Friday, September 30, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Secrets & Lies, Quantico

I'm so glad that this show is back with a new case. In this case, Eric's wife has died and of course he is Cornell's number one suspect. Obviously, everyone is suspect but they will definitely be spending a lot of time trying to prove Eric is guilty. The premiere was a great start to the season and I will definitely be tuning in each week. I do have some spoilery theories so if you haven't watch I suggest you do so before continuing to read.
I think it would be too obvious if the husband did it. When Kate died she was pregnant. So if they find out that the baby wasn't Eric's, Cornell will definitely try to use that a motive. I'm hoping none of that happens because it's predictable. I do think there is a lot about Kate's past that we don't know and will discover this season. We already found out in the premiere that she had a child before she was with Eric and no one knew about it. My guess is that whoever killed her knew that and probably didn't want Eric to find out. Eric also has a shady past. He's killed someone before. It must not have been that bad or he'd still be in jail for it. Unless his dad used his connections to lessen Eric's sentence. We also have no idea where Eric's mom is and I'm hoping that comes to the light, too.
What theories do you guys have?

The premiere of Quantico gave me deja vu until the last 20 minutes or so. We see Alex in the mist of a crisis in the present time and she's the only hope in saving everyone. In the flashbacks, she's entering CIA training which is very similar to training at Quantico. Ryan is also there undercover, again. It wasn't until the end that we finally got to see how this season differs from the first. Alex is also undercover with Ryna this time. The trainees are ranked and if you are last, you're out. I think the one big difference is that Alex is at the bottom this year. When she was in Quantico she was the trainee to beat. She basically went from being at the top of her class to being at the bottom in a few months. The CIA training is looking to be no joke. Last year looked like they were having fun with their training and I think this year it will be the complete opposite. As for the terrorist, it's pretty close to last year. It's clear that Alex recognizes one of them and I think this isn't the last.
I wish that this episode didn't give me deja vu but overall it wasn't bad. I just can't wait to get into to everything and find out who's behind it all.
What are your thoughts on the premiere?

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Grey's Anatomy

Grey's picked up a few minutes from where we left off. In the finale, Alex was in the middle of giving Deluca a beat down and Owen and Amelia were getting married. It came back showing us the immediate aftermath of what Alex did. Mer had to deal with this and the fact that Maggie told her that she likes Riggs even though he's checking for Mer. 

This premiere was fast paced and intense. It was a ride. There was a lot of stuff going on between the doctors trying to keep Deluca and his dreams of becoming a surgeon alive, and all the personal stuff that was going on with everyone else as well. Alex's career is on the line and we'll probably be seeing him in court more than in the hospital. I'm sure Maggie and Mer are going to continue to have sister drama. Maggie doesn't want Mer to lie to her, ever, but we'll see how long that lasts. I want them to have a great relationship so I hope Mer keeps her promise. I have no predictions on what will happen with everyone else. I do hope that we learn more about Jo's situation like who she's married to and hopefully she gets a divorce before the season is over. 
What did you guys think of the episode? 

Monday, September 26, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: How to get Away with Murder

How to get Away with Murder is back and everything has changed. Annalise and the Keating 5 are back in the classroom. It looks like this season they are getting back to what they came to school to be; lawyers! Annalise is now teaching a clinic where her students have the chance to actually argue a case in the courtroom. So we're seeing some new students; I just wonder if they'll cause some drama between the Keating 5. The interesting thing is that Annalise was barely able to get that clinic. The president of the school came to her basically telling her that she was getting demoted because the Keating 5 were doing so bad in school. I wonder if Annalise and the president will go head to head this season. Of course, there was a big mystery in the end. Instead of knowing who's dead and not knowing the killer, we don't know who's dead or who killed them.

I enjoyed this premiere but it was weird. Things are different and that's going to take some getting used to. The other different thing is that each week we will be seeing who isn't dead instead of getting more infor mation about who the killer is. My guess is that we'll find out who's dead in the mid season finale and find out the killer in the season finale. I have no guesses on who's dead. It could be Wes, of Frank or Nate or someone who hasn't been introduced yet.
What did you think of the premiere? Who do think is dead?

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Friday, September 23, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Rosewood

This show was on my list of most anticipated shows, so I'm so happy that it's back. The status quo has completely changed for our gang. Villa and Rosie were awkward at first but came around. I was surprised with how quickly they jumped back into things, but that wasn't their choice. Pippy is off living her dream as a singer and we even got to see a glimpse of her in the recording studio. TMI and Mitch are still working at Magic City. Hornstock has been demoted to detective and now has a new "office" in the basement of the precinct. There's a new captain and he is an interesting dude. I can't read him. Lastly, Donna is off trying to save the inmate we saw her with in the finale. It doesn't look like he's her new book, but we're not sure yet. 

When I first heard about the changes this show was going through, I got a little nervous. On top of that, this is its second season and I didn't want it to suffer a sophomore slump. But, I was impressed. I like the changes. Everything is bringing new challenges to our characters and I can't wait to see them leap over the obstacles.
So, this season I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) brings TMI and Pippy back together, what Donna is up to really and if Rosie and Villa will get a second chance. Villa and Rosie are investigating her husband's murder and I'm most excited about what will come of that. This was a good premiere.

What did you guys think?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This season of S.H.I.E.L.D. started off in a very different place from the other seasons. Our team is scattered in all different places. Daisy, well Quake, is off doing her vigilantly thing, May is training new recruits, Fitz and Simmons don't seem to see each other that often, and Coulson and Mack are off doing missions. In fact, Coulson and Mack are the only ones on the team that are still together. All of this is thanks to the new director, who we have yet to see. We don't even know his or her name, but I can't tell you one thing, I don't like him or her.
This premiere episode was all about introducing Ghost Rider and it was an amazing introduction. They went all out with the special effects for him. From the car to his transformation, everything was dope!
On top of all of this Radcliffe has build a human-like robot that supposed to protect our agents but we know that won't last.

I think that this was a solid opening to the season and I can't wait to see more. I know there will be some drama along the way, but our team will be back together again. I hope we see the new director soon. I mean, how long can they drag this out? I have 2 questions. Will Daisy and Ghost Rider team up or become arch nemesis? Also, what is the world was that creepy ghost thing that came out of that box? I seems like it's connected to Ghost Rider but I'm not completely sure.

What did you guys think of the premiere?

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Queen Sugar

I have to be honest. These first 2 episodes have left me in awe. Almost speechless. The first episode was aired without commercials and after it was over, it took me about half an hour to get off the couch because I was processing. It was a good feeling to have. I missed having to sit a bit after an episode to digest it all. I missed actually wanting commercial breaks because they gave me a change to breathe. I have been craving something like this for a long time. Everything about this show was amazing. The cinematography was so crisp; every shot was beautiful. On top of that, the acting, the writing, and even the music was phenomenal! Every character is complex and has layers. We got to see Black fatherhood which is something that we need more of on screen. We also got to see 3 generations of the Black men, comforting each other and it was so beautiful I teared up.
This show is really setting the bar for quality television. I can already tell that this show is going to spoil me. I know I'm going to end up comparing all the other shows I watch to this one. And you know what, I don't care. Other shows should be looking at this one and want to get on this level.

All this to say that the first new show of the 2016 TV season is a winner. It spoke to my soul in ways that other shows haven't. Ever. If you haven't watched this show, you need to start and I suggest you find version without commercials. And if you have watched it, isn't it amazing? Let's dissect this show together.

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