Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Switched at Birth - The Shock of Being Seen

I must say that this episode was a real shocker. Let's start at the beginning. 
So Bay is trying to show off her Vasquez side by trying to get in with these "taggers" (if that's the appropriate word). I guess it's nice that she's trying to hang out with people that have the same interests as her but it's not okay because it is illegal and she could get arrested again. We'll see how this goes. 
Life for Angelo is super awkward now, and John seems so jealous of him being there, especially when Angelo offers to help Bay with her school work. And that whole "that's what dads are for line" was a hit to his pride. 
I'm not surprised that Bay used Angelo to get out and I'm not surprised that he let her do it. I'm glad John knocked some sense into him. The one thing that shocked me with Bay's storyline is that she tagged her own dad's shop!! I mean, that takes some balls, and it must have really sucked to have to paint over your own work. But, she got a picture and she's in with the tagger now. And let's not forget how rude and stereotypical John was with the whole thing. That mad me so angry, but we can talk about that later. 
Now on to Daphne. She really tried to find her inner sexy in this episode. But, she is in high school and Jeff is  a college graduate and that's illegal. She needs to just find out the age of that nice guy that was helping her and try to get with him or someone that's actually in high school, because she can't keep embarrassing herself like she did with Jeff. And I find it so funny how she asked Emmett if he sees her as a nerd because he definitely liked her but she couldn't see it so she lost her chance, and she'll probably never take a chance with him now that he's a cheater. 
On to Regina and Kathryn. I think it's nice that they are attempting to hangout and be friends but Kathryn was a little jealous in this episode, too. And I think it's pretty explosive that Angelo had something going on with that nurse. I wonder what that was about, and I hope that by Kathryn telling her lawyer about it, it won't hurt Angelo. I actually like him and I think he needs to get to know Bay more and become a real father. 
Oh, and let's not forget the end when Jeff was leaving Melody's house!!! Doesn't that make him kind of a hypocrite?? I just wonder what will happen when Daphne and Emmett find out.

Okay, I'm just gonna go on a little rant about John right now. He's kind of a jerk and getting on my bad side. Some of the things he says to Bay is just not okay. That line when he said something along the lines of "your art's great but when you actually apply yourself you can be somebody" (or something like that), that was rude and I could tell Bay didn't lie it much either. Doesn't he know that art is her passion?! Does he not think that she can make it in life as an artist? It seems to me that he doesn't appreciate her art and that's not okay with me and it won't be okay with Bay either. That's my piece, I'm done. 

Overall, this episode was a shocker and hopefully the ones that follow will be just as or more explosive than this one. Until next week!  

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