Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Switched at Birth - Tree of Forgiveness

So this episode started off with John's shop getting tagged again, this time it's not by Bay. John makes it very clear that he doesn't like it and this time he gets into a huge argument with Bay about it. She thinks it's art, he doesn't. She makes a point and he says it's the stupidest thing he ever heard. How rude!! Doesn't he realize that his daughter like art?! I guess not. Meanwhile back at the house, Angelo is trying to get to know Daphne more, but she won't let him, until he nails his own hand and she is the only one there to take him to the doctors. They finally have a serious conversation there and Angelo tries to get her to move on. She finally gets it and it's about time. This guy is living in the same house as him. It was only a matter of time until they would be alone together. I'm just happy that Daphne is starting to move on. You can only be mad at a person for so long. 
Toby finally gets back to his music in this episode thanks to his mom. She basically tricks him into playing a gig at their old church, but she gets played because he doesn't want to do and refused to and he tells her the truth about why he and Simone broke up. Then she ends up singing and that's the only thing that gets him to play. I never knew she could sing, if that was really her. (Sorry, I have to be skeptical of everything. You never know.) Toby also meets a nice girl there. Do I see a relationship coming on??  
One of the big shockers of the episode was when Bay told her dad that she tagged his shop and also tagged other places. I didn't know what he was going to do but I wasn't expecting to do nothing. She basically poured her soul out to him and all he could say was that he doesn't know her anymore. I guess we'll see more of that situation next week, hopefully. 
Bay also talks to Emmett and they're actually quit civil towards each other. But she assumes that he like this Robyn girl he just met and let's the be to bond over motorcycles. 
Regina had an important conversation with Simone about life and drinking when she caught her buying alcohol. That's another new relationship we see form in this episode. I just wonder if Regina will end up being her sponger. That would be really interesting, especially when the kids find out. 
The last interesting thing that happened in this episode was the conversation Angelo and Regina had. He tries to get her to move on as well and just like Daphne she does and they have a little cute moment because they both have wraps on their hands. That was so cute, and I can't help but wonder if their fake marriage will turn in to a real one. We'll see. *fingers crossed*

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