Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Season Finale Update: Grey's Anatomy

Okay now THAT was a Grey's finale! There was a tragedy, things got super intense, and then there was a game changing ending. That is what I'm used to seeing with Grey's and I don't think we've had a finale like this in a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an awful person who wishes awful things like this to happen. But to me, it's not a Grey's finale if it isn't tragic.
I am sad to see Stephanie go, but at least she went out like a boss! And I'm also happy that that little girl (who is like little Mer 2.0) survived too.
I can't say I was upset when Minnick got fired. I never liked her and it became very obvious in this episode that she does not fit in with the Grey's crew. Just look at the difference between her reaction to hearing Stephanie was missing and Jackson's. Bailey was right with what she said about her.
I'm not mad that Maggie and Jackson's relationship may be explored. It's time for Maggie to have a relationship with someone who isn't an intern or already taken. Jackson is a good guy and it looks like April's not going to be jealous, so why not. (And no, they are NOT siblings. Let's not have that argument.)

I definitely like the second half of this season better than the first. It just took too long for us to find out Alex's fate. There were some great episodes like the one that took place in the prison and the series of episodes about Maggie and her mom. Those were so well done.
Well, I can't wait to see what this show does next. See ya then!

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