Monday, April 10, 2017

Season Finale Update: Grimm

I guess I should be calling this the series finale update because Grimm has come to an end (tears). I'll talk about that 2 part finale first.
I thought it was amazing! My favorite part was when Nick's mom, Kelly, and Aunt Marie came back to help and all the Grimms were fighting the devil. Also, we finally found out how Trubel is related to Nick, which, interestingly enough, I was just wondering days before I watched.
Now I know some people were upset that the end basically retconned itself but I liked it.  One, I had a feeling that the portal was some a time portal type of thing, so I was excited when Nick came out of it back at the point in time. Two, I wouldn't of liked it if Nick just got the power of the stick and brought all his friends back to life. Nick had to come terms with the fact that he had to sacrifice the ones he loved for the greater good. Also, I would've wondered if Nick was just taking the place of the devil if it just ended after the battle. Plus, it's the series finale. For me to be satisfied with it, it had to have a happy ending that still left a part of the story open ended. That's what happened so I'm happy. Well, the only thing I didn't like was that we weren't able to see the triplets. I mean, how would it have been if it ended with Kelly, Diana, and the triplets (preferably woging) going out to fight?! It would've been awesome!!

This season didn't disappoint. I was intense and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I likes how all the storylines culminated. I'm sad to the show go. But I'm happy that it's ending was a positive one. It's been fun!

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