Friday, November 1, 2013

Scandal - More Cattle, Less Bull

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This is the bing, bang, boom episode that made my blood pressure go off the charts! So much happened so let's just dive in. 
So Olivia's newest client is congresswoman Josie Marcus and we think she needs Olivia to be her campaign manager, but that's not it. Josie wants her to help keep this whole baby thing under wraps. So the team heads to Montana to persuade the few people that know about it to keep their mouths shut. While there Olivia discovers that Cyrus also has his little helper, Ethan, there trying to get the same people to tell all they know. He almost succeeds but Huck comes to the rescue. Speaking of Huck, he and Jake are still super buddy buddy and are still trying to bring down poppa Pope. They even go as far as breaking into his house (during Sunday dinner) to steal information. Jake almost got himself caught, too, but that time he didn't. Huck goes through the stolen info and we finally see what Fitz and Rowan were talking about and learn that Rowan knows that someone is trying to figure out what Remington was. So, Rowan is on to them. This is when Jake almost got caught again and we all thought that Rowan was going to throw him back into that hole but it was Fitz that wanted him this time. They play a little friendly game of basketball and then they have a little conversation but neither of them know what/who the other is talking about. Fitz thinks it's about Olivia (no duh) when Jake's actually talking about Remington. With all this Remington and Fitz and Rowan talk, Fitz decides that he wants B613 eliminated! He asks Cyrus how it can be done and Cyrus nearly has another heart attack. Basically, if they try the slightest bit, Fitz will be assassinated, again, and he'll actually die this time. So it's best that he just forgets about it and I think he does but I'm not sure how long that'll last. 
Back to the campaign stuff, the associates do some digging and find out that Josie's baby was taken care of by family! This means that the girl Candice that we all thought was Josie's sister is actually her daughter!! Oh snap! Twist number one of the night. I knew it but I figured it out right when the associates were so I guess I didn't really predict it. Olivia wanted her to tell the truth but Josie didn't want to but in the end the truth always comes out and it only worked to her advantage. And as for Cyrus and his peeps at the white house, they are pissed!! Olivia's not too happy either because Josie didn't want to tell the truth and fired (yes I said that right, fired) Olivia because of it.
So it's almost time for the correspondence dinner and Olivia is all messed up, drinking wine and throwing the Fitz phone in the trash, but then it rings and, no surprise to me, she goes digging in the trash for that thing. They have this conversation that just makes all my feels go crazy and I just loved it!! It was just perfect. And Mellie ends up eavesdropping on the whole thing and that's when I start to feel bad for her. I thought this would be the time she shed a tear but she doesn't and I guess it's because she knows it was necessary.  
It's time for the correspondence dinner and finally time for us to see Olivia at her fiercest! I had been waiting all week for this dress. I just loved it so much, but it makes me feel bad because I don't have anything nearly as fabulous in my wardrobe so let's not talk about it anymore. So, Olivia asked Jake to be her date but she only went so she could see Fitz and Fitz seemed like he was pissed that he saw them there together. Then Tom makes an appearance and we think that we're about to get a steamy Olitz scene but, to my surprise, Mellie comes out! Now this completely took me off guard, so much that I legit screamed when Mellie came out. And after watching it again, it was kind of funny because Olivia was extra hype when she was strutting down that hallway, thinking she was about to see her man, and then Mellie pops out! She must have felt super salty!! Then Mellie says "I like your new boyfriend. Is he married?" which was the funniest thing ever!! But then she started to beg for Olivia's help on the campaign and admit that her husband is in love with her and can't win without her. So sad to just see her begging like that. But, I'm pretty sure she was doing it just to better her own political career. 
Something else that happened at the dinner was Sally Langston saying that she may run for president as an independent! It wasn't a huge announcement or anything, she just mentioned it to a potential campaign manager in the men's bathroom but it's still a bid deal. If she runs, who will be Fitz's running mate? Cyrus maybe? The campaign is getting crazier by the minute! 
After the dinner, Jake's all mad because he knows Olivia used him and goes home alone (yay!). When he gets there Huck is just waiting in the shadows to drop the Remington bomb. We finally get to know what Operation Remington is and I was happy. But, once the words "plane crash" were said out of Huck's mouth, I figured it out. So apparently Fitz was ordered to shoot down the plane that Olivia's mother was on when she died. So Fitz killed her mother. Now I'm thinking how old are Jake and Fitz supposed to be because they were enlisted at the same time and Olivia was 12 when her mom died. So they have to be at most 10 years older than her which is super weird. But, like Huck said, it's a conspiracy and I'm pretty sure the only person who really knows the real truth is Rowan. And that was the huge shocker of the night and when they went to her door to tell her I just wanted to cry. 
I have to add that during the Montana mission, Harrison grounded Quinn because she went all crazy with that drill. So, she took it upon herself to buy a gun and now she's one step closer to the darkness that Huck has tried so hard to keep her out of. And another huge thing is that Josie wants Olivia back but Olivia doesn't want that to happen and Harrison is not at all happy about it. Now Olivia has to decide which candidate she wants to work for. Didn't I say it was getting crazy?!
This was the best episode this season! And I'm so happy that at the end of the episode we didn't hear "in three weeks" because I surely can't take the wait. Next week can't come soon enough and I have NO IDEA what's going to happen next. I have to keep giving it up to Shonda and those writers for bringing it EVERY week! This show just keeps getting better and better every week and I love. I just hope I don't have a heart attack because of it. 

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