Friday, July 18, 2014


Extant is about Molly Woods (Halle Berry), an astronaut who spent 13 months alone in space and has finally returned home to her family. Two main things we learn is one, her son is a robot made by her husband, John (Goran Visnjic). Their son is the prototype of this Humanichs program that John is the head of. The other thing is that Molly is pregnant. We really don't know how this happened because she was in space for over a year and she was supposed to be alone. These are the main things we know or find out going in to the first episode.
After seeing the first 2 episodes, I am very intrigued. This is very much a Sci-Fi thriller. It has a creepy kid, paranoid people running around, people keeping secrets and many questions that I'm hoping get answered. There were many things seen in the 2 episodes that brought about a lot of questions. I mean for one Molly is pregnant and it's basically impossible, so how did happen and what is she pregnant with? Also the people she works for are very shady. They know things and they speak too vaguely for me. Hopefully as the season goes on we start to get some answers.
I will continue to watch this show and I recommend it especially if you like Sci-Fi. This show is interesting and it's so cool seeing all the new technology, but not all the technology has advanced. They can make it so the animals in a museum looks and act real but for some reason the ultrasound looks like the ones we use today. So, I will still watch and be amazed by the tech and making up my own theories. Check it out and do it fast. There are only 2 episodes and it looks like it's going to get even more crazy next week, so catch up. If you've seen it , what are your thoughts?

Extant Home page
Full Episodes
Pic credit

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