Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Switched at Birth - Fountain

The drama is really heating up on this show and I love it! 
Let's start by talking about Toby. I honestly thought that he already moved out and was just hanging around all the time because Nikki was gone. Well, I was totally wrong, but good for him for finding his own place. Kathryn wasn't too happy with it, though, and turned into a smother mother! I thought it was ridiculous that she wanted him to stay, I mean he's a married man for goodness sake. He should not be living with his parents. Thank goodness she realized this with some help from John. 
So Regina tried to get a job from Wes but she quickly realized that he's a jerk! I was not expecting that tantrum he had. He blew up in her face and blamed it on him being passionate. Well, I think he needs to chill out a bit. I'm happy he apologized and offered her another job. It looks like her business is really taking off. 
Now on to all the drama of Carlton. First, I was right about Matthew. He was slashing tires in hopes of the new "thugs" getting blamed and them getting kicked out. That's not cool, dude. And boy was Emmett in a tough position knowing the truth. I'm happy he told the principal though. Maybe now everyone will be treated equally and the new kids won't get blamed for everything. 
Daphne and Sharee's relationship is still a roller coaster. Once you think they're going to be friends they end up almost getting into a fist fight in the hallway! Yup, that's right, punches were ALMOST thrown between the 2 of them which caused them to both get detention and their field hockey game was forfeited. Toby was super pissed about that. (He seems to be taking this coaching thing really seriously.) I wonder if Sharee and Daphne will ever be friends? It would be nice but it's going to take a lot of time before it happens. 
I'm sorry for bringing this up, but why does Sharee have to be the stereotypical "angry black girl" and why does she have to play the race card? I feel like they can do much better that that. And why do these new kids have to be called "thugs" just because they're not from a good neighborhood. That just really bothers me.
My favorite part of the episode was the conversation between Daphne and John. John was being his jerk self and was really mean to Daphne about getting in a fight and she just let him have it. I was like FINALLY! I'm so happy she told him about himself because he needed to hear it! Now they're back on good terms which I'm happy about. Every time they interacted it made me really angry or really sad. I'm glad it's, hopefully, over.  
They picked up the drama this week! It wasn't super intense but it had it's moments. What I really can't for is next week's episode. It's going to be huge! I know all you Bemmett fans are excited about it. I'm just happy we get to see more Regina and Angelo action. (How are we shipping them? Are we shipping them?) And, oh my goodness, Kathryn and John's situation seems to be getting worse! I can't wait to see what happens. 

Pic credit: http://cdn04.cdn.justjaredjr.com

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hunger Games: Catching Fire

I have finally seen Catching Fire and it was EPIC! 

Catching Fire is my favorite book of the series so I was a little worried about seeing it because I didn't want them to mess it up, but they did an amazing job with it. I mean the arena was just the best and seeing all the tributes doing their interviews before the games was also pretty fantastic. I mean, the arena was everything I ever imagined and more. Oh and the acting was really good, too. You could tell the tributes knew about the plan while in the arena. One of my favorite parts was when Plutarch left Snow in the room right before the power went out! Hilarious. And the ending when they showed the Mockingjay transform was brilliant!
I did think that the time spent in District 12 was a bit rushed. While reading the book I felt that a lot of time was spent in District 12 and I didn't get that feeling watching the movie. I really wanted to see Bonnie and Twill and the Mockingjay bread. I also wanted to see Katniss almost getting caught being in the woods when they made it live wire again. And they didn't show Plutarch's Mockingjay watch either! The one thing I really wanted to see that they didn't show was the whole thing with the fake footage of District 13. But, you can't include everything and the rest of the movie was great so I can live with it. And I'm sorry to those who haven't read the book (shame on you). My only hope is that you go and read it now after hearing all of this. 
This movie was absolutely amazing and right after it ended I wanted to watch it again. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can watch it over and over! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Switched at Birth - Your Body Is A Battleground

