Monday, May 16, 2016

Scandal Finale Update

Another season of Scandal has come to an end and that finale was ... a bit lackluster for me. Don't get me wrong, I was entertained and enjoyed it, but the end fell flat. There was this whole build up with Liv and it didn't come to anything but her saying that she was going to get to the White House again. I feel like the finales have become less crazy as the years go by.

I feel the same way about this season as a whole. They did a lot of great things, but there was still something missing. This season was all about boss women, with Mellie, Susan, Abby and everyone else, and I loved that. I also liked how they had this art imitating life/life imitating art situation with the election. I still say that Edison's monologue was one of the best monologues this show has had!
But there was something missing. This show used to be thrilling and I think it's lost that. They have shocking moments, but sometimes it's out of character and confusing. Take Liv telling Abby that she's not a monster and will just end up coming back to work at OPA, for example. That was the moment when I was like "who are you right now?" That didn't seem like Liv at all. And even the moment when she killed Andrew. Sure he was a horrible person that put her in this terrible situation that caused her PTSD, but I don't think Liv would've done that to him. I think she would've messed his life up and left him living to suffer. Even when she told Abby not to cross her, implying that what she did to Andrew she will do to you. No, this isn't just about someone being a douche and screwing with you. This is about the fact that this guy who put you through crap and now you're trying to deal with it. Let's not ignore what the real problem is.
While we're talking about Olivia, she seemed all over the place this season. One minute she wants to be like Rowan, the next she wants to take him down and then she wants to be like him again. The stories that I thought were most interesting were her dealing with her PTSD and trying to have some kind of relationship with Fitz now that he's divorced. But, all that got lost in command and trying to figure out Rowan's next move. That is a plot line that I am completely over. I feel like every time we think we're done with Rowan, he creeps his way back into our lives.

There are a few things that I want to see nest season in order for me to be as hype about this show as I was when I first started watching. First, I need for them to move one from this B613/Rowan thing. Rowan doesn't necessarily have to die, but he's been the big bad for long enough. It's time we get a new villain.
Next, I want to see Liv work through her PTSD and grow. I mean, I don't think she should have one therapy session and be fine. But, because she always has so much going on with her work, she's barely able to deal with her personal stuff. And I know that the line between her personal life and work life are blurred. So maybe she starts to draw clearer lines.
They need to put the final nail in the coffin that is the Fitz/Liv/Jake love triangle. Liv may never fully be over them, but I do think it's possible for her to move on from them both.
Lastly, bring back the thrill and great shock value. Let things be crazy and twisty like it was when the show first started. If all of these things can happen I'll actually anticipate and be excited to watch each episode instead of watching because I don't have anything better to do.
What did you guys think of this season?

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