Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Switched at Birth - The Girl on the Cliff

It's the penultimate episode and everyone is going through something. 
First Bay and Emmett were voted prom king and queen and Bay wasn't having it at first. But the bigger issue was that the school implemented a dress code saying girls had to wear dresses and boys had to wear suits. Bay really wasn't having this, so to take a stand all the girls wore suits and it was awesome! The only question I had was why didn't the boys wear dresses? Sadly that jerk teacher wouldn't let them in, but the had their own prom outside so it all worked out. 

Toby and Tank were having problems because Toby took a DJing job at a party Tank's old frat was having. Of course Tank was upset about it, but they ended up making up pretty quickly. They got a little bromance going on. It's really interesting but if that means more Tank then I'm here for it. 

Now on to the problem child. Bay finally told the parents about everything Daphne has been doing and they had a sort of intervention for her. Everything came out in this intervention. Everything about Regina working with Coto and the gun and Daphne doing coke, it all came out and not one person knew everything. I'm just happy everyone finally knows about Daphne so she can get the help she needs. That was the only thing good that happened in her situation because after that she took oxy from the clinic and that got her fired. Then Wes got camera footage of the person who destroyed the worksite and Regina saw it and discovered Daphne was apart of it. Then Daphne and Regina got in a huge fight and Daphne went missing. Luckily they found her and now she's finally coping with Angelo's death. Daphne is suffering the consequences of her actions, which is what should happen, but it sucks because that means she might go to jail. 

Overall this was a good penultimate episode. Some crazy stuff is coming for us in the finale so let's talk about that preview. Yay for graduation but Daphne is going to get arrested! Toby is crying for God knows what reason and Regina kisses Wes! What in the world?! I have no idea what's going to happen and none of it looks good. Also, we have no clue as to what happens with Bay. Hopefully the sneak peaks will give us something. Until then, I'll be praying for Monday to come quickly.  

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