Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Switched at Birth - Oh, Future!

This episode brought some crazy plot twist and some scheming. 
First, Bay overhears Melody on a conversation about a new job offer in another state. So she gets all worried that Emmett will move away and she starts scheming. Emmett's dad is having a housewarming party and Bay thinks that it would be a good idea to go so if his mom was to take the job, he would feel better about staying with his father. Well, the housewarming party turned into a surprise wedding and the surprise wedding turned into a pregnancy announcement! Emmett was not happy about any of this, but in the end he was able to make strides to patch things up with his father. I'm glad about that, but I can't help but think "really Bay?" I mean, I know it's important for Emmett to have a better relationship with his father but that's not why Bay persuaded him to go to that party. She did it because she didn't want Emmett to leave. I'm glad good things came out of it, but the intention was wrong. 

A couple things are going on with Daphne and college. First, J&K want to pay for her tuition but Regina won't let them. On one hand J&K are Daphne's parents so they can pay for school if they want, but Regina wants Daphne to learn what it means to work hard for what she wants. They both have a point but J&K shouldn't just dictate what happens with Daphne. It was like they asked Regina, she said no, and they said we're going to do it anyway and that's not right. 
Second, Daphne is applying to scholarships and one of them was for Latinas. This brought about an amazing conversations about who can say what ethnicity you identify with. I love it! Now I'm not going to say if I think Daphne is Latina or not because I think it's her decision to make but here's the deal. Daphne grew up thinking she was Latina her whole life, even though she doesn't look it. But, she was switched at birth and is really a Kennish. I understand both sides and that's why I'm leaving it up to Daphne to decide. 

Lastly, I don't trust that Sarah Lazar. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling about that whole situation between her and Kathryn. She told Kathryn about the movie, then she dropped the lawsuit but she still got Kathryn to change the character in the book. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it but there was something weird about that whole thing. 

Overall this was a really good episode. I can't wait for next week because Toby is finally back and we get to hear all about his trip. I read the description for this episode and it said something about Toby having new career goals and Bay's college dreams not going the way she planned. I hope it's not Toby wanting his college fund so Bay can't have one anymore. That would bring on some serious drama. Also Regina has a gun and it seems like she shoots some dude. Hopefully no one dies. 

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