Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Being Mary Jane

I watched the movie over the summer and honestly, I was really skeptical. I was like, "How can they show all this stuff on TV?!" But, I just had to check out the show.

So what's my verdict? I think I'm hooked.
First, I'd like to say that the music was on point in last night's episode! It was just so good, great choices and everything. And, I was really in to the storyline. There were moments where I was like "Can they say that?!" I guess that means that the writers are willing to push the envelope and do things you wouldn't expect, which is a good thing. 

Let me back up a little and explain what the show is about. Mary Jane (I prefer to call her MJ like they did in the show) is a news caster and the show is basically about her life; work like, family life, and mainly her love life, which is nothing less than complicated. In the movie, she's been with this one guy Andre (Omari Hardwick) for a while but then she finds out he's married! That's all I'm going to say about that for fear I'll give too much away. MJ also has to deal with her family, which includes a mother with lupus, and her work life which we got a huge taste of in this week's episode. Basically, her life is insane and quite interesting. 

So will I be watching next week? Yes! Why? Because I'm actually interested in what happens next, which is shocking because I had no intention of watching this show and now I'm slowly becoming a fan. Whether I'll review it each week, that's a big fat maybe (let me know what I should do). But I'll definitely be live tweeting. So check it out if you don't watch anything on Tuesdays at 10pm. It' comes on BET. 

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