Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Switched at Birth - And Life Begins Right Away

This finale was the most shocking season finale this show had to date! (I feel like I've been saying that all season) This is a great thing because who wants a show that doesn't get better with each episode? Alright, let's get into to how I felt about it. 

First, Regina kissing Wes and almost going to Hawaii with him. I always felt that Wes had a thing for Regina ever since he first showed up so I wasn't shocked when he kissed her. Do I think she's going to Hawaii with him, probably not considering what's going on with her daughters. I think Wes needs to chill. Angelo just died and Regina is going through stuff with Bay and Daphne now. Also, I can't forget all those times Wes was a complete jerk to her. 

I wasn't shocked that Carlton was closing. Everyone is graduating so they don't really have a reason to show Carlton anymore. The closing just brought more sadness to the graduation. There were tears in my eyes for that scene, especially when Sharee sang 'Stand By Me' and when Travis' mom came. 

Now let's talk about the most shocking moments of the episode. Daphne got arrested and she started to take responsibility for her actions. I mean, finally! Finally she realized that what she was doing was wrong and now she has to suffer the consequences. 
The moment that I think no one saw coming was Bay taking the fall for it all at the police station. Why would she do that?! I get that she doesn't want Daphne to have this on her record, but does Bay realize that she is probably going to go to jail for this. Also if she gets caught they both will be facing serious consequences. I can't even imagine what their parents are going to think of this. I mean John was just crying about Daphne, this might give him a 2nd heart attack! And again I'm asking myself when will Daphne face the consequences for her actions. I don't want her to go to jail but she's the one that vandalized a work site while she was on probation. What did she think was going to happen?! Now we have to wait and see what happens next and I have no clue. 

This second half of season 3 brought out the best episodes of this show. In the other seasons there have been one or two episodes that were really good but in this half of this season almost every episode was amazing. I'm just really happy that they stepped it up this season. And all the issues that this show tackled, I mean this show is amazing. I'm so happy this show got a season 4 and I can't wait to see what it brings. 

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