Monday, December 28, 2015

Fall Finale Update: Grimm

So the last season of Grimm was ...interesting. (I think that's the right word for it.) It ended with Trubel shooting Juliet and we all assumed she was dead. This is season started right were the last left off, but we still didn't know if Juliet was alive or dead. Personally, I thought she was alive, mainly because I didn't want her to be dead.

  • Trubel:  When we last saw her she shot Juliette and then they both vanished. Trubel is one of my favorite characters so I was a little upset that she wasn't around anymore. Thankfully, she came back. She's working for this secret HW group that had her all over the world. Hopefully we'll hear more about who they are and why they do what they do when the show returns because I am very intrigued.
  • Renard's friend: So his friend is running for mayor and Renard is endorsing him. There has to be more to this story than we know now. They wouldn't be giving it this much attention if there wasn't. Maybe Sean will end up running for mayor? Or there's more to his friend then we know. Maybe he's involved in this wessen uprising somehow?
  • Wessen uprising: So all throughout the season there have been a string of crimes happening and the perpetrator keeps leaving these claw marks on the walls. We know now that it's wessen. And, it's not wessen versus humans, it's wessen versus wessen. So my question is why are they fighting their own kind and what happened to start all this? 
The fall finale ended with a pretty big cliffhanger. It threw me because I wasn't expecting it and I didn't even realize that the episode was over! So I though there was going to be more and there wasn't. I was that person yelling 'NO' at the TV screen. Two huge things happened that I want to talk about.
  • Trubel shooting Juliette: Trubel admitted that she was sent back to Nick's house to shoot Juliette. It was assumed that when she went back she only shot Juliette because she was hurting Nick. Now I want to know if the plan was to kill Juliet or just harm her so the HW group could take her captive.
  • Juliette's alive: I was right this whole time! I'm so happy that she's not dead. Plus, it looks like she's working on Nick's side, in a way, which is good. I just have so many questions, like what's up with the new hair?
I went in this season a little shaky, but I'm liking it so far. I just hope that all my questions get answered. We'll find out in January.

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