Friday, September 26, 2014

Scandal - Randy, Red, Superfreak, and Julia

Scandal is back!! Season 4 baby! The only way I can begin to explain what happened is to start with explaining what that outrageous title means.

Randy: That's Huck. He works at a Best Buy-type place fixing things. Still mysterious as ever. We have on no idea what happened with him and his family. Here's to hoping they revisit that later this season because I need to know.

Red: That's Abby. She works in the white house know. She still trying to be Olivia Pope. This is the season of Abby and I'm here for it because she was breasting those monologues last night. I just want the people in the white house to actually call her by her name. And are her and David over because she said he killed them because of those B613 files. Maybe they're just going through a rough patch.

Superfreak: That's Quinn. The one person that got kicked out of OPA is the last gladiator left and she's the one who brought Olivia back. So, yay Quinn (oh that sounds so weird). I wonder how long it took for her to track Olivia down? Is that all she's been doing for the past 2 months?

Julia: That's Olivia. That was her name while she was on some invisible with Jake. (Not alone! Still bitter about that) But, she's back and got her fixing on and now she's back to stay.

As for everyone else, Rowan is still a liar, Mellie is really going through, and Fitz and Cyrus have put all their energy into leading the free world.

Now onto what I thought about the episode. Where's Andrew and are we going to see him again? Rowan said he "took care of" Momma Pope, so does that mean she's dead because when we last saw her she was on the hole. But, Rowan is a liar so I don't believe a word he says and I can't wait til everyone finds out he really killed Fitz's son because ish will hit the fan.
I can't believe Olivia came back thinking everyone would just greet her with open arms! No, you left. You abandoned your family! Of course everyone will be mad.
That funeral for Harrison was so sad. And I know yall saw Rowan lurking around. What was he doing there?!
Mellie and Fitz are just a mess. Fitz tried to kill himself! Let's talk about that. I don't think he's over Jerry's death and he's just throwing himself into his work so he doesn't have to think about it. Also, his girl left him. He got hit with the double whammy! Let's just be happy that there was no Amanda Tanner 2.0. And I feel so bad for Mellie. First, she's grieving her son, then I started thinking and I can't imagine the amount of guilt she must feel. All those years she thought he could be big Jerry's son and that probably changed the way she thought and treated him. It's just really sad and I hope she gets better. I hope they both can heal.

Overall, I felt really weird after I first saw this episode. Was I the only one that felt like this was the series premiere and not just a season premiere? It think it was the time jump and the fact that they had to catch us all up on what happened that gave it the feel of a series premiere. It was so different and I knew that it would be, I guess I was hoping it wouldn't be. I think this is the first time I can say that I had no real expectations for the episode and because of that I didn't know how to feel when all of that stuff happened. And I'm happy it wasn't the same thing it's always been because then I would just be annoyed. With all that being, after I watched a second time I felt good about it and I'm really excited about the season. I think it'll be very reminiscent of season  and 2 and that makes me very happy. Now to quickly address Olitz, I don't think it's over for them. They're just building it up for all the fans. That ending though.

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