In this weeks episode Bay and Daphne are getting closer to their new man friends. But, all didn't turn out well in Daphne's situation. Campbell seems to have himself a girlfriend and Daphne didn't seem too happy about that. I say he seems to have a girlfriend because when he was talking to that skater dude he was acting like he wanted to get with Daphne. All this makes me question his agenda. Is he a players or what? Why was he acting like he wanted to get in good with Daphne if he already had a girl? But, maybe Daphne needs to stop thinking that ever guy she meets is a potential boyfriend and just try and be friends with them first. Things are looking better for Bay, though. I'm not sure if she likes Tank like that but she does like him enough to fight for him to not get kicked out of their art class. But it was her fault so she totally owed him. 
Things at Carlton are still a little crazy with all the "thugs" roaming around the school. Every kid at Carlton must have been perfect before if they think these kids are thugs. I know, I've seen worse. Daphne is still having problems with that girl, Sharee, but at least they're making strides to get to know each other. Toby really wanted her on the field hockey team and considering she scored 600 points in just half of a basketball season, Daphne thought she'd take matters into her own hands. And she may have lost their basketball bet but Sharee still showed up to practice so all is well, I guess. (Did anyone else think it was hilarious when she told Daphne she liked breakfast burritos? HA!) 
Someone is still slashing tires and Emmett saw the person in the act and got it on camera. The only problem is that he didn't see the persons face, only their jacket that had a specific mark on it, and his friend's jacket matches the one the slasher was wearing! So what's Emmett going to do about this? My guess is that Emmett's friend did it and thought he could get away with it because of all the "thugs" in the school now. When everyone finds out, it will only cause even bigger problems. I see a lot of angry, yelling kids and a new kids vs. old kids showdown in the future.
Regina is a little in over her head with work, buying the shop, and now basically redoing her cousins apartment for free. I just hope she doesn't stress herself out because it could lead to her wanting to drink again and we all don't want that. She managed to make herself a new guy friend, Wes, who is attractive. All I could think was 'remember you're married to Angelo!' We'll just have to wait and see how that goes. 
Lastly, Katherine and John are on the rocks! Renzo came over for dinner and John does not like him. I was really hoping it wasn't because he was gay but Katherine seems to think so. I really didn't want John to be like that but I guess he is and it's just so sad. So Katherine had to tell him everything that she's been doing, even about the psychiatrist. It didn't look like he took that well and I can't wait to hear what he thinks about it. They really need some help. 
Good episode. I officially love Renzo and Tank is such a sweet guy. Can't wait to see all the drama of next week!

Pic credit: http://cdn.screenfad.com

Saturday, January 18, 2014

12 Years A Slave

12 Years a Slave (2013) PosterThis film is so well done and so necessary for everyone to see. 
This film is about a man, Solomon Northup, who was a free black man until he was kidnapped and spent 12 years in slavery. It's based on the book Solomon wrote and published. 
I've never seen anything like this before and I hope that I don't stop seeing stories like this being told. I say it's necessary because it shows a different story than what most people are used to seeing and hearing. What makes it so well done is, well, basically everything. The music, the writing, the acting; it all came together to make a wonderful film. I honestly think it deserves every award it's nominated for and I'm glad it's been nominated and been winning so many. All I can say is wow and encourage you to go see it and tell everyone you know to go see it. 

Pic credit: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2024544/?ref_=nv_sr_1 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Top Movies of 2014

There are a lot of movies coming out this year. Here's my list of the movies that I am most looking forward to! Click the picture or title to go to IMDB page. 

Ride Along
Ride Along (2014) Poster
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube doing crazy stuff together. I'm game! 
January 17th 

About Last Night
About Last Night (2014) Poster
Another Kevin Hart movie (he has like 5 coming out this year) including Michael Ealy, Joy Bryant, and Regina Hall. A romantic comedy that I will definitely enjoy. 
February 14th

Welcome To Yesterday
Welcome to Yesterday (2014) Poster
A Sci-Fi Thriller about a bunch of teens that make a time machine. It reminded me of Super 8 when I first read about it and I loved that movie. The trailer also has me more interested.
February 28th 

Divergent (2014) Poster
I've read the book and now I'm excited to see it come to life. If you like Huger Games you will like this. Another dystopian future with a female lead. Of course, read the book before you see the movie. 
March 21st 

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Poster
I like all the Avenger super heroes so I'm very interested in seeing more of Captain America. It's about time they gave him a sequel. 
April 4th 

Belle (2013) Poster
I saw the trailer for this movie a few weeks ago and was immediately hooked. This is a story of happens when a royal navy admiral has a mixed race child in the 18th Century. The fact that it's based on a true story has me more intrigued. 
May 2nd

X-Men: Days of Futures Past
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Poster
Another X-Men movie. I've been a fan for years so I'm ready to see where the story goes next. 
May 23rd

Think Like A Man Too
Loved the first one. Can't wait to see what the group is up to now. 
June 20th

Transformers: Age of Extinction
Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) Poster
The title has me going nuts and there's no trailer yet. So I will be waiting patiently for that. Looks like this may be the last movie of the series. 
June 27th

