Monday, March 24, 2014

My Verdict on 'Crisis'

I know I talked about this a little bit in another post (here), I wanted to give my final verdict after watching the second episode. 
For those who haven't seen it here's a brief synopsis. On Marcus Finley's (Lance Gross) first day as a secret service agent a bus load of kids, including the president's son, is kidnapped. Finley's partner was part of the kidnapping, but Finley knew nothing about it so he fought back but was only able to save one kid. 
What I gathered from it was that the man in charge of the kidnapping is doing this so the parents of the kids can feel his pain. See, he was forced to work for the government and if he didn't follow orders they would do something (kill/harm in some way) his daughter. The tagline of the show is "how far would you go to protect the ones you love" and this guy is basically asking the parents what are you willing to do to protect your kid. 
The show is interesting, but it looks like it's going to be the same thing over and over again. The kidnapper calls a parent and tells them to do something and then they'll get their kid back, meanwhile Finley and the FBI search for the kids. Also, it's a bit too slow for me. I watch a lot of fast paced shows where a lot happens in 5 minutes so I might be spoiled. I feel like this whole thing could be solved in an episode of Criminal Minds. It's just one case and that's the whole season, but what happens when the crisis is over? When it's solved and they catch the guy, what will happen? Will the show be over? I just think that it's very focused on this specific crisis and if it doesn't get bigger than that, the show won't last. They need something to happen that will give it depth because right now all they're doing is looking for kids and their kidnappers. They need to focus on why the kids were taken and make more than just the fact that their parents are super powerful. 
Overall, I think it's an interesting show but I don't see it going very far unless it gets some more depth. I'll probably keep watching because I don't watch anything else on Sunday nights at 10pm, especially now that football season is over. I will say that if I miss an episode and forget to catch up, I may never watch it again simply because it's not that much of a priority to me. So if this show sounds interesting to you then watch it but I won't blame you if you stop watching. If you've watched it please tell me what you think especially if you feel differently. Persuade me to keep watching. 

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