Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Season Finale Update: The Flash

That finale! I think me and everyone other fan figured out how they would save Iris by the time the penultimate episode was over. So, there wasn't anything shocking about that. I think the most shocking and best part, for me, was when Iris shot SaviBarry.
When Barry walked into the Speed Force my first thought was "Oh wow! They're really doing this!" I know that Barry can't be The Flash forever and would eventually pass the torch but I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon. (If that's what's really happening.) Then I felt anger and sadness because Iris didn't get her happy ending! And that was it. Even after watching it a second time I felt the same way.

Now this season was interesting.
  • The Good
    • IRIS ANN WEST! This season was all about her and I love it! I'm obsessed with that fact that everyone dropped everything to do all that they could to keep this wonderful Black woman alive. HR sacrificed his life for her. And, at the end of the day she was the ultimate hero! If the name changes from 'The Flash' to 'The Iris West Show' I won't be mad!
    • There were some great Westallen goodies. I especially liked the musical episode and the one when Barry lost his memories. Overall, it's been great watching them grow as a couple. 
    • Cynthia was a great addition to the cast and I hope she sticks around for next season. 
    • Wally becoming Kid Flash. 
  • The Bad
    • Savitar being Barry. I'm mostly upset by this because this is the third time the villain has been someone close to and trusted by the team. Also, my brain still can't comprehend how there was a version of Barry that wanted to kill Iris. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
    • The predictability. It's never fun or shocking or interesting when I can predict what's going to happen. 
    • The end of the finale. Did Jay really need to be busted out of the speed force?!
  • The Ugly
    • My face when I yelled at the TV each week.
    • Having to watch Iris die over and over and over...
I have a few thoughts on next season. Savitar has been erased from existence so does that mean Wally loses his speed? And if he doesn't we are going to need a really good explanation for it. 
This may be an unpopular opinion but I am absolutely fine with having Barry gone for a good part of the first half of the season. The team is in a completely different place from before. Caitlyn/Killer Frost is gone. Barry is gone. Star Labs is gone. It would be interesting to see how everyone not only copes but moves forward with all this. I wouldn't mind seeing everyone doing their own thing for a little bit. Let Wally finish school. Let Iris do more reporting.
I also want it to be hard for them to figure out how to get Barry back, if they are the ones to figure it out. (He may get out on his own.) I don't want it to be this long drawn out this that ends being super simple in the end either.
And lastly, if Barry does get out and isn't gone forever, let him and Iris have a happy ending that lasts! I'm over them being separated in the finale! This has happened three times and that's more than enough.
Well, I'll see yall next season.

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