Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Glee - The Back-up Plan

This episode of Glee we see everyone exploring their own back-up plans (hence the title) to get to where they want to be; or where they think they want to be. 
Let's start with Rachel. Oh Rachel. This girl thinks that now that she's been on Broadway for 3 weeks and everyone's calling her a star, that she can be a TV star. So she gets representation but her agents tells her that she doesn't have the face for it. Ouch. Well, she ends up getting the chance to audition for this TV show in LA and lies to Sydney (the producer guy or whatever. I found out his name.) and hops on a plane. As for the audition, that went horribly. Then her understudy hurt herself and Santana had to jump in to save the show. Rachel almost got herself fired and if she does this again she will be fired. This girl really tried to have it all. Serves her right that it all came crashing down. She did get one ray of sunshine after it all though. The guy that approached her about the TV offered her a development deal, meaning they want to make a TV show focusing on Rachel. (cue side eye) Are they trying to tell us something? Is Rachel getting her own show after Glee ends? That would be very interesting. I'd check it out if it happened. 
Mercedes is still working on her album and is trying to get her single right before she loses her album deal. So she gets help from Santana because we all know that when they sing together it's always amazing and that's what they did. They sang "Doo Wop (That Thing)" and it was the best! I love them together. Can it just happen all the time because that would be great. Mercedes is so fixed on singing with Santana that she wants her on the album and won't take no for an answer. I'm so here for that and would buy that album is hurry. Someone make it happen. 
Lastly, Kurt's idol, June Dolloway, came to NYADA and, of course, he sings for her, but not without Blaine. But it turned out that June liked Blaine far more than Kurt and ends up taking him under her wing. Kurt doesn't seem at all jealous about it but that might change. See, June's planning a show for Blaine and he asked for Kurt to be apart of it but she said no. I don't think Kurt would've minded much but Blaine had to go and lie about Kurt being apart of it. This is not going to end well and we have to wait to see it unfold.
Overall, this was a great episode. My favorite part was, obviously, Mercedes and Santana together. I just realized that Artie and Sam were nowhere to be found. I wonder what they're doing with their lives? Well, until next week. 
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