Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Super 8

Over all this film was great.I heard a lot of mixed reviews about this film, there were some lame parts but like i said, over all it was great.
I loved the suspense of this film. I gasped (so I wouldn't scream and disturb my sister) so many times and my heart was beating out of my chest.
I thought the kids were the best part of the entire film. Their acting was great and they were hilarious. My favorites were Riley Griffiths/Charles and Ryan Lee/Cary.
One part I didn't get was the end with the locket. I mean, I guess he had to let go of his mom and the past, but there wasn't anything that implied that he was holding in to his mom too much other than the locket and it's not that strange to carry that around with you. I mean, it's the memory of her. I still don't understand how she died, I'm pretty lost on that whole story.
The other thing I didn't get was why that creature was on Earth in the first place. And why did the Air Force have to capture it and put it in, basically, jail. Not everything is out to destroy the Earth.
So, unlike apparently all my cousins, I liked this film. Go see it for yourself, though.

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