Monday, May 1, 2017

Season Finale Update: Outsiders

There is one word to describe this season, yes season, finale; wild. The Farrells were fed up and decided to strike but that didn't work and that was no surprise. I understand that they wanted and needed to fight for their home, but they weren't a match for what was down below.
The ending scene on the mountain was the most intense part. That whole banishment, or should I say non-banishment, ceremony/new brenin ceremony was nuts. I was completely shocked when G'win said Lil Foster should be brenin. And then when he just broke the stick! I thought that he was going to bring peace to his family, but I guess not.
Also, Hasil is hurt and on the verge of death and Sally Ann doesn't even know!

This season was so good. I really liked all the storylines, except the Kinnah one.
The fact that we might not get another season really upsets me. How can they give a Sasil baby and then not let us see it?! How are they going to put Wade in jail and not the guy from One Planet?! And how are they going to leave the Farrells in disarray and not show us what happens next?! There are so many more questions I have and probably never get the answers.
Many people are coming together and tweeting #ShayMustStay at WGN with reasons why. There's also a petition, here, that you can sign. Maybe the power of the fans can keep this show alive.

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