I'm all for a good thriller especially with African American leads and the potential for the female lead to kick butt! I love it when women kick butt in movies.
September 12th 

The first part the the last book of the Hunger Games series. Sad it's almost over but super excited to see it!
November 21st

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Switched at Birth - Drowning Girl

Season 3 of Switched at Birth has begun and it started on a really intense note. So let talk about Daphne. Everyone wanted to know if she went to jail or not and in the first few seconds it seemed like she did but we are quickly shown that she is dreaming. Daphne is really upset over what she did and how it scarred her relationship with John, and he's not doing anything to make it better (big surprise, not). I think it's really heartbreaking, she literally broke down in tears and said that he hates her. I wanted to cry after seeing that. She spent so much time building a daddy-daughter relationship with him and now it seems like she has to start all over again! She also has to deal with being on probation and community service which is actually looking better than expected because of her new friend. I wonder if it'll go any further than that? On top of that, Carlton has made some big changes and now Daphne has an enemy. All the new kids at the school were the problem kids at their old school and one of those new girls hates Daphne. What happens with this situation will be interesting. It looks like they put all these problem kids at Carlton on purpose and Melody is on a mission to get to the bottom of it. Good luck to her. 
Now Bay is going through something not quite as intense. She's taking an art class at a nearby college (where Mary Beth goes) and her new "friend" Tank is, let's just say interesting. He's a frat boy, but he has a heart and I thank God for that. Bay showed up at a frat party, got drunk, but thankfully he came to her rescue. Mary Beth almost told Bay about Ty, which I think she should do. It won't help the situation much but she needs to know the truth. 
Katherine is not happy. I saw this coming and I'm happy that she's doing something about it. I don't like her therapist though. He seems like he doesn't know what he's talking about. I feel like he was too quick to prescribe her something, but we don't know how long she's been seeing him so who knows. She got herself a new friend, too, who's helping her get out the house to do fun stuff. 
The last two things; first, Toby is bored. Nikki is away and he's around his old house more than he is at his new home. And second, Regina and Angelo are acting like married people again. I'm happy about that. They needed to stop fighting it and their super cute! Finally they're getting it together. 

I think this will be the craziest season. Each year this show gets better and better and it doesn't look like it will stray from this anytime soon. I have to be honest and say that I thought last season would be really intense but it wasn't until the last few episodes. But, after last night, I have faith that this season will not disappoint. 
So here are my predictions. Toby and Nikki will go through some problems. I'm hoping that they won't do anything to jeopardize their marriage but we shall see. We will be seeing a lot of Toby and he will go through some temptation, let's just hope he doesn't give in. I'm hoping Angelo doesn't spend all his money but he will struggle. With the restaurant and Regina buying that shop a lot of money will be used up. They are both good investments and can bring in money to offset that. I really hope they both succeed with they're business ventures. I'm really hoping that Bay and Daphne won't have as much boy drama this season but from the looks of it I'll probably be wrong. A lot of changes will and have been made at Carlton and it won't be easy for anyone. And lastly, if Katherine says the word 'divorce' I wouldn't be surprised. Something big will go down between her and John and the big question is if they will come out of it together or not. 
I can't wait to see what happens this season. It all looks so goo and so juicy! See you next week!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Being Mary Jane

I watched the movie over the summer and honestly, I was really skeptical. I was like, "How can they show all this stuff on TV?!" But, I just had to check out the show.

So what's my verdict? I think I'm hooked.
First, I'd like to say that the music was on point in last night's episode! It was just so good, great choices and everything. And, I was really in to the storyline. There were moments where I was like "Can they say that?!" I guess that means that the writers are willing to push the envelope and do things you wouldn't expect, which is a good thing. 

Let me back up a little and explain what the show is about. Mary Jane (I prefer to call her MJ like they did in the show) is a news caster and the show is basically about her life; work like, family life, and mainly her love life, which is nothing less than complicated. In the movie, she's been with this one guy Andre (Omari Hardwick) for a while but then she finds out he's married! That's all I'm going to say about that for fear I'll give too much away. MJ also has to deal with her family, which includes a mother with lupus, and her work life which we got a huge taste of in this week's episode. Basically, her life is insane and quite interesting. 

So will I be watching next week? Yes! Why? Because I'm actually interested in what happens next, which is shocking because I had no intention of watching this show and now I'm slowly becoming a fan. Whether I'll review it each week, that's a big fat maybe (let me know what I should do). But I'll definitely be live tweeting. So check it out if you don't watch anything on Tuesdays at 10pm. It' comes on BET.