Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Fall Finale Update: Minority Report

This was actually the season finale of this show, so it's over for know (I hope), but it came in the fall so counts.
I really really like this show. I think it got better and better with each episode and really picked once they got to the over arching storyline of the season. And I was wondering when that would kick in because the 'case of the week' can get old pretty fast.
The finale was amazing. It was intense, the stake were high, there was a sense of urgency with everyone, and it ended with a shocker. It really left me wanting more. Like, where did the precogs go and did Vega go with them? And, what was Wally's fate?

Here's the point where I tell you to go watch this show if you haven't already. WATCH THIS SHOW!! There is a fear that it will be cancelled considering the fact that it was supposed to go for 13 episodes but was cut down to 10, probably because of the ratings. But, I think this show is too good and too important to get cancelled. First off, the future is great but it's not perfect. They did a very good job of showing how awesome the future can be (ex. the technology, the french fries that don't have any calories), but also showed that we still struggled with some things. There was a balance. They showed the negative effects of climate change and that this country still struggles with immigration issues.
The main thing they showed was a diverse future. I've seen so many movies about the future with little to no diversity which leaves the impression that minorities won't be around. That's not the case with this show. And it's not just full of Black people, but includes people of all races. I will never stop stanning for that aspect of the show.

So, please go watch this show if you haven't already. I know all the episodes are up now on Fox's website and they're onDemand (depending on your cable provider). Let's all hope for a second season!

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