Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fall Finale Update: Supergirl

This is the last review of the new shows that I've watched this year and I'm happy to say that I have no show casualties! It is a great feeling to have when you like all your shows.
Supergirl is great and I'm not surprised that I like it because I did watch Smallville. I'm still a little traumatized from the pilot when her sister, Alex, was in a plane crash. (Grey's fans will understand how not nice that was) Other than that, I think this show is pretty great. I'm all for woman empowerment. And of course I want Jimmy and Kara together. I just know that it'll take forever like it always does with shows like this. People love their slow burns. As for Winn, I'm not that much of a fan of him. This wasn't the case at first. He had his little crush on Kara and that was fine. The moment I started not liking him was when he got all petty around Jimmy. He started jumping to conclusions and getting mad at Kara when he had no right to be. That really upset me and I think he needs to chill. Let Kara live her life. If she never feels the same way about him then he needs to accept that.

Now that season finale was a serious cliff hanger. First I want to say that it's about time Cat found out Kara is Supergirl. It took way too long for her. All I want to know is what will she do with that info.
Second, we are finding out more about Kara's mother and aunt. Astra is like on of those environmental extremist who do the most to protect the world. She said she does what she does because the world (her old one and Earth) is dying. I do find it interesting that her husband seems to be more of the mastermind than her. He did say that if Supergirl dies, Astra dies. I just can't wait to find out more about them. But with the way it ended it looks like he might not survive to explain things. Astra's still being held captive so hopefully she'll spill the beans. We'll see in January.

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