Friday, September 5, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013)

26 years ago Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) was abducted from his home on Earth and taken into space. Now, after finding an orb, the evil Ronan is after him. In order to fight him he teams up with a group of people who are soon known as the 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'

My Verdict
I really enjoyed this movie. It's so different from every other group superhero movie I've seen and I liked that. It was also funny, but the best thing about it was the music. Peter was abducted in the late 80's and when he was taken he had a walkman with a cassette in it. The entire movie is filled with songs from that cassette (80's music) and I love music from the 80's. I loved Groot and Rocket's relationship, but Groot was my definitely my favorite character.
One thing I will say is that this is an intro movie and those are always interesting because you have to introduce everything and you find yourself wondering when it's going to pick up, when will the action happen. I was expecting that with this film and wasn't bothered by it. I didn't think those parts were annoying, it's just something thats always there. So, don't go into this film expecting it to start off with all this action. You're going to get some backstory before all the action happens.
I'm giving this movie a 9/10. I'm really excited to see this series take off because it's in space so it brings out a whole set of different characters. I just can't wait to see more.

IMDB page, Pic credit

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