Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Switched at Birth - Your Body Is A Battleground

In this weeks episode Bay and Daphne are getting closer to their new man friends. But, all didn't turn out well in Daphne's situation. Campbell seems to have himself a girlfriend and Daphne didn't seem too happy about that. I say he seems to have a girlfriend because when he was talking to that skater dude he was acting like he wanted to get with Daphne. All this makes me question his agenda. Is he a players or what? Why was he acting like he wanted to get in good with Daphne if he already had a girl? But, maybe Daphne needs to stop thinking that ever guy she meets is a potential boyfriend and just try and be friends with them first. Things are looking better for Bay, though. I'm not sure if she likes Tank like that but she does like him enough to fight for him to not get kicked out of their art class. But it was her fault so she totally owed him. 
Things at Carlton are still a little crazy with all the "thugs" roaming around the school. Every kid at Carlton must have been perfect before if they think these kids are thugs. I know, I've seen worse. Daphne is still having problems with that girl, Sharee, but at least they're making strides to get to know each other. Toby really wanted her on the field hockey team and considering she scored 600 points in just half of a basketball season, Daphne thought she'd take matters into her own hands. And she may have lost their basketball bet but Sharee still showed up to practice so all is well, I guess. (Did anyone else think it was hilarious when she told Daphne she liked breakfast burritos? HA!) 
Someone is still slashing tires and Emmett saw the person in the act and got it on camera. The only problem is that he didn't see the persons face, only their jacket that had a specific mark on it, and his friend's jacket matches the one the slasher was wearing! So what's Emmett going to do about this? My guess is that Emmett's friend did it and thought he could get away with it because of all the "thugs" in the school now. When everyone finds out, it will only cause even bigger problems. I see a lot of angry, yelling kids and a new kids vs. old kids showdown in the future.
Regina is a little in over her head with work, buying the shop, and now basically redoing her cousins apartment for free. I just hope she doesn't stress herself out because it could lead to her wanting to drink again and we all don't want that. She managed to make herself a new guy friend, Wes, who is attractive. All I could think was 'remember you're married to Angelo!' We'll just have to wait and see how that goes. 
Lastly, Katherine and John are on the rocks! Renzo came over for dinner and John does not like him. I was really hoping it wasn't because he was gay but Katherine seems to think so. I really didn't want John to be like that but I guess he is and it's just so sad. So Katherine had to tell him everything that she's been doing, even about the psychiatrist. It didn't look like he took that well and I can't wait to hear what he thinks about it. They really need some help. 
Good episode. I officially love Renzo and Tank is such a sweet guy. Can't wait to see all the drama of next week!

Pic credit: http://cdn.screenfad.com

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