Monday, May 23, 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Finale Update

The season finale of S.H.I.E.L.D. was probably the most stressful 2 hours of my life! There were so many too good to be true/fake out moments. And we all knew, through Daisy's vision, that the member of the team that was going to die would be wearing a cross necklace and a S.H.I.E.L.D. jacket. Throughout the episode that jacket and necklace were getting passed around to everyone and each time I freaked out a little bit more. I especially liked the moment when everyone was wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D. jacket. They really made it hard for us to predict who it would be. Of all the possibilities of who it could be, I was most okay with it being Lincoln. No one wants to see a member of the team go, but Lincoln dying made me the least angry.
This show did something very different with its finale in comparison to many shows this year. It killed of not one, but 2 of its white male cast members. Many shows this year let go of their female/POC/WOC leads and/or cast members. This show decided not to go that route and, as sad as it is to say, that is a big deal. All of the POC team members survived and I think that's major! Now I wish others shows would look to this one as an example of what to do.

This show continues to get better and better with each season. I thought that whole Hive/Hydra storyline was very well done. The whole storyline played out well from beginning to end. Making Ward Hive was a great way to keep Brett Dalton around. I think he did an amazing job with this role, especially in the finale. A lot of the new and supporting cast members like Mack, Yo-Yo, Bobbi and Hunter became my favorites. I loved that Mack finally got his shotgun ax! There were some hard deaths this season (ex. Lash, Ros) and those people will be missed. I can't write this without mentioning Fitz and Simmons finally getting together! I was very pleased with how they built up this relationship and I'm glad that they got a happy ending. All in all, I enjoyed this season and I can't wait to see what next season will bring.

So many things happened in the end that set us up for next season. First, I think it's safe to say that Daisy is officially Quake now. Whether she is on the good side or the bad side is still up for debate. But, S.H.I.E.L.D. is on the hunt for her and I can only imagine what will happen if they ever capture her. She is that wayward child that keeps leaving and coming back and I wonder if they'll have her pick a side a really stick with it. Second, Radcliffe is planning something and I don't know what it is. What I do know is that I do not trust him. Third, I wonder if Bobbi and Hunter will ever return. I know there was supposed to be a spin-off series with them involved, but ABC passed on it. I wonder if they will figure out a way for them to continue to be on the show since their spin-off isn't happening. And lastly, it seems that Coulson isn't the director anymore. There was one line in the final minutes of the finale where Coulson said something about what the director wanted. So, is Nick Fury making a comeback? Is it May? It is someone else we haven't seen yet? What are your thoughts?

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