Friday, April 4, 2014

Scandal - The Fluffer

I don't know where to start. Last night's episode left me in a state of 'I don't know what's happening or how to feel' and I don't know if rewatching helped. We'll have to see as I try to somehow write an organized reaction to it all. So here we go. 

White House Craziness
So Olivia is still upset about everything that happened last week and can't go back to the white house so she sends Abby in her place. No one liked the idea and on top of it Janine Locke made her way back into the news with her new book about being the presidents mistress. First off, wouldn't that book be all lies since she never really had an affair with Fitz? Liv sees this as a reason to come back to the white house so she can fix this situation which leads to one of her great monologues. She asks Fitz what he needs and he doesn't understand so she basically list everything she's ever been to him and asks him to choose one. Then she starts talking about their relationship and how she plays it out in her head like a movie but it just stops. Olivia, weren't you the one that said you weren't a "fantasy" or the one that gets the guy at the end of the movie (or however that quote went)? That's why the movie stops, because your life isn't a movie. Don't forget what you said in 220. 
Fitz wants Andrew off the ticket which is no surprise to me. I knew that he was going to get all pissed off about Mellie's affair which is ridiculous and kind of hypocritical. You don't want Andrew around because he slept with your wife but you can have Liv all up and through the white house whenever you like? That's not okay. Fitz, you can't have it all. Olivia ends up giving Andrew an ultimatum; love or power and he chose power, but I don't think this is the last of Mew.
Also, Mellie talking to the warrior women of America about their sacrifices, knowing what she's been through. All I can say is wow! I love this show! 

OPA and B613
OPA is still trying to take down B613 and this time Olivia asks her father for help and he actually helps. I guess he's really standing by his statement of family sticking together, or he's just pissed because he's not command anymore and he doesn't like Jake. I want to talk about the conversations between Huck and Liv for a minute. First Huck was upset about Liv getting help from Rowan and he didn't want to help take down B613 anymore. But, Liv persuaded him, talking about how this is the job and they do what they have to do even if they don't want to do it. Then Huck used the same thing to get Liv to break into Jake's phone. Olivia definitely got a taste of her own medicine here. All these times these people did things for her because they would go "over a cliff" for her and now it was her turn. As awful as it was to see her basically pimp herself out for information, at least she fully knows what it's like to work for Olivia Pope and do the dirty work for the greater good. All this reminded me of what Abby did to get the Citron card from David. 

Mama Pope
I don't know how many time I can say this but this girl don't play! She is constantly proving that with killing Claire and then getting this bomb. I thought that she was just going to try and shoot Fitz but she went out and got a bomb from her boo thang on the side. She wants to take out everyone! All for the money, huh?
As for Adnan, I think she playing the double spy here. I think she's going back to Harrison and telling him everything. I know she played him and stole all that info but I just have this feeling she's still helping OPA. She kept asking questions trying to find out more about mama Pope's plan instead of just following it blindly.

That last scene
I really didn't think that OPA was going to hack into B613 that soon or at all for that matter, but once they did I knew that nothing good could come from it. That part was kind of predictable. 
And let's talk about Jake slamming Liv against the wall and chocking her! I know there area lot of Olake fans out there (my brother being one of them) but this dude is not a good guy. He spied on her, and sure he was taking orders from Fitz but instead of telling Liv the truth when she found out, he put her in the hospital! I just can't get over that. So no, I wasn't too shocked when he did what he did because he's hurt her before, who's to say he wouldn't do it again! 
Lastly I wanted to talk about the lighting in this scene. It looked like the sun was rising or setting. I just thought it fit so well because at first they were talking about how they were stepping into the light (sun rising) but then Jake came in and ruined it dragged them into the dark (sun setting). I loved it. Did anyone else notice that? 

Overall, I will say that this episode as just the calm before the storm and as crazy as this show is it only means that the storm will be unimaginably insane! This episode was just a precursor to what will happen next and it's going to be bad and rip our hearts out and the summer wait will suck. I don't even know how to prepare for it. If you have any suggestions let me know and let me know what you thought of the episode in the comments below or tweet me @KiaCherise

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