Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Switched at Birth - Memory Is Your Image of Perfection

This episode was intense! Where do I even begin? Let me start with Daphne.
I think that Daphne is the sweetest person on the show. It's crazy that she's the one that's on probation. She's still doing all she can to help Sharee. This time she arranges for Sharee and her mom to come in and talk to a doctor. It never went as planned. The doctor came late and Daphne's boss was forced to stall. This lead to disaster and by disaster I mean a stabbing! That's right, Sharee's mom stabbed Daphne's boss and Daphne was the only one there to help him. This was one of the most intense moments of the night because Daphne had to stab him with a needle to help him breathe but she couldn't do it, at first. Luckily she mustered up all the courage she could and saved his life. Maybe he will think differently of her after this experience. And as for Sharee's mom, she's facing jail time and Sharee is kind of an orphan now!
Regina is facing another problem with her job with Wes. Her mother thinks he's using her because she's from the neighborhood his wants to build in. Now my question is why is she still working for this jerk?! This guy has fired her, hired her, and blown up in her face many times and she still is working for him. That might all change because she wants out, but we shall see. 
We finally saw Travis and Mary Beth together this episode. They're cute, I like them together. Melody was trying to get herself some good lovin' in this episode. An old friend came to the school for career week and now they will be going on a date. I just wonder how it will all span out and what Emmett will think of it. 
Okay, let's get to the big moments in this episode: John and Kathryn. First off, John is clueless or in denial or something. For some reason he thinks Kathryn's over reacting. He also thinks that Toby would enjoy him being there and that it's going to be fun. And then he thought it was okay for him to eat some outrageous breakfast that would give him another heart attack! Can he please come back to reality?! Now Bay didn't know John moved out and when she found out she, of course, had a plan to get them together. Well that plan was disaster, too. At first I thought the plan was Bay's fingers not moving but that was real!! In the middle of J&K fighting, Bay's injured hand gave her more problems and now she has to get surgery. AND, she won't be able to use her hand for a couple months. So what is Bay the artist going to do now? 
Overall this was a great episode. So much craziness happened and who knows what will happen next, but here's what I think. Daphne probably wants Sharee to come live with her but with everything going on that probably won't happen. Bay will either get really depressed about not being able to do art or she'll find something else that she's good at and do it. Or she'll become ambidextrous! It looks like J&K are on the road to divorce. They will be separated for a while and I don't know if we'll see them back together at the end of this season. 
This episode was pretty sad and by the end I had tears in my eyes. Luckily the dance episode is next week and we get a break from all the crazy drama! So tell me, what did ya'll think about the episode? 

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