Friday, November 8, 2013

Glee - A Katy or a Gaga

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Glee is back after, what seemed to be, a forever and a day hiatus. This week they are tackling Lady Gaga (again) and Katy Perry (again). 
The kids at McKinley are freaking out because of some group they have to compete against in nationals. Apparently they are crazy good and the New Directions have no chance of winning with them in the competition. Tina refers to them as a bunch of Gaga's and to the New Directions as a bunch of Katy's and thus Katy vs. Gaga week. All of the kids that see themselves as Gaga have to sing a Katy song and vice versa. 
Sam tries to win the heart of that nurse and thinks that the groups Gaga performance will do it but it did the complete opposite. First off, the nurse is actually a Katy lover and her hardcore exterior is just a front and second, Marley did not feel comfortable dressing up in a bikini so she came out on stage dressed as Katy Perry, which completely defeated the purpose and got her suspended from the glee club. This girl Marley is a little too rainbows and unicorns for me. I mean, does she poop flowers or something?! But, it all worked out for Sam in the end because he and the nurse were able to ditch there fake hardcore fronts and now they're an item and shows up at the clubs group performances now. This make me wonder if she's becoming the new Emma. 
Marley and Jake's lala land has quickly come to an end. Jake's trying really hard to get to 2nd base but she just won't let him. There must be something wrong with Marley. There's something she's not telling us. She went all in on Jake about not wanting to be pressured into doing something she doesn't want to do, but the pressure isn't there. This dude has been nothing but a gentleman to her and he doesn't get what the problem is. Now I'm not saying she's wrong for not wanting to do the deed with him but she's got to have a better reason other than what she's been saying. So since she won't do anything with him she suggests that he go do it with someone else. So Jake goes and finds Bree (that really annoying girl Sue is using to destroy the glee club) to do the deed with. So it's the end of Jake and Marley. We all knew that wouldn't last very long. 
At the end of the week Will gives an empowering speech to boost the moral of the club and tie everything together and then Sue walks in and suspends them all! She says they violated the dress code with their costumes (if this is true Bree should have been the first one suspended) but we all know that she's just trying to kill the glee club. 
Over in New York, Kurt is trying to start a band. Things were looking bleak until some kid who calls himself Star Child (Adam Lambert) comes in a rocks the house. I could not get with that name Star Child but his real name is Elliot, so Star Child it is. Kurt didn't want him in the group at first but he obviously came to his senses. Santana and her girl are also in the band and they tried the whole episode to get Rachel in but she kept throwing out excuse after excuse. By the end she gave in and the all sang 'Roar' and swung from a random rope in the middle of their apartment. 
Overall this was an okay episode. There wasn't anything too amazing in this episode. I'm glad Becky is back though; she is my favorite. I'm starting to want more New York and less McKinley. Sorry McKinley lovers, that's just how I feel. Next week is there twerking episode and all I can say is oh my dear lord! And they're singing Blurred Lines which is my song and I'm praying they don't mess that up. Hopefully nest week is better, but we shall see.      

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