Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Switched at Birth - Dance Me To the End of Love

The dancing episode is finally here and it was great! 
I feel like I always start with Daphne so let's just keep that tradition going. Daphne must have gotten really inspired when she saved her bosses life because now she wants to be a doctor. I think it's a great idea! So she decides to ask for more responsibility at the clinic. At first Jorge was pissed at her but he got over it. Her helping out really didn't help though, but I'm glad she didn't reconsider. Her boss talked some sense into her when she visited him. Maybe he'll become her mentor or something? It looks like probation was the best thing to ever happen to her. Who knew? 
Travis is having some issues of his own. Mary Beth wants to go to this dance and Travis said he would go, but he doesn't know how to dance. This is when it got funny. Travis' dancing is hilarious! Not because he's bad, but because he tried so hard. It was so adorable. And the face that Melody made when she walked in on Toby and Angelo teaching him was priceless. I really like Mary Beth and Travis together. I thing they're the best couple on the show right now. 
Bay is really struggling with her art, now that she can't use her hand, and she really heard it from her professor this week, but she had a point. Bay really has to start thinking outside of the box now because of her injury. Her professor might have been a little harsh but it was what Bay needed to get herself together. It's good thing she did get it together even though she had help from Emmett. Photography isn't what she does and she does have an injury. Let's talk about Bemment for a minute. I feel like they really want us to think that there's a chance they'll get back together. Honestly, I like them as just friends. Especially with graduation coming up they'll probably go their separate ways and I don't want to see that drama if they get back together. It'll be all that long distance, or not, type stuff that she almost had to go through with Ty and I don't want to see that again. 
Now for Kathryn and John. First off, John you are a real slob. No wonder Kathryn is pissed at you! But seriously, winning her back with gift's is not going to fix your problems. The only thing that will fix it is therapy and I think they both really need and I hope they get it. John needs to realize that Kathryn's problems are serious. Once he gets that then they can get on the road to recovery. That whole dance thing was a great start though. I think I might be starting to like John. (I shutter at the thought!) 
Overall this episode was great! The dancing aspect was just right. I was a little worried it would be all dancing, all the time, but they had a good balance. And it was nice to have a break from all the crazy drama, which will be back next week. See ya then! 

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