Thursday, August 7, 2014

Divergent (2014)

Tris (Shailene Woodley) lives in a society that is divided up into 5 factions; Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Erudite, and Dauntless. Each year, when they reach a certain age, the children take a test to determine what faction they belong to and then they choose a faction to stay in for the rest of their lives. When Tris takes the test and finds out she doesn't fit into one faction (Divergent), she has to decide what she's going to do to keep herself safe because being Divergent is extremely dangerous. This movie is based on the book of the same name.

My Verdict
I read the first 2 books last year so I was really excited to watch this movie. The only problem I had was that because I read the 2 books back to back, they sort of bled together in my head. So, I had to remind myself of what happened in the first and second book so I wouldn't get disappointed if I didn't see something.
Overall I really enjoyed the movie. Of course there were parts of the book that didn't happen in the movie and I've learned to except that with book adaptations. Also these changes didn't affect the plot in a major way. The one thing that I was really excited about seeing were the simulations and I thought they did an amazing job portraying them.
I'm giving this movie an 8/10. I didn't think it was epicly amazing but it was a good movie. Since I read the book before seeing the movie I was really looking to see if they captured the book and for the most part they did. I'll talk about what didn't happened that upset me in the spoiler section below.

I know a lot of people were comparing this movie to the Hunger Games, but I will not because I think they are 2 completely different movies with different themes. All I will say is that, if I had to choose, I would rather live in a Divergent world than a Hunger Games world. Also, I relate more to Tris. We live in a world where people are always trying to put people into a specific box and I don't fit into just one box. I am Divergent.

First off, when Al died in the book I was sad, but when he died in the movie I didn't feel that way. In the movie they kind of made him seem like the jerk that tried to kill Tris.
Second Tris was really upset when she killed Will and had a bit of a hard time doing it. The people who didn't read the book won't really understand why it was so hard for her. It wasn't just because they were friends but Christina liked Will and they were together (if I'm remembering correctly). They didn't show that in the movie at all.
They also didn't show them getting their revenge on the jerk that is Peter. He got stabbed in the eye during initiate training. I waiting for that and it didn't happen.
To end on a good note, I didn't like when they showed her zip lining and the capture the flag scene with them climbing the ferris wheel.

IMDB page, Pic credit

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