Thursday, July 24, 2014

Prisoners (2013)

Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) and his family are spending Thanksgiving with their friends Franklin and Nancy Birch (Terrence Howard & Viola Davis) when their daughters suddenly go missing. Detective Loki is put on the case and tries to do what he can to brings the girls home, but when Keller thinks Loki isn't doing enough, he takes matters into his own hands.

My Verdict
Overall I liked this movie but there were things that I didn't like. It started it off creepy, so it did a good job at setting the tone of the movie. I'm not going to lie, this was a slow movie and it was pretty long. It was about 2 and a half hours and at the hour and a half point I already felt like it was going on for forever. At that point I needed it to get a little more interesting. I only kept watching because I wanted to know what happened to the girls. The ending wasn't predictable to me and that's a good thing. I really didn't see it coming at all. I figured it out right when the main character did which is good because if it was predictable I would've been pissed. I just couldn't handle the information as it was happening.
Now, this movie is a thriller and is supposed to be suspenseful but I wasn't on the edge of my seat until the last 40 minutes. Also, it wasn't as thrilling as I expected. So, I'm giving this movie a 7/10.

I just want to talk about this ending for a minute. The fact that the old lady did it really threw me! I really didn't see it coming. I actually thought that maybe Keller did it. I mean the little girl said that he was there when she woke up and escaped and he was getting drunk all the time. I thought that had just forgotten that he'd taken them because he was drunk. He was always talking about being prepared for the worst, too. This could've been his way of preparing the girls. I know it crazy, but that's what I thought.
If Keller didn't get found I would've been pissed. He would've have always been seen as this dude who kidnapped and tortured an innocent man and then went on the run because he was guilty. I'm happy that he gets to tell his side if the story.
The big thing that still bothers me is that we never found out why the old lady kidnapped all those children. Also, how is she just going to get herself killed in the end?! She had the audacity to take all those kids and when she got caught she just let them kill her! I mean, she would've died in jail but she didn't stay around long enough to give an explanation. That just makes me so mad.

What you think of this movie?

IMDB page

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