Friday, March 3, 2017

Season Finale Update: How to get Away with Murder

I have to be honest, this 2 hour season finale wasn't as jaw dropping as I thought it would be. After much thought I thinks it's because it was 2 hours long. There would've been more suspense and anticipation if they put a week between the first and second hour. It was a really intense episode and we finally got answers to our burning questions. The funny thing about it all is that even though we know who the person is that killed Wes, we still don't really know him. Like, yes, he is family friend of Laurel's but who is he really? That just opened up a whole new can of worms that I'm expecting we'll dive head first into next season. In the end, Annalise is out of prison and they can try and get things back to normal.

This season was different from the rest. Everyone was in a completely different place then seasons before. Annalise spent most of her time in jail, while Bonnie was the one showing up in court. Frank shaved his beard and went MIA for a bit. Connor went from being likable to super shady, and the rest of the Keating 5 were in relationships with each other. I really liked that they changed it up because it would've gotten really old really fast if they just kept doing the same "someone in Annalise's life commits murder and she helps them get out of it" storyline.
This season was good, overall. I did like the first half more than the second.

Next season will probably be all about Laurel. They'll dig more into her family and her past and she'll probably turn out to be someone completely different than who we thought. I am totally okay with this, but I do hope that one day we learn more about Michaela. We got to see her adoptive mother this season, but that just made me want to know more about her childhood. I wonder if she'll ever find her birth parents? But if next season is about Laurel, so be it.

What did yall think of the finale and the season?

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