first saw the promo for this episode I was a little skeptical, as were a lot of people. I have seen cop dramas try and tackle this situation but I never felt this way after watching them, and a lot of that credit has to go to the writers. They did an wonderful job carefully crafting this. Their word choices were brilliant. I know we all loved when Marcus said "Your black card is not getting validated today" and when Liv checked the police chief and told him the crowd wasn't a "mob" but "Americans", just powerful stuff. I especially liked her reaction to when the cop said "you people." I know when I hear that I immediately say "'You people?!' What do you mean 'you people?!'" But Liv said "us people." She included herself in with the people who he was talking about, and that was a reminder that just because she's a power Black woman doesn't mean that people don't see her like that cop sees her.
They were also careful with their portrayal of Fitz and the white house in this situation. Fitz was up to date on what was going on but there were still other things that he had to take care of. Not more important things, just other things and that is the reality of being POTUS. Also, we have to remember that Fitz went through a similar situation. He knows exactly how Clarence feels. That scene between the two of them, I mean who wasn't crying?!
One thing I found very interesting was that they never said that they charged the cop for murder.

Can we talk about the performances of everyone in that episode?! From Courtney B. Vance to Susan Ross, everyone was so on point. From just the looks that Kerry Washington was giving you could see that inner battle Olivia was having with herself. She was hired by the cops but treated Clarence like her client from the beginning. She was trying to do what she was hired to do and also fight for the truth. You could tell she was taking in everything that Marcus was saying and you knew a choice was coming.
I was just blown away by Courtney B. Vance and Cornelius Smith Jr. (Marcus) They were amazing. Can Marcus join OPA because I need that. And, that scene with Mellie, Fitz, and Susan was so good!

The editing, sound mixing, directing, just everything behind the camera was great. The music that was chosen was perfect. The shot of the JKF portrait in the white house and then that last scene, just unbelievable. I mean, I was left speechless and crying.

Overall this episode was powerful and beautiful. This wasn't just some entertaining hour of television, this was art. Art imitating life and then showing us what should happen. It gave us the hope that life can imitate art. Bravo to Shonda Rhimes and everyone involved in this episode. This was a daunting task and they did an amazing job.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Switched at Birth - Player's Choice

This was not a good episode for people in relationships.
First Toby, poor poor Toby. He wanted to move in with Lily but they were just on 2 different pages. Will he ever find someone that will give just as much as he does?!

Travis and Mary Beth! This was so sad because they were the perfect couple of the show (Sorry Bemmett fans). They were the couple that was happy and didn't have many problems. But when they did have problems, they worked them out and it wasn't bad. Now they've broken up and I don't know how to feel. Travis doesn't seem to be having the best of luck these days and I hope things change for him.

Bemmett is still on a break or whatever, and had a really awkward accidental conversation. Mary Beth had a point, Bay should be fighting for her relationship with Emmett and I'm glad she finally decided that she's going to LA, but things don't look good for the future. In that preview for the finale it doesn't look like things are going to turn out the way she wants them to.

Daphne had some trouble "finding her people" this week. She rushed for a sorority which was weird to me. She just didn't seem like the type of person that would be in to that. I mean she said it herself in the episode, but did it anyway. I felt bad that she didn't get a bid and totally understand why she was so upset about it even though she didn't want to do it. Everyone wants to find a group that they belong to, where they fit in. Daphne just had to learn that those people were there all along.

Overall this was an okay episode. I really liked that ukulele circle and I'm going to need more songs from Kathryn's musical. They are just setting us up for the finale and I can't believe that the finale is next week! It came too fast! That promo though! Regina tells Eric she loves him, oh my gosh!! Daphne says something about failing! And, Bemmett may actually be done, but who really knows! I guess we'll just have to wait and see. All I know is that this will probably be the worst cliffhanger this show has ever given us!

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