Friday, August 29, 2014

When The Game Stands Tall (2014)

This film is based on the true story of the Spartans; the football team of De La Salle High School. This football team amazingly had a 151 game winning streak which is better than any professional sports team ever. It follows the coach, Bob Ladouceur (Jim Caviezel) and the members of the team.

My Verdict
There were some great things about this movie and some not so great things about this movie. Let's start with the great things. It's very inspirational; there was no lacking there. That was really the main good thing about the movie and that's great. This movie is supposed to be inspirational and it is, so good job.
Another thing I like was that there were men genuinely expressing their feelings. It didn't seem forced or that they were trying too hard to show that. It felt real.
Lastly, this is a football movie and the way they shot the football game scenes were amazing! I felt like I was actually watching an NFL game and it was awesome. They did such a great job with that.
Here are the things that were troublesome. It seemed to lack focus. Certain members of the team had storylines but for some of them they just abruptly ended and we didn't hear from them again. Even if we see them again we don't find out what happened to them. They showed a little bit but there could've been more. There was also a storyline of a player that left me with some unanswered questions and that was really frustrating. And, the only thing that connected all the storylines were the football team but that wasn't a strong enough connection.
I was confused on whether this was a Christian movie or not. You would think that this was a movie that has Christian themes but to me it didn't (not that the themes were bad). It was just, the coach was their Bible teacher, even though they never confirmed that, and there was a church scene and that was it. There was no "trust in God/believe in God" moment.
Now this is based on a true story that I don't know much about but these stories are round because real life stories are round and come full circle. I just didn't get that full circle feeling with the way they portrayed the storylines.
I'm giving the movie a 5/10. It was predictable and I was entertained, it just wasn't super great or super bad. Oh, it's no "Remember the Titans" and I'm going to leave it at that.

IMDB page, Pic credit

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