Monday, March 17, 2014

Quick Reviews/Reactions - Resurrection, Believe, Crisis

Here are my initial reactions and reviews of the new shows Resurrection and Believe. Also saying a little bit about Crisis. 

This show starts out with a little boy waking up, in China, 32 years after he died. He leads an immigration to his hometown and parents house. This is when the drama begins. Initially I thought this show was creepy and really good, and, I still feel this way. With more and more people coming back from the dead, secrets are being exposed and I'm curious on what happens next. I do have some questions like if these really are the same people that died and how healthy are they because the little boy had seizures, but I believe they will be answered as the season goes on. 
So I will keep watching. The show has a great story line and I really believe that it has a future. If you haven't checked it out, you should. I can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store and I will be live tweeting all the way!

This show is about a little girl with special powers and what people do to keep her safe. While watching the first episode I was extremely confused. This is one of those shows that start out right in the middle of things and we don't get the whole story in the first episode. I love it when shows do this. I've watched too many shows where they spend the entire pilot telling you everything and it doesn't get good until the second episode, and this is why I don't review a show until after the second episode. So after watching the second episode I can say that I am a little less confused. I just wonder if they show will become too much of the same thing over and over. It seems like each episode will be this girl and they guy protecting her running from the people that want her back. (These people created her or something like that) I'm afraid I'll get bored of seeing them run all over the US together. And I wonder what will happen if they ever get caught. 
I will keep watching through onDemand and the internet, hoping it gets better. 

I don't usually talk about a show until after the second episode but I thought I'd share a little bit since it premiered last night. So my initial reaction is that I'm unsure about this show. I thought it was unnecessarily over dramatic at times, the green screen was insanely noticeable and I have a million questions, but I want these questions to get answered which a reason to keep watching. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens but as of right now I'm leaning towards not watching again if it doesn't get any better after the second episode. 

Have you guys watched these shows? Let me know what you think in the comments. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @KiaCherise to see my live tweets. 

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