Friday, May 27, 2016

Grey's Anatomy Finale Update

I'm so glad that this was a Grey's finale where happy things actually happened. This show is notorious for killing characters off or leaving them in the depths of despair in its finales, but not this year. This year we got Amelia and Owen getting married, Jackson and April have a healthy baby girl, things are going up for Ben and Bailey, and Callie got her happy ending. The only crazy things that happened were Mer and Maggie falling for the same guy and Jo's secret of her being married coming out. But those things were just shocking and didn't really rip my heart out.

This season was typical Grey's. They ripped our hearts out, made us cry, reminded us of characters we lost and then started to put the pieces back together. This show has a formula and it sticks to it. As for this season, I liked the introduction of Riggs, and Maggie is still a favorite. I also loved seeing the "twisted sisters" living together. The fall of Jackson and April was heartbreaking but wasn't too shocking for me. With everything that happened between them, a big blow up was bound to happen at some point. I'm sad that that Callie left, and even though she won't be back next year I hope that the character makes an appearance in later seasons.

I don't know how these writers are able to come up with new stories, but with they way this show gets rid of and adds characters new storylines are bound to happen. I expect Grey's to continue to kick out that same formula that they do each season. Specifically for next season, I feel bad for Maggie because all she wants is love and I really hope she gets it. I just wonder what Mer will do now that she knows Maggie likes Riggs. I also hope that Jo tells Alex the truth about everything. He really wants a future with her which is huge for him considering all he's been through. Hopefully he can help Jo get a divorce so they can get a happy ending. And in all that we might find out her real name! Until next season!

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