Friday, November 15, 2013

Scandal - Everything's Coming Up Mellie

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Did Scandal rock your world last night? Did Shonda do it or what, I mean pure genius! 
A lot of shocking stuff happened so let's get straight to my reaction on it all. 

First off those flashbacks! Now you know I love me a good flashback and this week it was all about Mellie. I thought I would be like 'ugh, who cares', but I was actually extremely interested and all I can say after watching is this: way to change my perspective on everything! I was one of the many people who loved to hate Mellie and now I feel super sorry for her. Yes, I had my moments, that lasted all of 2 seconds, where I felt sorry for her but after seeing all of what she's been through, I just want to give her a hug! I also want to just cry my eyes out because the scene between her and Big Jerry was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. He is a heartless bastard who is lower than the scum of the earth! I don't even want to think about him anymore because it just makes me mad! Another thing that amazed me in the flashbacks is how much Fitz's and Olivia's lives are the same. Their father's basically control their lives, and I feel like they need each other just to cope with that. I really want to see more flashbacks with Mellie and Fitz, especially the point when their marriage went south. I want to know what caused that. And I want to know if Mellie ever told Fitz about what his father did to her.
Now to present day with these two. Fitz actually did something nice for Mellie. He came through for her when she needed him and that made me love him even more. Yes, I'm an Olitz fan but that interview shows that he has the biggest heart! And sure, he shot down a plane that killed hundreds of people but you can tell it haunts him everyday and he feels super bad about it.  
Can we all give a round of applause to Quinn for winning the biggest idiot award! She just crossed over to the dark side and there is absolutely no turning back! She's now in B613, and I should have saw this coming because Charlie was the guy who went out with Huck when they recruited him, but it still shocked me. One thing I didn't think I'd be is mad at Huck. Sure, he tried to stop Quinn from being interested, but if he didn't completely shut her out maybe she wouldn't of went all crazy and bought a gun, and then she would have never ran into Charlie. Now the worst thing that could ever happen to her happened. I just wonder if she'll ever spend time in that hole. She likes the thrill of torturing and killing; it's like she wears it like a badge of honor. My one question for Rowan is this: is it really smart to put Quinn in B613? I feel like she will just tell everybody about it and Liv will find her a way out, even though there really is no way out, but still. 
And now on to what was probably the least shocking moment of the entire episode; Liv's mom lives (GASP). We all knew, or were at least hoping and praying that this was true and it is so we can all rejoice. But, with all the digging that Olivia did, it wasn't through her but through Rowan that we found out mama Pope lives. He basically locked her away in a super secret jail cell. But why? Why did he fake her death? What is the point in all of this?! And we have to wait until next week to see Olivia's reaction to it all and that's only if they show us all of it in the next episode; which I'm thinking, no!
Some other little things. Cyrus had a beard (hilariously ridiculous)! Is Jake working with OPA now for good or is this going to turn into a David Rosen type situation? Where is David Rosen, by the way? Way to go Abby with the hug. Olivia surely needed it because she was about to completely breakdown. Olivia can NOT resist the Fitz phone and it is hilarious to me! Digging it out of the trashcan and running back in side to just to answer it! HA! I love it! Oh, and Daniel Douglass likes dudes, and Mellie and Cyrus  are about to drop that bomb on everyone! 
This show just keeps getting better and better! Can't wait for next week! (But my heart can!) 

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